package import spark.RDD import spark.SparkContext.doubleRDDToDoubleRDDFunctions import{Function => JFunction} import spark.util.StatCounter import spark.partial.{BoundedDouble, PartialResult} import import java.lang.Double class JavaDoubleRDD(val srdd: RDD[scala.Double]) extends JavaRDDLike[Double, JavaDoubleRDD] { override val classManifest: ClassManifest[Double] = implicitly[ClassManifest[Double]] override val rdd: RDD[Double] = => Double.valueOf(x)) override def wrapRDD(rdd: RDD[Double]): JavaDoubleRDD = new JavaDoubleRDD( // Common RDD functions import JavaDoubleRDD.fromRDD /** Persist this RDD with the default storage level (`MEMORY_ONLY`). */ def cache(): JavaDoubleRDD = fromRDD(srdd.cache()) /** * Set this RDD's storage level to persist its values across operations after the first time * it is computed. Can only be called once on each RDD. */ def persist(newLevel: StorageLevel): JavaDoubleRDD = fromRDD(srdd.persist(newLevel)) // first() has to be overriden here in order for its return type to be Double instead of Object. override def first(): Double = srdd.first() // Transformations (return a new RDD) /** * Return a new RDD containing the distinct elements in this RDD. */ def distinct(): JavaDoubleRDD = fromRDD(srdd.distinct()) /** * Return a new RDD containing the distinct elements in this RDD. */ def distinct(numSplits: Int): JavaDoubleRDD = fromRDD(srdd.distinct(numSplits)) /** * Return a new RDD containing only the elements that satisfy a predicate. */ def filter(f: JFunction[Double, java.lang.Boolean]): JavaDoubleRDD = fromRDD(srdd.filter(x => f(x).booleanValue())) /** * Return a sampled subset of this RDD. */ def sample(withReplacement: Boolean, fraction: Double, seed: Int): JavaDoubleRDD = fromRDD(srdd.sample(withReplacement, fraction, seed)) /** * Return the union of this RDD and another one. Any identical elements will appear multiple * times (use `.distinct()` to eliminate them). */ def union(other: JavaDoubleRDD): JavaDoubleRDD = fromRDD(srdd.union(other.srdd)) // Double RDD functions /** Return the sum of the elements in this RDD. */ def sum(): Double = srdd.sum() /** Return a [[spark.StatCounter]] describing the elements in this RDD. */ def stats(): StatCounter = srdd.stats() /** Return the mean of the elements in this RDD. */ def mean(): Double = srdd.mean() /** Return the variance of the elements in this RDD. */ def variance(): Double = srdd.variance() /** Return the standard deviation of the elements in this RDD. */ def stdev(): Double = srdd.stdev() /** Return the approximate mean of the elements in this RDD. */ def meanApprox(timeout: Long, confidence: Double): PartialResult[BoundedDouble] = srdd.meanApprox(timeout, confidence) /** Return the approximate mean of the elements in this RDD. */ def meanApprox(timeout: Long): PartialResult[BoundedDouble] = srdd.meanApprox(timeout) /** Return the approximate sum of the elements in this RDD. */ def sumApprox(timeout: Long, confidence: Double): PartialResult[BoundedDouble] = srdd.sumApprox(timeout, confidence) /** Return the approximate sum of the elements in this RDD. */ def sumApprox(timeout: Long): PartialResult[BoundedDouble] = srdd.sumApprox(timeout) } object JavaDoubleRDD { def fromRDD(rdd: RDD[scala.Double]): JavaDoubleRDD = new JavaDoubleRDD(rdd) implicit def toRDD(rdd: JavaDoubleRDD): RDD[scala.Double] = rdd.srdd }