/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.spark.deploy import java.io._ import java.net.URL import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import scala.concurrent.{Await, future, promise} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.sys.process._ import net.liftweb.json.JsonParser import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.RecoveryState /** * This suite tests the fault tolerance of the Spark standalone scheduler, mainly the Master. * In order to mimic a real distributed cluster more closely, Docker is used. * Execute using * ./spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.FaultToleranceTest * * Make sure that that the environment includes the following properties in SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS: * - spark.deploy.recoveryMode=ZOOKEEPER * - spark.deploy.zookeeper.url= * Note that is the default docker ip for the host and 2181 is the default ZK port. * * Unfortunately, due to the Docker dependency this suite cannot be run automatically without a * working installation of Docker. In addition to having Docker, the following are assumed: * - Docker can run without sudo (see http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/use/basics/) * - The docker images tagged spark-test-master and spark-test-worker are built from the * docker/ directory. Run 'docker/spark-test/build' to generate these. */ private[spark] object FaultToleranceTest extends App with Logging { val masters = ListBuffer[TestMasterInfo]() val workers = ListBuffer[TestWorkerInfo]() var sc: SparkContext = _ var numPassed = 0 var numFailed = 0 val sparkHome = System.getenv("SPARK_HOME") assertTrue(sparkHome != null, "Run with a valid SPARK_HOME") val containerSparkHome = "/opt/spark" val dockerMountDir = "%s:%s".format(sparkHome, containerSparkHome) System.setProperty("spark.driver.host", "") // default docker host ip def afterEach() { if (sc != null) { sc.stop() sc = null } terminateCluster() } test("sanity-basic") { addMasters(1) addWorkers(1) createClient() assertValidClusterState() } test("sanity-many-masters") { addMasters(3) addWorkers(3) createClient() assertValidClusterState() } test("single-master-halt") { addMasters(3) addWorkers(2) createClient() assertValidClusterState() killLeader() delay(30 seconds) assertValidClusterState() createClient() assertValidClusterState() } test("single-master-restart") { addMasters(1) addWorkers(2) createClient() assertValidClusterState() killLeader() addMasters(1) delay(30 seconds) assertValidClusterState() killLeader() addMasters(1) delay(30 seconds) assertValidClusterState() } test("cluster-failure") { addMasters(2) addWorkers(2) createClient() assertValidClusterState() terminateCluster() addMasters(2) addWorkers(2) assertValidClusterState() } test("all-but-standby-failure") { addMasters(2) addWorkers(2) createClient() assertValidClusterState() killLeader() workers.foreach(_.kill()) workers.clear() delay(30 seconds) addWorkers(2) assertValidClusterState() } test("rolling-outage") { addMasters(1) delay() addMasters(1) delay() addMasters(1) addWorkers(2) createClient() assertValidClusterState() assertTrue(getLeader == masters.head) (1 to 3).foreach { _ => killLeader() delay(30 seconds) assertValidClusterState() assertTrue(getLeader == masters.head) addMasters(1) } } def test(name: String)(fn: => Unit) { try { fn numPassed += 1 logInfo("Passed: " + name) } catch { case e: Exception => numFailed += 1 logError("FAILED: " + name, e) } afterEach() } def addMasters(num: Int) { (1 to num).foreach { _ => masters += SparkDocker.startMaster(dockerMountDir) } } def addWorkers(num: Int) { val masterUrls = getMasterUrls(masters) (1 to num).foreach { _ => workers += SparkDocker.startWorker(dockerMountDir, masterUrls) } } /** Creates a SparkContext, which constructs a Client to interact with our cluster. */ def createClient() = { if (sc != null) { sc.stop() } // Counter-hack: Because of a hack in SparkEnv#create() that changes this // property, we need to reset it. System.setProperty("spark.driver.port", "0") sc = new SparkContext(getMasterUrls(masters), "fault-tolerance", containerSparkHome) } def getMasterUrls(masters: Seq[TestMasterInfo]): String = { "spark://" + masters.map(master => master.ip + ":7077").mkString(",") } def getLeader: TestMasterInfo = { val leaders = masters.filter(_.state == RecoveryState.ALIVE) assertTrue(leaders.size == 1) leaders(0) } def killLeader(): Unit = { masters.foreach(_.readState()) val leader = getLeader masters -= leader leader.kill() } def delay(secs: Duration = 5.seconds) = Thread.sleep(secs.toMillis) def terminateCluster() { masters.foreach(_.kill()) workers.foreach(_.kill()) masters.clear() workers.clear() } /** This includes Client retry logic, so it may take a while if the cluster is recovering. */ def assertUsable() = { val f = future { try { val res = sc.parallelize(0 until 10).collect() assertTrue(res.toList == (0 until 10)) true } catch { case e: Exception => logError("assertUsable() had exception", e) e.printStackTrace() false } } // Avoid waiting indefinitely (e.g., we could register but get no executors). assertTrue(Await.result(f, 120 seconds)) } /** * Asserts that the cluster is usable and that the expected masters and workers * are all alive in a proper configuration (e.g., only one leader). */ def assertValidClusterState() = { assertUsable() var numAlive = 0 var numStandby = 0 var numLiveApps = 0 var liveWorkerIPs: Seq[String] = List() def stateValid(): Boolean = { (workers.map(_.ip) -- liveWorkerIPs).isEmpty && numAlive == 1 && numStandby == masters.size - 1 && numLiveApps >= 1 } val f = future { try { while (!stateValid()) { Thread.sleep(1000) numAlive = 0 numStandby = 0 numLiveApps = 0 masters.foreach(_.readState()) for (master <- masters) { master.state match { case RecoveryState.ALIVE => numAlive += 1 liveWorkerIPs = master.liveWorkerIPs case RecoveryState.STANDBY => numStandby += 1 case _ => // ignore } numLiveApps += master.numLiveApps } } true } catch { case e: Exception => logError("assertValidClusterState() had exception", e) false } } try { assertTrue(Await.result(f, 120 seconds)) } catch { case e: TimeoutException => logError("Master states: " + masters.map(_.state)) logError("Num apps: " + numLiveApps) logError("IPs expected: " + workers.map(_.ip) + " / found: " + liveWorkerIPs) throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get into acceptable cluster state after 2 min.", e) } } def assertTrue(bool: Boolean, message: String = "") { if (!bool) { throw new IllegalStateException("Assertion failed: " + message) } } logInfo("Ran %s tests, %s passed and %s failed".format(numPassed+numFailed, numPassed, numFailed)) } private[spark] class TestMasterInfo(val ip: String, val dockerId: DockerId, val logFile: File) extends Logging { implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats var state: RecoveryState.Value = _ var liveWorkerIPs: List[String] = _ var numLiveApps = 0 logDebug("Created master: " + this) def readState() { try { val masterStream = new InputStreamReader(new URL("http://%s:8080/json".format(ip)).openStream) val json = JsonParser.parse(masterStream, closeAutomatically = true) val workers = json \ "workers" val liveWorkers = workers.children.filter(w => (w \ "state").extract[String] == "ALIVE") liveWorkerIPs = liveWorkers.map(w => (w \ "host").extract[String]) numLiveApps = (json \ "activeapps").children.size val status = json \\ "status" val stateString = status.extract[String] state = RecoveryState.values.filter(state => state.toString == stateString).head } catch { case e: Exception => // ignore, no state update logWarning("Exception", e) } } def kill() { Docker.kill(dockerId) } override def toString: String = "[ip=%s, id=%s, logFile=%s, state=%s]". format(ip, dockerId.id, logFile.getAbsolutePath, state) } private[spark] class TestWorkerInfo(val ip: String, val dockerId: DockerId, val logFile: File) extends Logging { implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats logDebug("Created worker: " + this) def kill() { Docker.kill(dockerId) } override def toString: String = "[ip=%s, id=%s, logFile=%s]".format(ip, dockerId, logFile.getAbsolutePath) } private[spark] object SparkDocker { def startMaster(mountDir: String): TestMasterInfo = { val cmd = Docker.makeRunCmd("spark-test-master", mountDir = mountDir) val (ip, id, outFile) = startNode(cmd) new TestMasterInfo(ip, id, outFile) } def startWorker(mountDir: String, masters: String): TestWorkerInfo = { val cmd = Docker.makeRunCmd("spark-test-worker", args = masters, mountDir = mountDir) val (ip, id, outFile) = startNode(cmd) new TestWorkerInfo(ip, id, outFile) } private def startNode(dockerCmd: ProcessBuilder) : (String, DockerId, File) = { val ipPromise = promise[String]() val outFile = File.createTempFile("fault-tolerance-test", "") outFile.deleteOnExit() val outStream: FileWriter = new FileWriter(outFile) def findIpAndLog(line: String): Unit = { if (line.startsWith("CONTAINER_IP=")) { val ip = line.split("=")(1) ipPromise.success(ip) } outStream.write(line + "\n") outStream.flush() } dockerCmd.run(ProcessLogger(findIpAndLog _)) val ip = Await.result(ipPromise.future, 30 seconds) val dockerId = Docker.getLastProcessId (ip, dockerId, outFile) } } private[spark] class DockerId(val id: String) { override def toString = id } private[spark] object Docker extends Logging { def makeRunCmd(imageTag: String, args: String = "", mountDir: String = ""): ProcessBuilder = { val mountCmd = if (mountDir != "") { " -v " + mountDir } else "" val cmd = "docker run %s %s %s".format(mountCmd, imageTag, args) logDebug("Run command: " + cmd) cmd } def kill(dockerId: DockerId) : Unit = { "docker kill %s".format(dockerId.id).! } def getLastProcessId: DockerId = { var id: String = null "docker ps -l -q".!(ProcessLogger(line => id = line)) new DockerId(id) } }