#!/usr/bin/python # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Creates CHANGES.txt from git history. # # Usage: # First set the new release version and old CHANGES.txt version in this file. # Make sure you have SPARK_HOME set. # $ python generate-changelist.py import os import sys import subprocess import time import traceback SPARK_HOME = os.environ["SPARK_HOME"] NEW_RELEASE_VERSION = "1.1.0" PREV_RELEASE_GIT_TAG = "v1.0.0" CHANGELIST = "CHANGES.txt" OLD_CHANGELIST = "%s.old" % (CHANGELIST) NEW_CHANGELIST = "%s.new" % (CHANGELIST) TMP_CHANGELIST = "%s.tmp" % (CHANGELIST) # date before first PR in TLP Spark repo SPARK_REPO_CHANGE_DATE1 = time.strptime("2014-02-26", "%Y-%m-%d") # date after last PR in incubator Spark repo SPARK_REPO_CHANGE_DATE2 = time.strptime("2014-03-01", "%Y-%m-%d") # Threshold PR number that differentiates PRs to TLP # and incubator repos SPARK_REPO_PR_NUM_THRESH = 200 LOG_FILE_NAME = "changes_%s" % time.strftime("%h_%m_%Y_%I_%M_%S") LOG_FILE = open(LOG_FILE_NAME, 'w') def run_cmd(cmd): try: print >> LOG_FILE, "Running command: %s" % cmd output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=LOG_FILE) print >> LOG_FILE, "Output: %s" % output return output except: traceback.print_exc() cleanup() sys.exit(1) def append_to_changelist(string): with open(TMP_CHANGELIST, "a") as f: print >> f, string def cleanup(ask=True): if ask is True: print "OK to delete temporary and log files? (y/N): " response = raw_input() if ask is False or (ask is True and response == "y"): if os.path.isfile(TMP_CHANGELIST): os.remove(TMP_CHANGELIST) if os.path.isfile(OLD_CHANGELIST): os.remove(OLD_CHANGELIST) LOG_FILE.close() os.remove(LOG_FILE_NAME) print "Generating new %s for Spark release %s" % (CHANGELIST, NEW_RELEASE_VERSION) os.chdir(SPARK_HOME) if os.path.isfile(TMP_CHANGELIST): os.remove(TMP_CHANGELIST) if os.path.isfile(OLD_CHANGELIST): os.remove(OLD_CHANGELIST) append_to_changelist("Spark Change Log") append_to_changelist("----------------") append_to_changelist("") append_to_changelist("Release %s" % NEW_RELEASE_VERSION) append_to_changelist("") print "Getting commits between tag %s and HEAD" % PREV_RELEASE_GIT_TAG hashes = run_cmd("git log %s..HEAD --pretty='%%h'" % PREV_RELEASE_GIT_TAG).split() print "Getting details of %s commits" % len(hashes) for h in hashes: date = run_cmd("git log %s -1 --pretty='%%ad' --date=iso | head -1" % h).strip() subject = run_cmd("git log %s -1 --pretty='%%s' | head -1" % h).strip() body = run_cmd("git log %s -1 --pretty='%%b'" % h) committer = run_cmd("git log %s -1 --pretty='%%cn <%%ce>' | head -1" % h).strip() body_lines = body.split("\n") if "Merge pull" in subject: # Parse old format commit message append_to_changelist(" %s %s" % (h, date)) append_to_changelist(" %s" % subject) append_to_changelist(" [%s]" % body_lines[0]) append_to_changelist("") elif "maven-release" not in subject: # Parse new format commit message # Get authors from commit message, committer otherwise authors = [committer] if "Author:" in body: authors = [line.split(":")[1].strip() for line in body_lines if "Author:" in line] # Generate GitHub PR URL for easy access if possible github_url = "" if "Closes #" in body: pr_num = [line.split()[1].lstrip("#") for line in body_lines if "Closes #" in line][0] github_url = "github.com/apache/spark/pull/%s" % pr_num day = time.strptime(date.split()[0], "%Y-%m-%d") if (day < SPARK_REPO_CHANGE_DATE1 or (day < SPARK_REPO_CHANGE_DATE2 and pr_num < SPARK_REPO_PR_NUM_THRESH)): github_url = "github.com/apache/incubator-spark/pull/%s" % pr_num append_to_changelist(" %s" % subject) append_to_changelist(" %s" % ', '.join(authors)) # for author in authors: # append_to_changelist(" %s" % author) append_to_changelist(" %s" % date) if len(github_url) > 0: append_to_changelist(" Commit: %s, %s" % (h, github_url)) else: append_to_changelist(" Commit: %s" % h) append_to_changelist("") # Append old change list print "Appending changelist from tag %s" % PREV_RELEASE_GIT_TAG run_cmd("git show %s:%s | tail -n +3 >> %s" % (PREV_RELEASE_GIT_TAG, CHANGELIST, TMP_CHANGELIST)) run_cmd("cp %s %s" % (TMP_CHANGELIST, NEW_CHANGELIST)) print "New change list generated as %s" % NEW_CHANGELIST cleanup(False)