# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # context("test functions in sparkR.R") test_that("Check masked functions", { # Check that we are not masking any new function from base, stats, testthat unexpectedly # NOTE: We should avoid adding entries to *namesOfMaskedCompletely* as masked functions make it # hard for users to use base R functions. Please check when in doubt. namesOfMaskedCompletely <- c("cov", "filter", "sample") namesOfMasked <- c("describe", "cov", "filter", "lag", "na.omit", "predict", "sd", "var", "colnames", "colnames<-", "intersect", "rank", "rbind", "sample", "subset", "summary", "transform", "drop", "window", "as.data.frame", "union") if (as.numeric(R.version$major) >= 3 && as.numeric(R.version$minor) >= 3) { namesOfMasked <- c("endsWith", "startsWith", namesOfMasked) } masked <- conflicts(detail = TRUE)$`package:SparkR` expect_true("describe" %in% masked) # only when with testthat.. func <- lapply(masked, function(x) { capture.output(showMethods(x))[[1]] }) funcSparkROrEmpty <- grepl("\\(package SparkR\\)$|^$", func) maskedBySparkR <- masked[funcSparkROrEmpty] expect_equal(length(maskedBySparkR), length(namesOfMasked)) # make the 2 lists the same length so expect_equal will print their content l <- max(length(maskedBySparkR), length(namesOfMasked)) length(maskedBySparkR) <- l length(namesOfMasked) <- l expect_equal(sort(maskedBySparkR, na.last = TRUE), sort(namesOfMasked, na.last = TRUE)) # above are those reported as masked when `library(SparkR)` # note that many of these methods are still callable without base:: or stats:: prefix # there should be a test for each of these, except followings, which are currently "broken" funcHasAny <- unlist(lapply(masked, function(x) { any(grepl("=\"ANY\"", capture.output(showMethods(x)[-1]))) })) maskedCompletely <- masked[!funcHasAny] expect_equal(length(maskedCompletely), length(namesOfMaskedCompletely)) l <- max(length(maskedCompletely), length(namesOfMaskedCompletely)) length(maskedCompletely) <- l length(namesOfMaskedCompletely) <- l expect_equal(sort(maskedCompletely, na.last = TRUE), sort(namesOfMaskedCompletely, na.last = TRUE)) }) test_that("repeatedly starting and stopping SparkR", { for (i in 1:4) { sc <- suppressWarnings(sparkR.init()) rdd <- parallelize(sc, 1:20, 2L) expect_equal(countRDD(rdd), 20) suppressWarnings(sparkR.stop()) } }) test_that("repeatedly starting and stopping SparkSession", { for (i in 1:4) { sparkR.session(enableHiveSupport = FALSE) df <- createDataFrame(data.frame(dummy = 1:i)) expect_equal(count(df), i) sparkR.session.stop() } }) test_that("rdd GC across sparkR.stop", { sc <- sparkR.sparkContext() # sc should get id 0 rdd1 <- parallelize(sc, 1:20, 2L) # rdd1 should get id 1 rdd2 <- parallelize(sc, 1:10, 2L) # rdd2 should get id 2 sparkR.session.stop() sc <- sparkR.sparkContext() # sc should get id 0 again # GC rdd1 before creating rdd3 and rdd2 after rm(rdd1) gc() rdd3 <- parallelize(sc, 1:20, 2L) # rdd3 should get id 1 now rdd4 <- parallelize(sc, 1:10, 2L) # rdd4 should get id 2 now rm(rdd2) gc() countRDD(rdd3) countRDD(rdd4) sparkR.session.stop() }) test_that("job group functions can be called", { sc <- sparkR.sparkContext() setJobGroup("groupId", "job description", TRUE) cancelJobGroup("groupId") clearJobGroup() suppressWarnings(setJobGroup(sc, "groupId", "job description", TRUE)) suppressWarnings(cancelJobGroup(sc, "groupId")) suppressWarnings(clearJobGroup(sc)) sparkR.session.stop() }) test_that("utility function can be called", { sparkR.sparkContext() setLogLevel("ERROR") sparkR.session.stop() }) test_that("getClientModeSparkSubmitOpts() returns spark-submit args from whitelist", { e <- new.env() e[["spark.driver.memory"]] <- "512m" ops <- getClientModeSparkSubmitOpts("sparkrmain", e) expect_equal("--driver-memory \"512m\" sparkrmain", ops) e[["spark.driver.memory"]] <- "5g" e[["spark.driver.extraClassPath"]] <- "/opt/class_path" # nolint e[["spark.driver.extraJavaOptions"]] <- "-XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseCompressedStrings" e[["spark.driver.extraLibraryPath"]] <- "/usr/local/hadoop/lib" # nolint e[["random"]] <- "skipthis" ops2 <- getClientModeSparkSubmitOpts("sparkr-shell", e) # nolint start expect_equal(ops2, paste0("--driver-class-path \"/opt/class_path\" --driver-java-options \"", "-XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseCompressedStrings\" --driver-library-path \"", "/usr/local/hadoop/lib\" --driver-memory \"5g\" sparkr-shell")) # nolint end e[["spark.driver.extraClassPath"]] <- "/" # too short ops3 <- getClientModeSparkSubmitOpts("--driver-memory 4g sparkr-shell2", e) # nolint start expect_equal(ops3, paste0("--driver-java-options \"-XX:+UseCompressedOops ", "-XX:+UseCompressedStrings\" --driver-library-path \"/usr/local/hadoop/lib\"", " --driver-memory 4g sparkr-shell2")) # nolint end }) test_that("sparkJars sparkPackages as comma-separated strings", { expect_warning(processSparkJars(" a, b ")) jars <- suppressWarnings(processSparkJars(" a, b ")) expect_equal(lapply(jars, basename), list("a", "b")) jars <- suppressWarnings(processSparkJars(" abc ,, def ")) expect_equal(lapply(jars, basename), list("abc", "def")) jars <- suppressWarnings(processSparkJars(c(" abc ,, def ", "", "xyz", " ", "a,b"))) expect_equal(lapply(jars, basename), list("abc", "def", "xyz", "a", "b")) p <- processSparkPackages(c("ghi", "lmn")) expect_equal(p, c("ghi", "lmn")) # check normalizePath f <- dir()[[1]] expect_warning(processSparkJars(f), NA) expect_match(processSparkJars(f), f) }) test_that("spark.lapply should perform simple transforms", { sparkR.sparkContext() doubled <- spark.lapply(1:10, function(x) { 2 * x }) expect_equal(doubled, as.list(2 * 1:10)) sparkR.session.stop() })