#!/usr/bin/env bash # # wrapper around partest for fine-grained test selection via ack declare quiet failed update partest_debug declare cotouched since sortCommand declare -a ack_args partest_args scalac_args base="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"/.. && pwd)" cd "$base" || { echo "Could not change to base directory $base" && exit 1; } filesdir="test/files" sortCommand="sort -u" # have to enumerate good test dirs since partest chokes and fails # on continuations, bench, etc. tests pathRegex="$filesdir/(pos|neg|jvm|run|scalap|presentation)/[^/.]+([.]scala)?\$" [[ $# -gt 0 ]] || { cat < [-dfquvp] [ack options] -f pass --failed to partest -q pass --terse to partest -u pass --update-check to partest -p select tests appearing in commits where was also modified -s