
class GraphicalRectangle(real: Rectangle) extends Rectangle with GraphicalShape with Product


  1. GraphicalShape
  2. GraphicalObject
  3. Drawable
  4. Rectangle
  5. Product
  6. Equals
  7. ConvexPolygon
  8. Shape
  9. AnyRef
  10. Any

Value Members

  1. def AABB: AABB

    Returns this polygon's axis aligned bounding box

    Returns this polygon's axis aligned bounding box.

    definition classes: ConvexPolygon
  2. val I: Double

    Moment of inertia for a rotation about this shape's COM

    Moment of inertia for a rotation about this shape's COM.

    definition classes: RectangleShape
  3. def asBody: Body

    Creates a new body made out of tis shape

    Creates a new body made out of tis shape.

    definition classes: Shape
  4. def body: Body

    Returns this shape's containing body

    Returns this shape's containing body.

    definition classes: Shape
  5. def canEqual(arg0: Any): Boolean

  6. var collidable: Boolean

    Flag determining this shapes ability to collide with other shapes

    Flag determining this shapes ability to collide with other shapes.

    definition classes: Shape
  7. def contains(point: Vector2D): Boolean

    Checks if the point point is contained in this polygon

    Checks if the point point is contained in this polygon.

    A ray is created, originating from the point and following an arbitrary direction (X-Axis was chosen). The number of intersections between the ray and this polygon's sides (including vertices) is counted. The amount of intersections with vertices is substracted form the previuos number. If the latter number is odd, the point is contained in the polygon.

    definition classes: ConvexPolygon
  8. def correctY(y: Double): Double

    Korrigiert einen Y-Wert in Bildschirmkoordinaten zu seinem kartesischen Aequivalent

    Korrigiert einen Y-Wert in Bildschirmkoordinaten zu seinem kartesischen Aequivalent.


    zu korrigierender Wert

    definition classes: Drawable
  9. val density: Double


    Density. (Mass per area)

    definition classes: RectangleShape
  10. def draw(): Unit

    Stellt das graphische Objekt dar

    Stellt das graphische Objekt dar.

  11. def drawCircle(center: Vector2D, radius: Double): Unit

    Malt einen Kreis auf g

    Malt einen Kreis auf g.


    Mitte des Kreises in Weltkoordinaten


    Radius des Kreises

    definition classes: Drawable
  12. def drawLine(startPoint: Vector2D, endPoint: Vector2D): Unit

    Malt eine Linie auf g

    Malt eine Linie auf g.


    Startpunkt in Weltkoordinaten


    Endpunkt in Weltkoordinaten

    definition classes: Drawable
  13. def drawPoint(point: Vector2D): Unit

    Malt einen Punkt auf g

    Malt einen Punkt auf g.

    Der Punkt wird von einem Kreis umgeben.


    Punkt in Weltkoordinaten

    definition classes: Drawable
  14. def drawPolygon(points: Seq[Vector2D]): Unit

    Malt ein Polygon auf g

    Malt ein Polygon auf g.


    Eckpunkte des Polygons in Weltkoordinaten

    definition classes: Drawable
  15. def drawVector(v: Vector2D, p: Vector2D): Unit

    Malt einen Vektor auf g

    Malt einen Vektor auf g.


    Vektor in Weltkoordinaten


    Ursprungspunkt in Weltkoordinaten

    definition classes: Drawable
  16. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    This method is used to compare the receiver object (this) with the argument object (arg0) for equivalence

    This method is used to compare the receiver object (this) with the argument object (arg0) for equivalence.

    The default implementations of this method is an equivalence relation:

    • It is reflexive: for any instance x of type Any, x.equals(x) should return true.
    • It is symmetric: for any instances x and y of type Any, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.
    • It is transitive: for any instances x, y, and z of type AnyRef if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true.

    If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation. Additionally, when overriding this method it is often necessary to override hashCode to ensure that objects that are "equal" (o1.equals(o2) returns true) hash to the same Int (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)).


    the object to compare against this object for equality.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

  17. def fillCircle(center: Vector2D, radius: Double): Unit

    Malt einen massiven Kreis auf g

    Malt einen massiven Kreis auf g.


    Mitte des Kreises in Weltkoordinaten


    Radius des Kreises

    definition classes: Drawable
  18. def fillPolygon(points: Seq[Vector2D]): Unit

    Malt ein massives Polygon auf g

    Malt ein massives Polygon auf g.


    Eckpunkte des Polygons in Weltkoordinaten

    definition classes: Drawable
  19. var friction: Double

    Part of the coefficient of friction for a collision between this shape and another

    Part of the coefficient of friction for a collision between this shape and another. The coefficient of friction is calculated out of the product of this part and the other shape's part.

    definition classes: Shape
  20. var g: Graphics2D

    Java Graphics Objekt zur graphischen Darstellung

    Java Graphics Objekt zur graphischen Darstellung

    definition classes: Drawable
  21. def halfDiags: Array[Vector2D]

    Returns the vectors from the center to the vertices of this rectangle

    Returns the vectors from the center to the vertices of this rectangle. The first vertex is the upper-right vertex at a rotation of 0. Vertices are ordered counter-clockwise.

    definition classes: Rectangle
  22. val halfHeight: Double

  23. val halfWidth: Double

  24. def hashCode(): Int

    Returns a hash code value for the object

    Returns a hash code value for the object.

    The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent.

    Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)) yet not be equal (o1.equals(o2) returns false). A degenerate implementation could always return 0. However, it is required that if two objects are equal (o1.equals(o2) returns true) that they have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)). Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure to verify that the behavior is consistent with the equals method.

  25. def mass: Double

    Returns the mass of this shape

    Returns the mass of this shape. The mass is given by volume times density.

    definition classes: Shape
  26. var pos: Vector2D

    Position of this shape's COM (in world coordinates)

    Position of this shape's COM (in world coordinates).

    definition classes: Shape
  27. var ppm: Double

    Anzahl von Pixeln pro Meter

    Anzahl von Pixeln pro Meter.

    definition classes: Drawable
  28. def productArity: Int

  29. def productElement(arg0: Int): Any

  30. def productElements: Iterator[Any]

  31. def productIterator: Iterator[Any]

  32. def productPrefix: String

  33. def project(axis: Vector2D): Projection

    Returns the projection of this polygon onto the line given by the directional vector axis

    Returns the projection of this polygon onto the line given by the directional vector axis.


    directional vector of the line


    projection of this polygon

    definition classes: ConvexPolygon
  34. val real: Rectangle

    Pointer to real object

    Pointer to real object.

  35. var refLocalPos: Vector2D

    Local position of this shape's body COM to its COM at a body rotation of zero

    Local position of this shape's body COM to its COM at a body rotation of zero.

    definition classes: Shape
  36. var restitution: Double

    Part of the coefficient of restitution for a collision between this shape and another

    Part of the coefficient of restitution for a collision between this shape and another. The coefficient of restitution is calculated out of the product of this part and the other shape's part.

    definition classes: Shape
  37. var rotation: Double

    Rotation of this shape about its COM

    Rotation of this shape about its COM.

    definition classes: Shape
  38. var rotation0: Double

    Initial rotation

    Initial rotation. Rotation of this shape before it was added to a body.

    definition classes: Shape
  39. var scale: Double

    Skala in der die graphischen Objekte gezeichnet werden

    Skala in der die graphischen Objekte gezeichnet werden.

    definition classes: Drawable
  40. def sides: Array[Segment]

    Returns all sides of this polygon

    Returns all sides of this polygon. The sides are ordered counter-clockwise, the first vertex of the side giving the side index.

    definition classes: ConvexPolygon
  41. def toString(): String

    Returns a string representation of the object

    Returns a string representation of the object.

    The default representation is platform dependent.

  42. val transientShapes: Set[Shape]

    Shapes with which this shape cannot collide

    Shapes with which this shape cannot collide.

    definition classes: Shape
  43. val uid: Int

    Unique identification number

    Unique identification number.

    definition classes: GraphicalShapeShape
  44. def vertices: Seq[Vector2D]

    Returns the position vectors of this rectangle's vertices

    Returns the position vectors of this rectangle's vertices. The first vertex is the upper-right vertex at a rotation of 0. Vertices are ordered counter-clockwise.@return position vectors of the vertices

    definition classes: RectangleConvexPolygon
  45. val volume: Double


    Volume. The volume is actually equivalent to this shape's area (SiMS is in 2D) and is used with this shape's density to calculate its mass.

    definition classes: RectangleShape
  46. var windowHeight: Int

    Hoehe des Fensters in Pixeln

    Hoehe des Fensters in Pixeln.

    definition classes: Drawable
  47. def ~(b: Body): Body

    Creates a new body out of this shape and the shapes of body b

    Creates a new body out of this shape and the shapes of body b.

    definition classes: Shape
  48. def ~(s: Shape): Body

    Creates a new body out of this shape and the shape s

    Creates a new body out of this shape and the shape s.

    definition classes: Shape

Instance constructors

  1. new GraphicalRectangle(real: Rectangle)

  2. new GraphicalRectangle(halfWidth: Double, halfHeight: Double, density: Double)

  3. new GraphicalRectangle()