#!/bin/sh # # Usage: get-scala-rev [dir] # Figures out current scala revision of an svn checkout or # a git-svn mirror (or a git clone.) # # If no dir is given, current working dir is used. DIR="" if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then DIR=`pwd` else DIR=$1 fi builtin cd $DIR if [[ -d .svn ]]; then svn info . | grep ^Revision | sed 's/Revision: //' elif [[ -d .git ]]; then GIT_PAGER=cat # this grabs more than one line because otherwise if you have local # commits which aren't in git-svn it won't see any revision. git log -10 | grep git-svn-id | head -1 | sed 's/[^@]*@\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' else echo "${DIR} doesn't appear to be git or svn dir." >&2 echo 0 exit 1 fi