#!/bin/bash # # Script to create a binary distribution for easy deploys of Spark. # The distribution directory defaults to dist/ but can be overridden below. # The distribution contains fat (assembly) jars that include the Scala library, # so it is completely self contained. # It does not contain source or *.class files. # # Recommended deploy/testing procedure (standalone mode): # 1) Rsync / deploy the dist/ dir to one host # 2) cd to deploy dir; ./bin/start-master.sh # 3) Verify master is up by visiting web page, ie http://master-ip:8080. Note the spark:// URL. # 4) ./bin/start-slave.sh 1 <> # 5) MASTER="spark://my-master-ip:7077" ./spark-shell # Figure out where the Spark framework is installed FWDIR="$(cd `dirname $0`; pwd)" DISTDIR="$FWDIR/dist" # Get version from SBT export TERM=dumb # Prevents color codes in SBT output VERSION=$($FWDIR/sbt/sbt "show version" | tail -1 | cut -f 2) echo "Making distribution for Spark $VERSION in $DISTDIR..." # Build fat JAR $FWDIR/sbt/sbt "repl/assembly" # Make directories rm -rf "$DISTDIR" mkdir -p "$DISTDIR/jars" echo "$VERSION" >$DISTDIR/RELEASE # Copy jars cp $FWDIR/repl/target/*.jar "$DISTDIR/jars/" # Copy other things cp -r "$FWDIR/bin" "$DISTDIR" cp -r "$FWDIR/conf" "$DISTDIR" cp "$FWDIR/run" "$FWDIR/spark-shell" "$DISTDIR"