# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ############ RDD Actions and Transformations ############ # @rdname aggregateRDD # @seealso reduce # @export setGeneric("aggregateRDD", function(x, zeroValue, seqOp, combOp) { standardGeneric("aggregateRDD") }) setGeneric("cacheRDD", function(x) { standardGeneric("cacheRDD") }) # @rdname coalesce # @seealso repartition # @export setGeneric("coalesce", function(x, numPartitions, ...) { standardGeneric("coalesce") }) # @rdname checkpoint-methods # @export setGeneric("checkpoint", function(x) { standardGeneric("checkpoint") }) setGeneric("collectRDD", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("collectRDD") }) # @rdname collect-methods # @export setGeneric("collectAsMap", function(x) { standardGeneric("collectAsMap") }) # @rdname collect-methods # @export setGeneric("collectPartition", function(x, partitionId) { standardGeneric("collectPartition") }) setGeneric("countRDD", function(x) { standardGeneric("countRDD") }) setGeneric("lengthRDD", function(x) { standardGeneric("lengthRDD") }) # @rdname countByValue # @export setGeneric("countByValue", function(x) { standardGeneric("countByValue") }) # @rdname crosstab # @export setGeneric("crosstab", function(x, col1, col2) { standardGeneric("crosstab") }) # @rdname freqItems # @export setGeneric("freqItems", function(x, cols, support = 0.01) { standardGeneric("freqItems") }) # @rdname approxQuantile # @export setGeneric("approxQuantile", function(x, col, probabilities, relativeError) { standardGeneric("approxQuantile") }) setGeneric("distinctRDD", function(x, numPartitions = 1) { standardGeneric("distinctRDD") }) # @rdname filterRDD # @export setGeneric("filterRDD", function(x, f) { standardGeneric("filterRDD") }) setGeneric("firstRDD", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("firstRDD") }) # @rdname flatMap # @export setGeneric("flatMap", function(X, FUN) { standardGeneric("flatMap") }) # @rdname fold # @seealso reduce # @export setGeneric("fold", function(x, zeroValue, op) { standardGeneric("fold") }) setGeneric("foreach", function(x, func) { standardGeneric("foreach") }) setGeneric("foreachPartition", function(x, func) { standardGeneric("foreachPartition") }) # The jrdd accessor function. setGeneric("getJRDD", function(rdd, ...) { standardGeneric("getJRDD") }) # @rdname glom # @export setGeneric("glom", function(x) { standardGeneric("glom") }) # @rdname histogram # @export setGeneric("histogram", function(df, col, nbins=10) { standardGeneric("histogram") }) setGeneric("joinRDD", function(x, y, ...) { standardGeneric("joinRDD") }) # @rdname keyBy # @export setGeneric("keyBy", function(x, func) { standardGeneric("keyBy") }) setGeneric("lapplyPartition", function(X, FUN) { standardGeneric("lapplyPartition") }) setGeneric("lapplyPartitionsWithIndex", function(X, FUN) { standardGeneric("lapplyPartitionsWithIndex") }) setGeneric("map", function(X, FUN) { standardGeneric("map") }) setGeneric("mapPartitions", function(X, FUN) { standardGeneric("mapPartitions") }) setGeneric("mapPartitionsWithIndex", function(X, FUN) { standardGeneric("mapPartitionsWithIndex") }) # @rdname maximum # @export setGeneric("maximum", function(x) { standardGeneric("maximum") }) # @rdname minimum # @export setGeneric("minimum", function(x) { standardGeneric("minimum") }) # @rdname sumRDD # @export setGeneric("sumRDD", function(x) { standardGeneric("sumRDD") }) # @rdname name # @export setGeneric("name", function(x) { standardGeneric("name") }) # @rdname getNumPartitionsRDD # @export setGeneric("getNumPartitionsRDD", function(x) { standardGeneric("getNumPartitionsRDD") }) # @rdname getNumPartitions # @export setGeneric("numPartitions", function(x) { standardGeneric("numPartitions") }) setGeneric("persistRDD", function(x, newLevel) { standardGeneric("persistRDD") }) # @rdname pipeRDD # @export setGeneric("pipeRDD", function(x, command, env = list()) { standardGeneric("pipeRDD")}) # @rdname pivot # @export setGeneric("pivot", function(x, colname, values = list()) { standardGeneric("pivot") }) # @rdname reduce # @export setGeneric("reduce", function(x, func) { standardGeneric("reduce") }) setGeneric("repartitionRDD", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("repartitionRDD") }) # @rdname sampleRDD # @export setGeneric("sampleRDD", function(x, withReplacement, fraction, seed) { standardGeneric("sampleRDD") }) # @rdname saveAsObjectFile # @seealso objectFile # @export setGeneric("saveAsObjectFile", function(x, path) { standardGeneric("saveAsObjectFile") }) # @rdname saveAsTextFile # @export setGeneric("saveAsTextFile", function(x, path) { standardGeneric("saveAsTextFile") }) # @rdname setName # @export setGeneric("setName", function(x, name) { standardGeneric("setName") }) setGeneric("showRDD", function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("showRDD") }) # @rdname sortBy # @export setGeneric("sortBy", function(x, func, ascending = TRUE, numPartitions = 1) { standardGeneric("sortBy") }) setGeneric("takeRDD", function(x, num) { standardGeneric("takeRDD") }) # @rdname takeOrdered # @export setGeneric("takeOrdered", function(x, num) { standardGeneric("takeOrdered") }) # @rdname takeSample # @export setGeneric("takeSample", function(x, withReplacement, num, seed) { standardGeneric("takeSample") }) # @rdname top # @export setGeneric("top", function(x, num) { standardGeneric("top") }) # @rdname unionRDD # @export setGeneric("unionRDD", function(x, y) { standardGeneric("unionRDD") }) setGeneric("unpersistRDD", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("unpersistRDD") }) # @rdname zipRDD # @export setGeneric("zipRDD", function(x, other) { standardGeneric("zipRDD") }) # @rdname zipRDD # @export setGeneric("zipPartitions", function(..., func) { standardGeneric("zipPartitions") }, signature = "...") # @rdname zipWithIndex # @seealso zipWithUniqueId # @export setGeneric("zipWithIndex", function(x) { standardGeneric("zipWithIndex") }) # @rdname zipWithUniqueId # @seealso zipWithIndex # @export setGeneric("zipWithUniqueId", function(x) { standardGeneric("zipWithUniqueId") }) ############ Binary Functions ############# # @rdname cartesian # @export setGeneric("cartesian", function(x, other) { standardGeneric("cartesian") }) # @rdname countByKey # @export setGeneric("countByKey", function(x) { standardGeneric("countByKey") }) # @rdname flatMapValues # @export setGeneric("flatMapValues", function(X, FUN) { standardGeneric("flatMapValues") }) # @rdname intersection # @export setGeneric("intersection", function(x, other, numPartitions = 1) { standardGeneric("intersection") }) # @rdname keys # @export setGeneric("keys", function(x) { standardGeneric("keys") }) # @rdname lookup # @export setGeneric("lookup", function(x, key) { standardGeneric("lookup") }) # @rdname mapValues # @export setGeneric("mapValues", function(X, FUN) { standardGeneric("mapValues") }) # @rdname sampleByKey # @export setGeneric("sampleByKey", function(x, withReplacement, fractions, seed) { standardGeneric("sampleByKey") }) # @rdname values # @export setGeneric("values", function(x) { standardGeneric("values") }) ############ Shuffle Functions ############ # @rdname aggregateByKey # @seealso foldByKey, combineByKey # @export setGeneric("aggregateByKey", function(x, zeroValue, seqOp, combOp, numPartitions) { standardGeneric("aggregateByKey") }) # @rdname cogroup # @export setGeneric("cogroup", function(..., numPartitions) { standardGeneric("cogroup") }, signature = "...") # @rdname combineByKey # @seealso groupByKey, reduceByKey # @export setGeneric("combineByKey", function(x, createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners, numPartitions) { standardGeneric("combineByKey") }) # @rdname foldByKey # @seealso aggregateByKey, combineByKey # @export setGeneric("foldByKey", function(x, zeroValue, func, numPartitions) { standardGeneric("foldByKey") }) # @rdname join-methods # @export setGeneric("fullOuterJoin", function(x, y, numPartitions) { standardGeneric("fullOuterJoin") }) # @rdname groupByKey # @seealso reduceByKey # @export setGeneric("groupByKey", function(x, numPartitions) { standardGeneric("groupByKey") }) # @rdname join-methods # @export setGeneric("join", function(x, y, ...) { standardGeneric("join") }) # @rdname join-methods # @export setGeneric("leftOuterJoin", function(x, y, numPartitions) { standardGeneric("leftOuterJoin") }) setGeneric("partitionByRDD", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("partitionByRDD") }) # @rdname reduceByKey # @seealso groupByKey # @export setGeneric("reduceByKey", function(x, combineFunc, numPartitions) { standardGeneric("reduceByKey")}) # @rdname reduceByKeyLocally # @seealso reduceByKey # @export setGeneric("reduceByKeyLocally", function(x, combineFunc) { standardGeneric("reduceByKeyLocally") }) # @rdname join-methods # @export setGeneric("rightOuterJoin", function(x, y, numPartitions) { standardGeneric("rightOuterJoin") }) # @rdname sortByKey # @export setGeneric("sortByKey", function(x, ascending = TRUE, numPartitions = 1) { standardGeneric("sortByKey") }) # @rdname subtract # @export setGeneric("subtract", function(x, other, numPartitions = 1) { standardGeneric("subtract") }) # @rdname subtractByKey # @export setGeneric("subtractByKey", function(x, other, numPartitions = 1) { standardGeneric("subtractByKey") }) ################### Broadcast Variable Methods ################# # @rdname broadcast # @export setGeneric("value", function(bcast) { standardGeneric("value") }) #################### SparkDataFrame Methods ######################## #' @param x a SparkDataFrame or GroupedData. #' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods. #' @return A SparkDataFrame. #' @rdname summarize #' @export setGeneric("agg", function (x, ...) { standardGeneric("agg") }) #' @rdname arrange #' @export setGeneric("arrange", function(x, col, ...) { standardGeneric("arrange") }) #' @rdname as.data.frame #' @export setGeneric("as.data.frame", function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) { standardGeneric("as.data.frame") }) #' @rdname attach #' @export setGeneric("attach") #' @rdname cache #' @export setGeneric("cache", function(x) { standardGeneric("cache") }) #' @rdname collect #' @export setGeneric("collect", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("collect") }) #' @param do.NULL currently not used. #' @param prefix currently not used. #' @rdname columns #' @export setGeneric("colnames", function(x, do.NULL = TRUE, prefix = "col") { standardGeneric("colnames") }) #' @rdname columns #' @export setGeneric("colnames<-", function(x, value) { standardGeneric("colnames<-") }) #' @rdname coltypes #' @export setGeneric("coltypes", function(x) { standardGeneric("coltypes") }) #' @rdname coltypes #' @export setGeneric("coltypes<-", function(x, value) { standardGeneric("coltypes<-") }) #' @rdname columns #' @export setGeneric("columns", function(x) {standardGeneric("columns") }) #' @param x a GroupedData or Column. #' @rdname count #' @export setGeneric("count", function(x) { standardGeneric("count") }) #' @rdname cov #' @param x a Column or a SparkDataFrame. #' @param ... additional argument(s). If \code{x} is a Column, a Column #' should be provided. If \code{x} is a SparkDataFrame, two column names should #' be provided. #' @export setGeneric("cov", function(x, ...) {standardGeneric("cov") }) #' @rdname corr #' @param x a Column or a SparkDataFrame. #' @param ... additional argument(s). If \code{x} is a Column, a Column #' should be provided. If \code{x} is a SparkDataFrame, two column names should #' be provided. #' @export setGeneric("corr", function(x, ...) {standardGeneric("corr") }) #' @rdname cov #' @export setGeneric("covar_samp", function(col1, col2) {standardGeneric("covar_samp") }) #' @rdname covar_pop #' @export setGeneric("covar_pop", function(col1, col2) {standardGeneric("covar_pop") }) #' @rdname createOrReplaceTempView #' @export setGeneric("createOrReplaceTempView", function(x, viewName) { standardGeneric("createOrReplaceTempView") }) # @rdname crossJoin # @export setGeneric("crossJoin", function(x, y) { standardGeneric("crossJoin") }) #' @rdname dapply #' @export setGeneric("dapply", function(x, func, schema) { standardGeneric("dapply") }) #' @rdname dapplyCollect #' @export setGeneric("dapplyCollect", function(x, func) { standardGeneric("dapplyCollect") }) #' @param x a SparkDataFrame or GroupedData. #' @param ... additional argument(s) passed to the method. #' @rdname gapply #' @export setGeneric("gapply", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("gapply") }) #' @param x a SparkDataFrame or GroupedData. #' @param ... additional argument(s) passed to the method. #' @rdname gapplyCollect #' @export setGeneric("gapplyCollect", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("gapplyCollect") }) # @rdname getNumPartitions # @export setGeneric("getNumPartitions", function(x) { standardGeneric("getNumPartitions") }) #' @rdname summary #' @export setGeneric("describe", function(x, col, ...) { standardGeneric("describe") }) #' @rdname distinct #' @export setGeneric("distinct", function(x) { standardGeneric("distinct") }) #' @rdname drop #' @export setGeneric("drop", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("drop") }) #' @rdname dropDuplicates #' @export setGeneric("dropDuplicates", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("dropDuplicates") }) #' @rdname nafunctions #' @export setGeneric("dropna", function(x, how = c("any", "all"), minNonNulls = NULL, cols = NULL) { standardGeneric("dropna") }) #' @rdname nafunctions #' @export setGeneric("na.omit", function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("na.omit") }) #' @rdname dtypes #' @export setGeneric("dtypes", function(x) { standardGeneric("dtypes") }) #' @rdname explain #' @export setGeneric("explain", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("explain") }) #' @rdname except #' @export setGeneric("except", function(x, y) { standardGeneric("except") }) #' @rdname nafunctions #' @export setGeneric("fillna", function(x, value, cols = NULL) { standardGeneric("fillna") }) #' @rdname filter #' @export setGeneric("filter", function(x, condition) { standardGeneric("filter") }) #' @rdname first #' @export setGeneric("first", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("first") }) #' @rdname groupBy #' @export setGeneric("group_by", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("group_by") }) #' @rdname groupBy #' @export setGeneric("groupBy", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("groupBy") }) #' @rdname insertInto #' @export setGeneric("insertInto", function(x, tableName, ...) { standardGeneric("insertInto") }) #' @rdname intersect #' @export setGeneric("intersect", function(x, y) { standardGeneric("intersect") }) #' @rdname isLocal #' @export setGeneric("isLocal", function(x) { standardGeneric("isLocal") }) #' @rdname limit #' @export setGeneric("limit", function(x, num) {standardGeneric("limit") }) #' @rdname merge #' @export setGeneric("merge") #' @rdname mutate #' @export setGeneric("mutate", function(.data, ...) {standardGeneric("mutate") }) #' @rdname orderBy #' @export setGeneric("orderBy", function(x, col, ...) { standardGeneric("orderBy") }) #' @rdname persist #' @export setGeneric("persist", function(x, newLevel) { standardGeneric("persist") }) #' @rdname printSchema #' @export setGeneric("printSchema", function(x) { standardGeneric("printSchema") }) #' @rdname registerTempTable-deprecated #' @export setGeneric("registerTempTable", function(x, tableName) { standardGeneric("registerTempTable") }) #' @rdname rename #' @export setGeneric("rename", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("rename") }) #' @rdname repartition #' @export setGeneric("repartition", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("repartition") }) #' @rdname sample #' @export setGeneric("sample", function(x, withReplacement, fraction, seed) { standardGeneric("sample") }) #' @rdname sample #' @export setGeneric("sample_frac", function(x, withReplacement, fraction, seed) { standardGeneric("sample_frac") }) #' @rdname sampleBy #' @export setGeneric("sampleBy", function(x, col, fractions, seed) { standardGeneric("sampleBy") }) #' @rdname saveAsTable #' @export setGeneric("saveAsTable", function(df, tableName, source = NULL, mode = "error", ...) { standardGeneric("saveAsTable") }) #' @export setGeneric("str") #' @rdname take #' @export setGeneric("take", function(x, num) { standardGeneric("take") }) #' @rdname mutate #' @export setGeneric("transform", function(`_data`, ...) {standardGeneric("transform") }) #' @rdname write.df #' @export setGeneric("write.df", function(df, path = NULL, source = NULL, mode = "error", ...) { standardGeneric("write.df") }) #' @rdname write.df #' @export setGeneric("saveDF", function(df, path, source = NULL, mode = "error", ...) { standardGeneric("saveDF") }) #' @rdname write.jdbc #' @export setGeneric("write.jdbc", function(x, url, tableName, mode = "error", ...) { standardGeneric("write.jdbc") }) #' @rdname write.json #' @export setGeneric("write.json", function(x, path, ...) { standardGeneric("write.json") }) #' @rdname write.orc #' @export setGeneric("write.orc", function(x, path, ...) { standardGeneric("write.orc") }) #' @rdname write.parquet #' @export setGeneric("write.parquet", function(x, path, ...) { standardGeneric("write.parquet") }) #' @rdname write.parquet #' @export setGeneric("saveAsParquetFile", function(x, path) { standardGeneric("saveAsParquetFile") }) #' @rdname write.text #' @export setGeneric("write.text", function(x, path, ...) { standardGeneric("write.text") }) #' @rdname schema #' @export setGeneric("schema", function(x) { standardGeneric("schema") }) #' @rdname select #' @export setGeneric("select", function(x, col, ...) { standardGeneric("select") } ) #' @rdname selectExpr #' @export setGeneric("selectExpr", function(x, expr, ...) { standardGeneric("selectExpr") }) #' @rdname showDF #' @export setGeneric("showDF", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("showDF") }) # @rdname storageLevel # @export setGeneric("storageLevel", function(x) { standardGeneric("storageLevel") }) #' @rdname subset #' @export setGeneric("subset", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("subset") }) #' @rdname summarize #' @export setGeneric("summarize", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("summarize") }) #' @rdname summary #' @export setGeneric("summary", function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("summary") }) setGeneric("toJSON", function(x) { standardGeneric("toJSON") }) setGeneric("toRDD", function(x) { standardGeneric("toRDD") }) #' @rdname union #' @export setGeneric("union", function(x, y) { standardGeneric("union") }) #' @rdname union #' @export setGeneric("unionAll", function(x, y) { standardGeneric("unionAll") }) #' @rdname unpersist #' @export setGeneric("unpersist", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("unpersist") }) #' @rdname filter #' @export setGeneric("where", function(x, condition) { standardGeneric("where") }) #' @rdname with #' @export setGeneric("with") #' @rdname withColumn #' @export setGeneric("withColumn", function(x, colName, col) { standardGeneric("withColumn") }) #' @rdname rename #' @export setGeneric("withColumnRenamed", function(x, existingCol, newCol) { standardGeneric("withColumnRenamed") }) #' @rdname write.df #' @export setGeneric("write.df", function(df, path = NULL, ...) { standardGeneric("write.df") }) #' @rdname randomSplit #' @export setGeneric("randomSplit", function(x, weights, seed) { standardGeneric("randomSplit") }) ###################### Column Methods ########################## #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @export setGeneric("asc", function(x) { standardGeneric("asc") }) #' @rdname between #' @export setGeneric("between", function(x, bounds) { standardGeneric("between") }) #' @rdname cast #' @export setGeneric("cast", function(x, dataType) { standardGeneric("cast") }) #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @param x a Column object. #' @param ... additional argument(s). #' @export setGeneric("contains", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("contains") }) #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @export setGeneric("desc", function(x) { standardGeneric("desc") }) #' @rdname endsWith #' @export setGeneric("endsWith", function(x, suffix) { standardGeneric("endsWith") }) #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @export setGeneric("getField", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("getField") }) #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @export setGeneric("getItem", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("getItem") }) #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @export setGeneric("isNaN", function(x) { standardGeneric("isNaN") }) #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @export setGeneric("isNull", function(x) { standardGeneric("isNull") }) #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @export setGeneric("isNotNull", function(x) { standardGeneric("isNotNull") }) #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @export setGeneric("like", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("like") }) #' @rdname columnfunctions #' @export setGeneric("rlike", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("rlike") }) #' @rdname startsWith #' @export setGeneric("startsWith", function(x, prefix) { standardGeneric("startsWith") }) #' @rdname when #' @export setGeneric("when", function(condition, value) { standardGeneric("when") }) #' @rdname otherwise #' @export setGeneric("otherwise", function(x, value) { standardGeneric("otherwise") }) #' @rdname over #' @export setGeneric("over", function(x, window) { standardGeneric("over") }) ###################### WindowSpec Methods ########################## #' @rdname partitionBy #' @export setGeneric("partitionBy", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("partitionBy") }) #' @rdname rowsBetween #' @export setGeneric("rowsBetween", function(x, start, end) { standardGeneric("rowsBetween") }) #' @rdname rangeBetween #' @export setGeneric("rangeBetween", function(x, start, end) { standardGeneric("rangeBetween") }) #' @rdname windowPartitionBy #' @export setGeneric("windowPartitionBy", function(col, ...) { standardGeneric("windowPartitionBy") }) #' @rdname windowOrderBy #' @export setGeneric("windowOrderBy", function(col, ...) { standardGeneric("windowOrderBy") }) ###################### Expression Function Methods ########################## #' @rdname add_months #' @export setGeneric("add_months", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("add_months") }) #' @rdname approxCountDistinct #' @export setGeneric("approxCountDistinct", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("approxCountDistinct") }) #' @rdname array_contains #' @export setGeneric("array_contains", function(x, value) { standardGeneric("array_contains") }) #' @rdname ascii #' @export setGeneric("ascii", function(x) { standardGeneric("ascii") }) #' @param x Column to compute on or a GroupedData object. #' @param ... additional argument(s) when \code{x} is a GroupedData object. #' @rdname avg #' @export setGeneric("avg", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("avg") }) #' @rdname base64 #' @export setGeneric("base64", function(x) { standardGeneric("base64") }) #' @rdname bin #' @export setGeneric("bin", function(x) { standardGeneric("bin") }) #' @rdname bitwiseNOT #' @export setGeneric("bitwiseNOT", function(x) { standardGeneric("bitwiseNOT") }) #' @rdname bround #' @export setGeneric("bround", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("bround") }) #' @rdname cbrt #' @export setGeneric("cbrt", function(x) { standardGeneric("cbrt") }) #' @rdname ceil #' @export setGeneric("ceil", function(x) { standardGeneric("ceil") }) #' @rdname column #' @export setGeneric("column", function(x) { standardGeneric("column") }) #' @rdname concat #' @export setGeneric("concat", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("concat") }) #' @rdname concat_ws #' @export setGeneric("concat_ws", function(sep, x, ...) { standardGeneric("concat_ws") }) #' @rdname conv #' @export setGeneric("conv", function(x, fromBase, toBase) { standardGeneric("conv") }) #' @rdname countDistinct #' @export setGeneric("countDistinct", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("countDistinct") }) #' @rdname crc32 #' @export setGeneric("crc32", function(x) { standardGeneric("crc32") }) #' @rdname hash #' @export setGeneric("hash", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("hash") }) #' @param x empty. Should be used with no argument. #' @rdname cume_dist #' @export setGeneric("cume_dist", function(x = "missing") { standardGeneric("cume_dist") }) #' @rdname datediff #' @export setGeneric("datediff", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("datediff") }) #' @rdname date_add #' @export setGeneric("date_add", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("date_add") }) #' @rdname date_format #' @export setGeneric("date_format", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("date_format") }) #' @rdname date_sub #' @export setGeneric("date_sub", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("date_sub") }) #' @rdname dayofmonth #' @export setGeneric("dayofmonth", function(x) { standardGeneric("dayofmonth") }) #' @rdname dayofyear #' @export setGeneric("dayofyear", function(x) { standardGeneric("dayofyear") }) #' @rdname decode #' @export setGeneric("decode", function(x, charset) { standardGeneric("decode") }) #' @param x empty. Should be used with no argument. #' @rdname dense_rank #' @export setGeneric("dense_rank", function(x = "missing") { standardGeneric("dense_rank") }) #' @rdname encode #' @export setGeneric("encode", function(x, charset) { standardGeneric("encode") }) #' @rdname explode #' @export setGeneric("explode", function(x) { standardGeneric("explode") }) #' @rdname expr #' @export setGeneric("expr", function(x) { standardGeneric("expr") }) #' @rdname from_utc_timestamp #' @export setGeneric("from_utc_timestamp", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("from_utc_timestamp") }) #' @rdname format_number #' @export setGeneric("format_number", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("format_number") }) #' @rdname format_string #' @export setGeneric("format_string", function(format, x, ...) { standardGeneric("format_string") }) #' @rdname from_unixtime #' @export setGeneric("from_unixtime", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("from_unixtime") }) #' @rdname greatest #' @export setGeneric("greatest", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("greatest") }) #' @rdname hex #' @export setGeneric("hex", function(x) { standardGeneric("hex") }) #' @rdname hour #' @export setGeneric("hour", function(x) { standardGeneric("hour") }) #' @rdname hypot #' @export setGeneric("hypot", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("hypot") }) #' @rdname initcap #' @export setGeneric("initcap", function(x) { standardGeneric("initcap") }) #' @rdname instr #' @export setGeneric("instr", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("instr") }) #' @rdname is.nan #' @export setGeneric("isnan", function(x) { standardGeneric("isnan") }) #' @rdname kurtosis #' @export setGeneric("kurtosis", function(x) { standardGeneric("kurtosis") }) #' @rdname lag #' @export setGeneric("lag", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("lag") }) #' @rdname last #' @export setGeneric("last", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("last") }) #' @rdname last_day #' @export setGeneric("last_day", function(x) { standardGeneric("last_day") }) #' @rdname lead #' @export setGeneric("lead", function(x, offset, defaultValue = NULL) { standardGeneric("lead") }) #' @rdname least #' @export setGeneric("least", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("least") }) #' @rdname levenshtein #' @export setGeneric("levenshtein", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("levenshtein") }) #' @rdname lit #' @export setGeneric("lit", function(x) { standardGeneric("lit") }) #' @rdname locate #' @export setGeneric("locate", function(substr, str, ...) { standardGeneric("locate") }) #' @rdname lower #' @export setGeneric("lower", function(x) { standardGeneric("lower") }) #' @rdname lpad #' @export setGeneric("lpad", function(x, len, pad) { standardGeneric("lpad") }) #' @rdname ltrim #' @export setGeneric("ltrim", function(x) { standardGeneric("ltrim") }) #' @rdname md5 #' @export setGeneric("md5", function(x) { standardGeneric("md5") }) #' @rdname minute #' @export setGeneric("minute", function(x) { standardGeneric("minute") }) #' @param x empty. Should be used with no argument. #' @rdname monotonically_increasing_id #' @export setGeneric("monotonically_increasing_id", function(x = "missing") { standardGeneric("monotonically_increasing_id") }) #' @rdname month #' @export setGeneric("month", function(x) { standardGeneric("month") }) #' @rdname months_between #' @export setGeneric("months_between", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("months_between") }) #' @rdname count #' @export setGeneric("n", function(x) { standardGeneric("n") }) #' @rdname nanvl #' @export setGeneric("nanvl", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("nanvl") }) #' @rdname negate #' @export setGeneric("negate", function(x) { standardGeneric("negate") }) #' @rdname next_day #' @export setGeneric("next_day", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("next_day") }) #' @rdname ntile #' @export setGeneric("ntile", function(x) { standardGeneric("ntile") }) #' @rdname countDistinct #' @export setGeneric("n_distinct", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("n_distinct") }) #' @param x empty. Should be used with no argument. #' @rdname percent_rank #' @export setGeneric("percent_rank", function(x = "missing") { standardGeneric("percent_rank") }) #' @rdname pmod #' @export setGeneric("pmod", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("pmod") }) #' @rdname posexplode #' @export setGeneric("posexplode", function(x) { standardGeneric("posexplode") }) #' @rdname quarter #' @export setGeneric("quarter", function(x) { standardGeneric("quarter") }) #' @rdname rand #' @export setGeneric("rand", function(seed) { standardGeneric("rand") }) #' @rdname randn #' @export setGeneric("randn", function(seed) { standardGeneric("randn") }) #' @rdname rank #' @export setGeneric("rank", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("rank") }) #' @rdname regexp_extract #' @export setGeneric("regexp_extract", function(x, pattern, idx) { standardGeneric("regexp_extract") }) #' @rdname regexp_replace #' @export setGeneric("regexp_replace", function(x, pattern, replacement) { standardGeneric("regexp_replace") }) #' @rdname reverse #' @export setGeneric("reverse", function(x) { standardGeneric("reverse") }) #' @rdname rint #' @export setGeneric("rint", function(x) { standardGeneric("rint") }) #' @param x empty. Should be used with no argument. #' @rdname row_number #' @export setGeneric("row_number", function(x = "missing") { standardGeneric("row_number") }) #' @rdname rpad #' @export setGeneric("rpad", function(x, len, pad) { standardGeneric("rpad") }) #' @rdname rtrim #' @export setGeneric("rtrim", function(x) { standardGeneric("rtrim") }) #' @rdname sd #' @export setGeneric("sd", function(x, na.rm = FALSE) { standardGeneric("sd") }) #' @rdname second #' @export setGeneric("second", function(x) { standardGeneric("second") }) #' @rdname sha1 #' @export setGeneric("sha1", function(x) { standardGeneric("sha1") }) #' @rdname sha2 #' @export setGeneric("sha2", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("sha2") }) #' @rdname shiftLeft #' @export setGeneric("shiftLeft", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("shiftLeft") }) #' @rdname shiftRight #' @export setGeneric("shiftRight", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("shiftRight") }) #' @rdname shiftRightUnsigned #' @export setGeneric("shiftRightUnsigned", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("shiftRightUnsigned") }) #' @rdname sign #' @export setGeneric("signum", function(x) { standardGeneric("signum") }) #' @rdname size #' @export setGeneric("size", function(x) { standardGeneric("size") }) #' @rdname skewness #' @export setGeneric("skewness", function(x) { standardGeneric("skewness") }) #' @rdname sort_array #' @export setGeneric("sort_array", function(x, asc = TRUE) { standardGeneric("sort_array") }) #' @rdname soundex #' @export setGeneric("soundex", function(x) { standardGeneric("soundex") }) #' @param x empty. Should be used with no argument. #' @rdname spark_partition_id #' @export setGeneric("spark_partition_id", function(x = "missing") { standardGeneric("spark_partition_id") }) #' @rdname sd #' @export setGeneric("stddev", function(x) { standardGeneric("stddev") }) #' @rdname stddev_pop #' @export setGeneric("stddev_pop", function(x) { standardGeneric("stddev_pop") }) #' @rdname stddev_samp #' @export setGeneric("stddev_samp", function(x) { standardGeneric("stddev_samp") }) #' @rdname struct #' @export setGeneric("struct", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("struct") }) #' @rdname substring_index #' @export setGeneric("substring_index", function(x, delim, count) { standardGeneric("substring_index") }) #' @rdname sumDistinct #' @export setGeneric("sumDistinct", function(x) { standardGeneric("sumDistinct") }) #' @rdname toDegrees #' @export setGeneric("toDegrees", function(x) { standardGeneric("toDegrees") }) #' @rdname toRadians #' @export setGeneric("toRadians", function(x) { standardGeneric("toRadians") }) #' @rdname to_date #' @export setGeneric("to_date", function(x) { standardGeneric("to_date") }) #' @rdname to_utc_timestamp #' @export setGeneric("to_utc_timestamp", function(y, x) { standardGeneric("to_utc_timestamp") }) #' @rdname translate #' @export setGeneric("translate", function(x, matchingString, replaceString) { standardGeneric("translate") }) #' @rdname trim #' @export setGeneric("trim", function(x) { standardGeneric("trim") }) #' @rdname unbase64 #' @export setGeneric("unbase64", function(x) { standardGeneric("unbase64") }) #' @rdname unhex #' @export setGeneric("unhex", function(x) { standardGeneric("unhex") }) #' @rdname unix_timestamp #' @export setGeneric("unix_timestamp", function(x, format) { standardGeneric("unix_timestamp") }) #' @rdname upper #' @export setGeneric("upper", function(x) { standardGeneric("upper") }) #' @rdname var #' @export setGeneric("var", function(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use) { standardGeneric("var") }) #' @rdname var #' @export setGeneric("variance", function(x) { standardGeneric("variance") }) #' @rdname var_pop #' @export setGeneric("var_pop", function(x) { standardGeneric("var_pop") }) #' @rdname var_samp #' @export setGeneric("var_samp", function(x) { standardGeneric("var_samp") }) #' @rdname weekofyear #' @export setGeneric("weekofyear", function(x) { standardGeneric("weekofyear") }) #' @rdname window #' @export setGeneric("window", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("window") }) #' @rdname year #' @export setGeneric("year", function(x) { standardGeneric("year") }) ###################### Spark.ML Methods ########################## #' @rdname fitted #' @export setGeneric("fitted") #' @param x,y For \code{glm}: logical values indicating whether the response vector #' and model matrix used in the fitting process should be returned as #' components of the returned value. #' @inheritParams stats::glm #' @rdname glm #' @export setGeneric("glm") #' @param object a fitted ML model object. #' @param ... additional argument(s) passed to the method. #' @rdname predict #' @export setGeneric("predict", function(object, ...) { standardGeneric("predict") }) #' @rdname rbind #' @export setGeneric("rbind", signature = "...") #' @rdname spark.als #' @export setGeneric("spark.als", function(data, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.als") }) #' @rdname spark.bisectingKmeans #' @export setGeneric("spark.bisectingKmeans", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.bisectingKmeans") }) #' @rdname spark.gaussianMixture #' @export setGeneric("spark.gaussianMixture", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.gaussianMixture") }) #' @rdname spark.gbt #' @export setGeneric("spark.gbt", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.gbt") }) #' @rdname spark.glm #' @export setGeneric("spark.glm", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.glm") }) #' @rdname spark.isoreg #' @export setGeneric("spark.isoreg", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.isoreg") }) #' @rdname spark.kmeans #' @export setGeneric("spark.kmeans", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.kmeans") }) #' @rdname spark.kstest #' @export setGeneric("spark.kstest", function(data, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.kstest") }) #' @rdname spark.lda #' @export setGeneric("spark.lda", function(data, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.lda") }) #' @rdname spark.logit #' @export setGeneric("spark.logit", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.logit") }) #' @rdname spark.mlp #' @export setGeneric("spark.mlp", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.mlp") }) #' @rdname spark.naiveBayes #' @export setGeneric("spark.naiveBayes", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.naiveBayes") }) #' @rdname spark.randomForest #' @export setGeneric("spark.randomForest", function(data, formula, ...) { standardGeneric("spark.randomForest") }) #' @rdname spark.survreg #' @export setGeneric("spark.survreg", function(data, formula) { standardGeneric("spark.survreg") }) #' @rdname spark.lda #' @export setGeneric("spark.posterior", function(object, newData) { standardGeneric("spark.posterior") }) #' @rdname spark.lda #' @export setGeneric("spark.perplexity", function(object, data) { standardGeneric("spark.perplexity") }) #' @param object a fitted ML model object. #' @param path the directory where the model is saved. #' @param ... additional argument(s) passed to the method. #' @rdname write.ml #' @export setGeneric("write.ml", function(object, path, ...) { standardGeneric("write.ml") })