Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS) API

This document is the API specification for SiMS

Class Summary
trait ConvexPolygon extends AnyRef
Common properties of all convex polygons.
case class Projection (val axis : Vector2D, val lower : Double, val upper : Double) extends scala.Product
Projection on an axis.
case class Ray (val point : Vector2D, val direction : Vector2D) extends scala.Product
A ray.
case class Segment (val vertex1 : Vector2D, val vertex2 : Vector2D) extends scala.Product
A segment is given by its vertices.
case class Vector2D (val x : Double, val y : Double) extends scala.Product
A 2D vector.
Object Summary
object Projection extends (Vector2D, Double, Double) => Projection
object Ray extends (Vector2D, Vector2D) => Ray
object Segment extends (Vector2D, Vector2D) => Segment
object Vector2D extends AnyRef
Contains special vectors.