-- Automatically generated by SQLQueryTestSuite -- Number of queries: 32 -- !query 0 CREATE TABLE test_change(a INT, b STRING, c INT) using parquet -- !query 0 schema struct<> -- !query 0 output -- !query 1 DESC test_change -- !query 1 schema struct -- !query 1 output a int b string c int -- !query 2 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a1 INT -- !query 2 schema struct<> -- !query 2 output org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN is not supported for changing column 'a' with type 'IntegerType' to 'a1' with type 'IntegerType'; -- !query 3 DESC test_change -- !query 3 schema struct -- !query 3 output a int b string c int -- !query 4 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a STRING -- !query 4 schema struct<> -- !query 4 output org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN is not supported for changing column 'a' with type 'IntegerType' to 'a' with type 'StringType'; -- !query 5 DESC test_change -- !query 5 schema struct -- !query 5 output a int b string c int -- !query 6 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a INT AFTER b -- !query 6 schema struct<> -- !query 6 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException Operation not allowed: ALTER TABLE table [PARTITION partition_spec] CHANGE COLUMN ... FIRST | AFTER otherCol(line 1, pos 0) == SQL == ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a INT AFTER b ^^^ -- !query 7 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE b b STRING FIRST -- !query 7 schema struct<> -- !query 7 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException Operation not allowed: ALTER TABLE table [PARTITION partition_spec] CHANGE COLUMN ... FIRST | AFTER otherCol(line 1, pos 0) == SQL == ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE b b STRING FIRST ^^^ -- !query 8 DESC test_change -- !query 8 schema struct -- !query 8 output a int b string c int -- !query 9 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a INT COMMENT 'this is column a' -- !query 9 schema struct<> -- !query 9 output -- !query 10 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE b b STRING COMMENT '#*02?`' -- !query 10 schema struct<> -- !query 10 output -- !query 11 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE c c INT COMMENT '' -- !query 11 schema struct<> -- !query 11 output -- !query 12 DESC test_change -- !query 12 schema struct -- !query 12 output a int this is column a b string #*02?` c int -- !query 13 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a INT COMMENT 'this is column a' -- !query 13 schema struct<> -- !query 13 output -- !query 14 DESC test_change -- !query 14 schema struct -- !query 14 output a int this is column a b string #*02?` c int -- !query 15 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE invalid_col invalid_col INT -- !query 15 schema struct<> -- !query 15 output org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException Invalid column reference 'invalid_col', table schema is 'StructType(StructField(a,IntegerType,true), StructField(b,StringType,true), StructField(c,IntegerType,true))'; -- !query 16 DESC test_change -- !query 16 schema struct -- !query 16 output a int this is column a b string #*02?` c int -- !query 17 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a1 STRING COMMENT 'this is column a1' AFTER b -- !query 17 schema struct<> -- !query 17 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException Operation not allowed: ALTER TABLE table [PARTITION partition_spec] CHANGE COLUMN ... FIRST | AFTER otherCol(line 1, pos 0) == SQL == ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a1 STRING COMMENT 'this is column a1' AFTER b ^^^ -- !query 18 DESC test_change -- !query 18 schema struct -- !query 18 output a int this is column a b string #*02?` c int -- !query 19 SET spark.sql.caseSensitive=false -- !query 19 schema struct -- !query 19 output spark.sql.caseSensitive false -- !query 20 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a A INT COMMENT 'this is column A' -- !query 20 schema struct<> -- !query 20 output -- !query 21 SET spark.sql.caseSensitive=true -- !query 21 schema struct -- !query 21 output spark.sql.caseSensitive true -- !query 22 ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a A INT COMMENT 'this is column A1' -- !query 22 schema struct<> -- !query 22 output org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN is not supported for changing column 'a' with type 'IntegerType' to 'A' with type 'IntegerType'; -- !query 23 DESC test_change -- !query 23 schema struct -- !query 23 output a int this is column A b string #*02?` c int -- !query 24 CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW temp_view(a, b) AS SELECT 1, "one" -- !query 24 schema struct<> -- !query 24 output -- !query 25 ALTER TABLE temp_view CHANGE a a INT COMMENT 'this is column a' -- !query 25 schema struct<> -- !query 25 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException Table or view 'temp_view' not found in database 'default'; -- !query 26 CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY VIEW global_temp_view(a, b) AS SELECT 1, "one" -- !query 26 schema struct<> -- !query 26 output -- !query 27 ALTER TABLE global_temp.global_temp_view CHANGE a a INT COMMENT 'this is column a' -- !query 27 schema struct<> -- !query 27 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchDatabaseException Database 'global_temp' not found; -- !query 28 CREATE TABLE partition_table(a INT, b STRING, c INT, d STRING) USING parquet PARTITIONED BY (c, d) -- !query 28 schema struct<> -- !query 28 output -- !query 29 ALTER TABLE partition_table PARTITION (c = 1) CHANGE COLUMN a new_a INT -- !query 29 schema struct<> -- !query 29 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException Operation not allowed: ALTER TABLE table PARTITION partition_spec CHANGE COLUMN(line 1, pos 0) == SQL == ALTER TABLE partition_table PARTITION (c = 1) CHANGE COLUMN a new_a INT ^^^ -- !query 30 DROP TABLE test_change -- !query 30 schema struct<> -- !query 30 output -- !query 31 DROP TABLE partition_table -- !query 31 schema struct<> -- !query 31 output