package graphyx.tests import sims.dynamics._ import sims.geometry._ import sims.prefabs._ object Cannon extends Test{ val title = "Cannon" val world = new World def init = { val cannon = new Prefab{ val hull = new Body( new Rectangle(0.1,0.5,1) {pos = Vector2D(0.1, 0.6); friction = 0.0}, new Rectangle(0.1,0.5,1) {pos = Vector2D(0.5, 0.6); friction = 0.0}, new Rectangle(0.1,0.1,1) {pos = Vector2D(0.3, 0.2); friction = 0.0} ) hull.fixed = true hull.rotation -= math.Pi / 2 val ball = new Body(new Circle(0.1,100) {pos = Vector2D(0.3, 0.56)}) override val bodies = List(hull, ball) override val joints = Nil } val n = 10 val r = 0.1 val initialPos = Vector2D(5,0) val stack = for (i <- (0 to n).toList) yield { for (j <- (0 to n-i).toList) yield new Body( new Circle(r,10){ pos = Vector2D(2 * j * r + i * r, 1.7 * i * r) + initialPos } ) {fixed = (i == 0)} } world += cannon world ++= stack.flatten } enableEvent = true override def fireEvent() = blastBomb def blastBomb() = { val bombPos = Vector2D(0, 0.56) val bombRadius = 1 val bombImpulse = 200 val region = new Circle(bombRadius, 0) {pos = bombPos} val detector = world.detector.asInstanceOf[sims.collision.GridDetector] val collisions = for (s <- world.shapes; if detector.colliding(sims.collision.Pair(region, s))) yield detector.collision(sims.collision.Pair(region, s)) for (c <- collisions) { if (c.shape1 != region) for(p <- c.points) c.shape1.body.applyImpulse((p - bombPos).unit * bombImpulse, p) if (c.shape2 != region) for(p <- c.points) c.shape2.body.applyImpulse((p - bombPos).unit * bombImpulse, p) } } }