/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.ml.classification import java.util.{List => JList} import java.util.UUID import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.language.existentials import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, JObject, _} import org.json4s.JsonDSL._ import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since import org.apache.spark.ml._ import org.apache.spark.ml.attribute._ import org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.Vector import org.apache.spark.ml.param.{Param, ParamMap, ParamPair, Params} import org.apache.spark.ml.util._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel private[ml] trait ClassifierTypeTrait { // scalastyle:off structural.type type ClassifierType = Classifier[F, E, M] forSome { type F type M <: ClassificationModel[F, M] type E <: Classifier[F, E, M] } // scalastyle:on structural.type } /** * Params for [[OneVsRest]]. */ private[ml] trait OneVsRestParams extends PredictorParams with ClassifierTypeTrait { /** * param for the base binary classifier that we reduce multiclass classification into. * The base classifier input and output columns are ignored in favor of * the ones specified in [[OneVsRest]]. * @group param */ val classifier: Param[ClassifierType] = new Param(this, "classifier", "base binary classifier") /** @group getParam */ def getClassifier: ClassifierType = $(classifier) } private[ml] object OneVsRestParams extends ClassifierTypeTrait { def validateParams(instance: OneVsRestParams): Unit = { def checkElement(elem: Params, name: String): Unit = elem match { case stage: MLWritable => // good case other => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OneVsRest write will fail " + s" because it contains $name which does not implement MLWritable." + s" Non-Writable $name: ${other.uid} of type ${other.getClass}") } instance match { case ovrModel: OneVsRestModel => ovrModel.models.foreach(checkElement(_, "model")) case _ => // no need to check OneVsRest here } checkElement(instance.getClassifier, "classifier") } def saveImpl( path: String, instance: OneVsRestParams, sc: SparkContext, extraMetadata: Option[JObject] = None): Unit = { val params = instance.extractParamMap().toSeq val jsonParams = render(params .filter { case ParamPair(p, v) => p.name != "classifier" } .map { case ParamPair(p, v) => p.name -> parse(p.jsonEncode(v)) } .toList) DefaultParamsWriter.saveMetadata(instance, path, sc, extraMetadata, Some(jsonParams)) val classifierPath = new Path(path, "classifier").toString instance.getClassifier.asInstanceOf[MLWritable].save(classifierPath) } def loadImpl( path: String, sc: SparkContext, expectedClassName: String): (DefaultParamsReader.Metadata, ClassifierType) = { val metadata = DefaultParamsReader.loadMetadata(path, sc, expectedClassName) val classifierPath = new Path(path, "classifier").toString val estimator = DefaultParamsReader.loadParamsInstance[ClassifierType](classifierPath, sc) (metadata, estimator) } } /** * Model produced by [[OneVsRest]]. * This stores the models resulting from training k binary classifiers: one for each class. * Each example is scored against all k models, and the model with the highest score * is picked to label the example. * * @param labelMetadata Metadata of label column if it exists, or Nominal attribute * representing the number of classes in training dataset otherwise. * @param models The binary classification models for the reduction. * The i-th model is produced by testing the i-th class (taking label 1) vs the rest * (taking label 0). */ @Since("1.4.0") final class OneVsRestModel private[ml] ( @Since("1.4.0") override val uid: String, private[ml] val labelMetadata: Metadata, @Since("1.4.0") val models: Array[_ <: ClassificationModel[_, _]]) extends Model[OneVsRestModel] with OneVsRestParams with MLWritable { /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.1.0") def setFeaturesCol(value: String): this.type = set(featuresCol, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.1.0") def setPredictionCol(value: String): this.type = set(predictionCol, value) @Since("1.4.0") override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = { validateAndTransformSchema(schema, fitting = false, getClassifier.featuresDataType) } @Since("2.0.0") override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = { // Check schema transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true) // determine the input columns: these need to be passed through val origCols = dataset.schema.map(f => col(f.name)) // add an accumulator column to store predictions of all the models val accColName = "mbc$acc" + UUID.randomUUID().toString val initUDF = udf { () => Map[Int, Double]() } val newDataset = dataset.withColumn(accColName, initUDF()) // persist if underlying dataset is not persistent. val handlePersistence = dataset.rdd.getStorageLevel == StorageLevel.NONE if (handlePersistence) { newDataset.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) } // update the accumulator column with the result of prediction of models val aggregatedDataset = models.zipWithIndex.foldLeft[DataFrame](newDataset) { case (df, (model, index)) => val rawPredictionCol = model.getRawPredictionCol val columns = origCols ++ List(col(rawPredictionCol), col(accColName)) // add temporary column to store intermediate scores and update val tmpColName = "mbc$tmp" + UUID.randomUUID().toString val updateUDF = udf { (predictions: Map[Int, Double], prediction: Vector) => predictions + ((index, prediction(1))) } model.setFeaturesCol($(featuresCol)) val transformedDataset = model.transform(df).select(columns: _*) val updatedDataset = transformedDataset .withColumn(tmpColName, updateUDF(col(accColName), col(rawPredictionCol))) val newColumns = origCols ++ List(col(tmpColName)) // switch out the intermediate column with the accumulator column updatedDataset.select(newColumns: _*).withColumnRenamed(tmpColName, accColName) } if (handlePersistence) { newDataset.unpersist() } // output the index of the classifier with highest confidence as prediction val labelUDF = udf { (predictions: Map[Int, Double]) => predictions.maxBy(_._2)._1.toDouble } // output label and label metadata as prediction aggregatedDataset .withColumn($(predictionCol), labelUDF(col(accColName)), labelMetadata) .drop(accColName) } @Since("1.4.1") override def copy(extra: ParamMap): OneVsRestModel = { val copied = new OneVsRestModel( uid, labelMetadata, models.map(_.copy(extra).asInstanceOf[ClassificationModel[_, _]])) copyValues(copied, extra).setParent(parent) } @Since("2.0.0") override def write: MLWriter = new OneVsRestModel.OneVsRestModelWriter(this) } @Since("2.0.0") object OneVsRestModel extends MLReadable[OneVsRestModel] { @Since("2.0.0") override def read: MLReader[OneVsRestModel] = new OneVsRestModelReader @Since("2.0.0") override def load(path: String): OneVsRestModel = super.load(path) /** [[MLWriter]] instance for [[OneVsRestModel]] */ private[OneVsRestModel] class OneVsRestModelWriter(instance: OneVsRestModel) extends MLWriter { OneVsRestParams.validateParams(instance) override protected def saveImpl(path: String): Unit = { val extraJson = ("labelMetadata" -> instance.labelMetadata.json) ~ ("numClasses" -> instance.models.length) OneVsRestParams.saveImpl(path, instance, sc, Some(extraJson)) instance.models.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (model: MLWritable, idx) => val modelPath = new Path(path, s"model_$idx").toString model.save(modelPath) } } } private class OneVsRestModelReader extends MLReader[OneVsRestModel] { /** Checked against metadata when loading model */ private val className = classOf[OneVsRestModel].getName override def load(path: String): OneVsRestModel = { implicit val format = DefaultFormats val (metadata, classifier) = OneVsRestParams.loadImpl(path, sc, className) val labelMetadata = Metadata.fromJson((metadata.metadata \ "labelMetadata").extract[String]) val numClasses = (metadata.metadata \ "numClasses").extract[Int] val models = Range(0, numClasses).toArray.map { idx => val modelPath = new Path(path, s"model_$idx").toString DefaultParamsReader.loadParamsInstance[ClassificationModel[_, _]](modelPath, sc) } val ovrModel = new OneVsRestModel(metadata.uid, labelMetadata, models) DefaultParamsReader.getAndSetParams(ovrModel, metadata) ovrModel.set("classifier", classifier) ovrModel } } } /** * Reduction of Multiclass Classification to Binary Classification. * Performs reduction using one against all strategy. * For a multiclass classification with k classes, train k models (one per class). * Each example is scored against all k models and the model with highest score * is picked to label the example. */ @Since("1.4.0") final class OneVsRest @Since("1.4.0") ( @Since("1.4.0") override val uid: String) extends Estimator[OneVsRestModel] with OneVsRestParams with MLWritable { @Since("1.4.0") def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("oneVsRest")) /** @group setParam */ @Since("1.4.0") def setClassifier(value: Classifier[_, _, _]): this.type = { set(classifier, value.asInstanceOf[ClassifierType]) } /** @group setParam */ @Since("1.5.0") def setLabelCol(value: String): this.type = set(labelCol, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("1.5.0") def setFeaturesCol(value: String): this.type = set(featuresCol, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("1.5.0") def setPredictionCol(value: String): this.type = set(predictionCol, value) @Since("1.4.0") override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = { validateAndTransformSchema(schema, fitting = true, getClassifier.featuresDataType) } @Since("2.0.0") override def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): OneVsRestModel = { transformSchema(dataset.schema) val instr = Instrumentation.create(this, dataset) instr.logParams(labelCol, featuresCol, predictionCol) instr.logNamedValue("classifier", $(classifier).getClass.getCanonicalName) // determine number of classes either from metadata if provided, or via computation. val labelSchema = dataset.schema($(labelCol)) val computeNumClasses: () => Int = () => { val Row(maxLabelIndex: Double) = dataset.agg(max(col($(labelCol)).cast(DoubleType))).head() // classes are assumed to be numbered from 0,...,maxLabelIndex maxLabelIndex.toInt + 1 } val numClasses = MetadataUtils.getNumClasses(labelSchema).fold(computeNumClasses())(identity) instr.logNumClasses(numClasses) val multiclassLabeled = dataset.select($(labelCol), $(featuresCol)) // persist if underlying dataset is not persistent. val handlePersistence = dataset.rdd.getStorageLevel == StorageLevel.NONE if (handlePersistence) { multiclassLabeled.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) } // create k columns, one for each binary classifier. val models = Range(0, numClasses).par.map { index => // generate new label metadata for the binary problem. val newLabelMeta = BinaryAttribute.defaultAttr.withName("label").toMetadata() val labelColName = "mc2b$" + index val trainingDataset = multiclassLabeled.withColumn( labelColName, when(col($(labelCol)) === index.toDouble, 1.0).otherwise(0.0), newLabelMeta) val classifier = getClassifier val paramMap = new ParamMap() paramMap.put(classifier.labelCol -> labelColName) paramMap.put(classifier.featuresCol -> getFeaturesCol) paramMap.put(classifier.predictionCol -> getPredictionCol) classifier.fit(trainingDataset, paramMap) }.toArray[ClassificationModel[_, _]] instr.logNumFeatures(models.head.numFeatures) if (handlePersistence) { multiclassLabeled.unpersist() } // extract label metadata from label column if present, or create a nominal attribute // to output the number of labels val labelAttribute = Attribute.fromStructField(labelSchema) match { case _: NumericAttribute | UnresolvedAttribute => NominalAttribute.defaultAttr.withName("label").withNumValues(numClasses) case attr: Attribute => attr } val model = new OneVsRestModel(uid, labelAttribute.toMetadata(), models).setParent(this) instr.logSuccess(model) copyValues(model) } @Since("1.4.1") override def copy(extra: ParamMap): OneVsRest = { val copied = defaultCopy(extra).asInstanceOf[OneVsRest] if (isDefined(classifier)) { copied.setClassifier($(classifier).copy(extra)) } copied } @Since("2.0.0") override def write: MLWriter = new OneVsRest.OneVsRestWriter(this) } @Since("2.0.0") object OneVsRest extends MLReadable[OneVsRest] { @Since("2.0.0") override def read: MLReader[OneVsRest] = new OneVsRestReader @Since("2.0.0") override def load(path: String): OneVsRest = super.load(path) /** [[MLWriter]] instance for [[OneVsRest]] */ private[OneVsRest] class OneVsRestWriter(instance: OneVsRest) extends MLWriter { OneVsRestParams.validateParams(instance) override protected def saveImpl(path: String): Unit = { OneVsRestParams.saveImpl(path, instance, sc) } } private class OneVsRestReader extends MLReader[OneVsRest] { /** Checked against metadata when loading model */ private val className = classOf[OneVsRest].getName override def load(path: String): OneVsRest = { val (metadata, classifier) = OneVsRestParams.loadImpl(path, sc, className) val ovr = new OneVsRest(metadata.uid) DefaultParamsReader.getAndSetParams(ovr, metadata) ovr.setClassifier(classifier) } } }