# # Remote build&test script. # Author: Aleksandar Prokopec # SCRIPTNAME="..:: RemoteTest ::.." DESC="This script pushes the current git repo to a remote bare repo. \ It then checks out the source tree in a workspace repo and starts the\ build and all the tests. It can also initialize the remote bare repo\ and the workspace repo. It assumes that the current repo refspec has\ been set for the remote bare repository - .git/config of the current\ repo must have a remote called and the corresponding master\ branch. Git should, naturally, be installed on both systems.\ " USAGE=" Usage: remotetest (--help|--init|--all|--incr|--clear) [logfile]" function title() { echo echo $SCRIPTNAME echo } function usage() { title echo $DESC echo echo $USAGE } function error() { echo $1 echo "Failed." exit 1 } function success() { echo "Success!" exit 0 } function instruct() { usage error } function help() { title echo "Make sure you have git installed on both your computer and the server, as well as java and ant." echo "Add your ssh key to the list of authorized keys on the server (see .ssh dir in your home). This is not required, but makes life easier, as you will have to answer fewer passwords." echo "To initialize the remote repositories on a server 'server.url.com', see the following example:" echo echo "> tools/remotetest --init jack server.url.com ~jack/git-repos-dir/scala ~jack/tmp-build-dir/scala" echo echo "If you decide you no longer want this remote repository to be tracked (this also tries to delete remote repos on the server):" echo echo "> tools/remotetest --clear jack server.url.com ~jack/git-repos-dir/scala ~jack/tmp-build-dir/scala" echo echo "Once the initialization is successful, simply run: " echo echo "> tools/remotetest --all jack server.url.com ~jack/git-repos-dir/scala ~jack/tmp-build-dir/scala" echo echo "Optionally, build and test results will be saved into the logfile on the server (an additional, last argument). Be aware that problems arise should you push an ammended commit over a previously pushed commit - this has nothing to do with this script per se." echo echo "Complete argument list:" echo " --help prints this help" echo " --init initializes remote repos" echo " --clear deletes remote repos and removes the remote repo reference from local git repo" echo " --all pushes the newest version, checks it out at the server, cleans all, builds and tests" echo " --incr incremental does the same as --all, but does not clean the directory before testing" } if [ $# -lt 1 ] then instruct fi if [ $# -lt 5 ] then if [[ $1 = "--help" ]] then help success else instruct fi fi COMMAND=$1 USER=$2 LOCATION=$3 BAREREPO=$4 WORKREPO=$5 LOGFILE=$6 if [[ $COMMAND = "--help" ]] then help success fi # # Init # if [[ $COMMAND = "--init" ]] then echo "Initializing." # init bare repo ssh $USER@$LOCATION "mkdir $BAREREPO" ssh $USER@$LOCATION "cd $BAREREPO; git init; git config --bool core.bare true" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then error "Could not initialize bare repo." fi # add remote bare repo git remote add $LOCATION $USER@$LOCATION:$BAREREPO # push to bare repo git push $LOCATION master if [ $? -ne 0 ] then error "Could not push to bare repo." fi # init and checkout work repo ssh $USER@$LOCATION "git clone $BAREREPO $WORKREPO" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then error "Could not init working repo." fi success fi # # Clear. # if [[ $COMMAND = "--clear" ]] then echo "Clearing remote and deleting remote repos." git remote rm $LOCATION ssh $USER@$LOCATION "rm -rf $BAREREPO" ssh $USER@$LOCATION "cd $WORKREPO; ant all.clean; rm -rf $WORKREPO" echo "Removed remote repo $LOCATION." success fi # # Test. # if [[ $COMMAND = "--all" || $COMMAND = "--incr" ]] then # proceed echo "Starting remote build and testing." else error "Unrecognized command $COMMAND." fi # if it's not the init operation, proceed normally # push to remote bare repo git push $LOCATION master if [ $? -ne 0 ] then error "Could not push to bare repo - push from local machine failed." fi # remotely checkout the repo ssh $USER@$LOCATION "cd $WORKREPO; git pull origin master" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then error "Could not remotely pull from bare repo to work repo." fi # clean the build dir if not incremental if [[ $COMMAND = "--all" ]] then ssh $USER@$LOCATION "cd $WORKREPO; ant all.clean" fi # run the build and tests SET_ANT_OPTS='export ANT_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=192M -Xmx1536m"; echo $ANT_OPTS' echo "Set ant options command: $SET_ANT_OPTS" if [[ $LOGFILE != "" ]] then ssh $USER@$LOCATION "cd $WORKREPO; $SET_ANT_OPTS; ant test" else ssh $USER@$LOCATION "cd $WORKREPO; $SET_ANT_OPTS; ant test | tee -a $LOGFILE" fi success