--- layout: global title: Python Programming Guide --- The Spark Python API (PySpark) exposes most of the Spark features available in the Scala version to Python. To learn the basics of Spark, we recommend reading through the [Scala programming guide](scala-programming-guide.html) first; it should be easy to follow even if you don't know Scala. This guide will show how to use the Spark features described there in Python. # Key Differences in the Python API There are a few key differences between the Python and Scala APIs: * Python is dynamically typed, so RDDs can hold objects of different types. * PySpark does not currently support the following Spark features: - Accumulators - Special functions on RDDs of doubles, such as `mean` and `stdev` - `lookup` - `mapPartitionsWithSplit` - `persist` at storage levels other than `MEMORY_ONLY` - `sample` - `sort` # Installing and Configuring PySpark PySpark requires Python 2.6 or higher. PySpark jobs are executed using a standard cPython interpreter in order to support Python modules that use C extensions. We have not tested PySpark with Python 3 or with alternative Python interpreters, such as [PyPy](http://pypy.org/) or [Jython](http://www.jython.org/). By default, PySpark's scripts will run programs using `python`; an alternate Python executable may be specified by setting the `PYSPARK_PYTHON` environment variable in `conf/spark-env.sh`. All of PySpark's library dependencies, including [Py4J](http://py4j.sourceforge.net/), are bundled with PySpark and automatically imported. Standalone PySpark jobs should be run using the `run-pyspark` script, which automatically configures the Java and Python environmnt using the settings in `conf/spark-env.sh`. The script automatically adds the `pyspark` package to the `PYTHONPATH`. # Interactive Use PySpark's `pyspark-shell` script provides a simple way to learn the API: {% highlight python %} >>> words = sc.textFile("/usr/share/dict/words") >>> words.filter(lambda w: w.startswith("spar")).take(5) [u'spar', u'sparable', u'sparada', u'sparadrap', u'sparagrass'] {% endhighlight %} # Standalone Use PySpark can also be used from standalone Python scripts by creating a SparkContext in the script and running the script using the `run-pyspark` script in the `pyspark` directory. The Quick Start guide includes a [complete example](quick-start.html#a-standalone-job-in-python) of a standalone Python job. Code dependencies can be deployed by listing them in the `pyFiles` option in the SparkContext constructor: {% highlight python %} from pyspark import SparkContext sc = SparkContext("local", "Job Name", pyFiles=['MyFile.py', 'lib.zip', 'app.egg']) {% endhighlight %} Files listed here will be added to the `PYTHONPATH` and shipped to remote worker machines. Code dependencies can be added to an existing SparkContext using its `addPyFile()` method. # Where to Go from Here PySpark includes several sample programs using the Python API in `pyspark/examples`. You can run them by passing the files to the `pyspark-run` script included in PySpark -- for example `./pyspark-run examples/wordcount.py`. Each example program prints usage help when run without any arguments. We currently provide [API documentation](api/pyspark/index.html) for the Python API as Epydoc. Many of the RDD method descriptions contain [doctests](http://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html) that provide additional usage examples.