import struct import cPickle class Batch(object): """ Used to store multiple RDD entries as a single Java object. This relieves us from having to explicitly track whether an RDD is stored as batches of objects and avoids problems when processing the union() of batched and unbatched RDDs (e.g. the union() of textFile() with another RDD). """ def __init__(self, items): self.items = items def batched(iterator, batchSize): if batchSize == -1: # unlimited batch size yield Batch(list(iterator)) else: items = [] count = 0 for item in iterator: items.append(item) count += 1 if count == batchSize: yield Batch(items) items = [] count = 0 if items: yield Batch(items) def dump_pickle(obj): return cPickle.dumps(obj, 2) load_pickle = cPickle.loads def read_long(stream): length = if length == "": raise EOFError return struct.unpack("!q", length)[0] def read_int(stream): length = if length == "": raise EOFError return struct.unpack("!i", length)[0] def write_int(value, stream): stream.write(struct.pack("!i", value)) def write_with_length(obj, stream): write_int(len(obj), stream) stream.write(obj) def read_with_length(stream): length = read_int(stream) obj = if obj == "": raise EOFError return obj def read_from_pickle_file(stream): try: while True: obj = load_pickle(read_with_length(stream)) if type(obj) == Batch: # We don't care about inheritance for item in obj.items: yield item else: yield obj except EOFError: return