const core = require('@actions/core'); const io = require('@actions/io'); const exec = require('@actions/exec'); const tc = require('@actions/tool-cache'); const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); async function run() { const millPath = `${process.env["HOME"]}/mill`; try { const millVersion = core.getInput('mill-version'); var cachedMillPath = tc.find('mill', millVersion); if (!cachedMillPath) {'no cached version found');'downloading mill'); const downloadPath = await tc.downloadTool(`${millVersion}/${millVersion}-assembly`); await io.mkdirP(millPath); await io.cp(downloadPath, `${millPath}/mill`, { force: true }); fs.chmodSync(`${millPath}/mill`, '0755') cachedMillPath = await tc.cacheDir(millPath, 'mill', millVersion); } else {`using cached version of mill: ${cachedMillPath}`); } core.addPath(cachedMillPath); // warm up mill, this populates ~/.mill // TODO: once caching across workflow invocations is available, this dorectory should be cached too // (note that caching would only help for multiple jobs, as data is cached in the home directory // which is shared across steps) await exec.exec('mill', ['version']); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } run()