-- Automatically generated by SQLQueryTestSuite -- Number of queries: 26 -- !query 0 CREATE DATABASE showdb -- !query 0 schema struct<> -- !query 0 output -- !query 1 USE showdb -- !query 1 schema struct<> -- !query 1 output -- !query 2 CREATE TABLE show_t1(a String, b Int, c String, d String) USING parquet PARTITIONED BY (c, d) -- !query 2 schema struct<> -- !query 2 output -- !query 3 ALTER TABLE show_t1 ADD PARTITION (c='Us', d=1) -- !query 3 schema struct<> -- !query 3 output -- !query 4 CREATE TABLE show_t2(b String, d Int) USING parquet -- !query 4 schema struct<> -- !query 4 output -- !query 5 CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW show_t3(e int) USING parquet -- !query 5 schema struct<> -- !query 5 output -- !query 6 CREATE GLOBAL TEMP VIEW show_t4 AS SELECT 1 as col1 -- !query 6 schema struct<> -- !query 6 output -- !query 7 SHOW TABLES -- !query 7 schema struct -- !query 7 output arraydata mapdata show_t1 show_t2 show_t3 testdata -- !query 8 SHOW TABLES IN showdb -- !query 8 schema struct -- !query 8 output arraydata mapdata show_t1 show_t2 show_t3 testdata -- !query 9 SHOW TABLES 'show_t*' -- !query 9 schema struct -- !query 9 output show_t1 show_t2 show_t3 -- !query 10 SHOW TABLES LIKE 'show_t1*|show_t2*' -- !query 10 schema struct -- !query 10 output show_t1 show_t2 -- !query 11 SHOW TABLES IN showdb 'show_t*' -- !query 11 schema struct -- !query 11 output show_t1 show_t2 show_t3 -- !query 12 SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE 'show_t*' -- !query 12 schema struct -- !query 12 output show_t3 true CatalogTable( Table: `show_t3` Created: Last Access: Type: VIEW Schema: [StructField(e,IntegerType,true)] Storage()) showdb show_t1 false CatalogTable( Table: `showdb`.`show_t1` Created: Last Access: Type: MANAGED Schema: [StructField(a,StringType,true), StructField(b,IntegerType,true), StructField(c,StringType,true), StructField(d,StringType,true)] Provider: parquet Partition Columns: [`c`, `d`] Storage(Location: sql/core/spark-warehouse/showdb.db/show_t1) Partition Provider: Catalog) showdb show_t2 false CatalogTable( Table: `showdb`.`show_t2` Created: Last Access: Type: MANAGED Schema: [StructField(b,StringType,true), StructField(d,IntegerType,true)] Provider: parquet Storage(Location: sql/core/spark-warehouse/showdb.db/show_t2)) -- !query 13 SHOW TABLE EXTENDED -- !query 13 schema struct<> -- !query 13 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException mismatched input '' expecting 'LIKE'(line 1, pos 19) == SQL == SHOW TABLE EXTENDED -------------------^^^ -- !query 14 SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE 'show_t1' PARTITION(c='Us', d=1) -- !query 14 schema struct -- !query 14 output showdb show_t1 false CatalogPartition( Partition Values: [c=Us, d=1] Storage(Location: sql/core/spark-warehouse/showdb.db/show_t1/c=Us/d=1) Partition Parameters:{}) -- !query 15 SHOW TABLE EXTENDED PARTITION(c='Us', d=1) -- !query 15 schema struct<> -- !query 15 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException mismatched input 'PARTITION' expecting 'LIKE'(line 1, pos 20) == SQL == SHOW TABLE EXTENDED PARTITION(c='Us', d=1) --------------------^^^ -- !query 16 SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE 'show_t*' PARTITION(c='Us', d=1) -- !query 16 schema struct<> -- !query 16 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException Table or view 'show_t*' not found in database 'showdb'; -- !query 17 SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE 'show_t1' PARTITION(c='Us') -- !query 17 schema struct<> -- !query 17 output org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException Partition spec is invalid. The spec (c) must match the partition spec (c, d) defined in table '`showdb`.`show_t1`'; -- !query 18 SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE 'show_t1' PARTITION(a='Us', d=1) -- !query 18 schema struct<> -- !query 18 output org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException Partition spec is invalid. The spec (a, d) must match the partition spec (c, d) defined in table '`showdb`.`show_t1`'; -- !query 19 SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE 'show_t1' PARTITION(c='Ch', d=1) -- !query 19 schema struct<> -- !query 19 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchPartitionException Partition not found in table 'show_t1' database 'showdb': c -> Ch d -> 1; -- !query 20 DROP TABLE show_t1 -- !query 20 schema struct<> -- !query 20 output -- !query 21 DROP TABLE show_t2 -- !query 21 schema struct<> -- !query 21 output -- !query 22 DROP VIEW show_t3 -- !query 22 schema struct<> -- !query 22 output -- !query 23 DROP VIEW global_temp.show_t4 -- !query 23 schema struct<> -- !query 23 output -- !query 24 USE default -- !query 24 schema struct<> -- !query 24 output -- !query 25 DROP DATABASE showdb -- !query 25 schema struct<> -- !query 25 output