--- layout: global title: MLlib - Optimization --- * Table of contents {:toc} # Gradient Descent Primitive [Gradient descent](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradient_descent) (along with stochastic variants thereof) are first-order optimization methods that are well-suited for large-scale and distributed computation. Gradient descent methods aim to find a local minimum of a function by iteratively taking steps in the direction of the negative gradient of the function at the current point, i.e., the current parameter value. Gradient descent is included as a low-level primitive in MLlib, upon which various ML algorithms are developed, and has the following parameters: * *gradient* is a class that computes the stochastic gradient of the function being optimized, i.e., with respect to a single training example, at the current parameter value. MLlib includes gradient classes for common loss functions, e.g., hinge, logistic, least-squares. The gradient class takes as input a training example, its label, and the current parameter value. * *updater* is a class that updates weights in each iteration of gradient descent. MLlib includes updaters for cases without regularization, as well as L1 and L2 regularizers. * *stepSize* is a scalar value denoting the initial step size for gradient descent. All updaters in MLlib use a step size at the t-th step equal to stepSize / sqrt(t). * *numIterations* is the number of iterations to run. * *regParam* is the regularization parameter when using L1 or L2 regularization. * *miniBatchFraction* is the fraction of the data used to compute the gradient at each iteration. Available algorithms for gradient descent: * [GradientDescent](api/mllib/index.html#org.apache.spark.mllib.optimization.GradientDescent)