require 'fileutils' include FileUtils if ENV['SKIP_SCALADOC'] != '1' projects = ["core", "examples", "repl", "bagel", "streaming"] puts "Moving to project root and building scaladoc." curr_dir = pwd cd("..") puts "Running sbt/sbt doc from " + pwd + "; this may take a few minutes..." puts `sbt/sbt doc` puts "Moving back into docs dir." cd("docs") # Copy over the scaladoc from each project into the docs directory. # This directory will be copied over to _site when `jekyll` command is run. projects.each do |project_name| source = "../" + project_name + "/target/scala-2.9.2/api" dest = "api/" + project_name puts "echo making directory " + dest mkdir_p dest # From the rubydoc: cp_r('src', 'dest') makes src/dest, but this doesn't. puts "cp -r " + source + "/. " + dest cp_r(source + "/.", dest) end end