# Scala version used for bootstrapping. (This has no impact on the # final classfiles, since compiler and library are built first using # starr, then rebuilt using themselves.) starr.version=2.12.0-RC2 # Set in the following way: # - After 2.x.0 is released, the binary version is 2.x. # - During milestones and RCs, modules are cross-built against the full version. # So the value is the full version (e.g. 2.12.0-M2). # Also determines how modules are resolved. For example, it determines which # partest artifact is being used for running the tests. scala.binary.version=2.12 # external modules shipped with distribution, as specified by scala-library-all's pom scala-xml.version.number=1.0.6 scala-parser-combinators.version.number=1.0.4 scala-swing.version.number=2.0.0-M2 scala-swing.version.osgi=2.0.0.M2 jline.version=2.14.1 # this one is shaded and embedded in scala-compiler.jar scala-asm.version=5.1.0-scala-1 # external modules, used internally (not shipped) partest.version.number=1.0.17 # TODO: We've embedded these sources in partest-extras for now. # after 2.12.0 is out, we can switch back to a public release. # scalacheck.version.number=1.11.6