/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\ ** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 ** ** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky ** ** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ ** ** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ ** \* */ package sims.math import scala.math._ /** A 2D vector. * When used in a geometric context, all operations are related to a right-handed coordinate * system and positive angles are given counter-clockwise. * @param x 1st component * @param y 2nd component */ case class Vector2D(x: Double, y: Double) { /** Components of this vector. */ lazy val components = List(x, y) /** Vector addition. */ def +(v: Vector2D): Vector2D = new Vector2D(x + v.x, y + v.y) /** Scalar multiplication. */ def *(n: Double): Vector2D = new Vector2D(x * n, y * n) /** Inverse of this vector. */ lazy val unary_- = this * (-1) /** Add inverse of another vector. */ def -(v: Vector2D) = this + -v /** Multiply by inverse of scalar. */ def /(n: Double) = this * (1 / n) /** Dot product. */ def dot(v: Vector2D): Double = x * v.x + y * v.y /** Cross product. Length only because in 2D. The direction would be given by the z-axis. */ def cross(v: Vector2D): Double = x * v.y - y * v.x /** Cross product with an imaginary vector parallel to the z-axis. * Its magnitude is given by `|p|` and its direction `sign(p)`. */ def cross(p: PseudoVector3D): Vector2D = rightNormal * p.x3 /** Magnitude of this vector. */ lazy val length: Double = math.sqrt(lengthSquare) /** Returns this vector's length to the square. This method should be preferred to simply * `length` whenever possible since it is a lot faster. */ lazy val lengthSquare: Double = x * x + y * y /** Unit vector. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if invoked on null vector. */ lazy val unit: UnitVector2D = if (!(x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)) new UnitVector2D(x / length, y / length) else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Null vector does not have a unit vector.") /** Returns the projection of this vector onto the vector `v`. */ def project(v: Vector2D): Vector2D = { if (v != Vector2D.Null) v * ((this dot v) / (v.lengthSquare)) else Vector2D.Null } /** Returns the projection of this vector onto the unit vector `u`. */ def project(u: UnitVector2D): Vector2D = { if (u != Vector2D.Null) u * (this dot u) else Vector2D.Null } /** Returns this vector rotated by `angle` radians. */ def rotate(angle: Double): Vector2D = Vector2D( cos(angle) * x - sin(angle) * y, cos(angle) * y + sin(angle) * x ) /** Left normal vector. (-y, x) */ lazy val leftNormal: Vector2D = Vector2D(-y, x) /** Right normal vector. (y, -x) */ lazy val rightNormal: Vector2D = Vector2D(y, -x) /** Checks if this vector is the null vector. */ def isNull: Boolean = this == Vector2D.Null /** Colinearity check. */ def ~(v: Vector2D): Boolean = x * v.y - v.x * y == 0 /** Checks if this vector is pointing strictly to the left of the given vector. */ def leftOf(v: Vector2D): Boolean = (this dot v.leftNormal) > 0 /** Checks if this vector is pointing strictly to the right of the given vector. */ def rightOf(v: Vector2D): Boolean = (this dot v.rightNormal) > 0 /** Determines if this vector is pointing in the same direction of the given vector, rotated * up to 90 degrees in any direction. * This corresponds to checking if the dot product of this vector and the given one is * strictly positive. */ def directionOf(v: Vector2D): Boolean = (this dot v) > 0 } object Vector2D { /** Null vector. */ val Null = Vector2D(0,0) /** Horizontal unit vector. (1,0) */ val i = new UnitVector2D(1,0) /** Vertical unit vector. (0,1) */ val j = new UnitVector2D(0,1) } /** A two dimensional vector always considered having a magnitude of one. * Unit vectors are used internally for increasing performance * (i.e. the length of a unit vector is always one; the unit vector of * a unit vector is always itself). */ class UnitVector2D(x: Double, y: Double) extends Vector2D(x, y) { /** Checks if this vector is really a unit vector, i.e. its length is 1. */ def isValid = x * x + y * y == 1 override lazy val unit = this override lazy val length = 1.0 override lazy val lengthSquare = 1.0 override lazy val leftNormal = new UnitVector2D(-y, x) override lazy val rightNormal = new UnitVector2D(y, -x) }