/* * Graphyx * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky * made available under the MIT License */ package graphyx.gui import scala.swing._ class InfoPanel(container: Container) extends BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical){ preferredSize = (200, 50) val out = new TextArea out.editable = false contents += out border = Swing.EmptyBorder(3,3,3,3) def update() = { out.text = "fps=" + container.scene.fps + "\n" + "t=" + container.scene.world.time.formatted("%f") + "\n" if (container.scene.world.overCWarning) { out.foreground = java.awt.Color.red out.text += "Warning: some bodies passed the speed of light! Simulation may be highly incorrect.\n" } else out.foreground = java.awt.Color.black for (r <- container.scene.world.monitorResults) out.text += r + "\n" } }