-- Automatically generated by SQLQueryTestSuite -- Number of queries: 25 -- !query 0 CREATE DATABASE showdb -- !query 0 schema struct<> -- !query 0 output -- !query 1 USE showdb -- !query 1 schema struct<> -- !query 1 output -- !query 2 CREATE TABLE showcolumn1 (col1 int, `col 2` int) -- !query 2 schema struct<> -- !query 2 output -- !query 3 CREATE TABLE showcolumn2 (price int, qty int) partitioned by (year int, month int) -- !query 3 schema struct<> -- !query 3 output -- !query 4 CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW showColumn3 (col3 int, `col 4` int) USING parquet -- !query 4 schema struct<> -- !query 4 output -- !query 5 CREATE GLOBAL TEMP VIEW showColumn4 AS SELECT 1 as col1, 'abc' as `col 5` -- !query 5 schema struct<> -- !query 5 output -- !query 6 SHOW COLUMNS IN showcolumn1 -- !query 6 schema struct -- !query 6 output col 2 col1 -- !query 7 SHOW COLUMNS IN showdb.showcolumn1 -- !query 7 schema struct -- !query 7 output col 2 col1 -- !query 8 SHOW COLUMNS IN showcolumn1 FROM showdb -- !query 8 schema struct -- !query 8 output col 2 col1 -- !query 9 SHOW COLUMNS IN showcolumn2 IN showdb -- !query 9 schema struct -- !query 9 output month price qty year -- !query 10 SHOW COLUMNS IN badtable FROM showdb -- !query 10 schema struct<> -- !query 10 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException Table or view 'badtable' not found in database 'showdb'; -- !query 11 SHOW COLUMNS IN showdb.showcolumn1 from SHOWDB -- !query 11 schema struct -- !query 11 output col 2 col1 -- !query 12 SHOW COLUMNS IN showdb.showcolumn1 FROM baddb -- !query 12 schema struct<> -- !query 12 output org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException SHOW COLUMNS with conflicting databases: 'baddb' != 'showdb'; -- !query 13 SHOW COLUMNS IN showcolumn3 -- !query 13 schema struct -- !query 13 output col 4 col3 -- !query 14 SHOW COLUMNS IN showdb.showcolumn3 -- !query 14 schema struct<> -- !query 14 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException Table or view 'showcolumn3' not found in database 'showdb'; -- !query 15 SHOW COLUMNS IN showcolumn3 FROM showdb -- !query 15 schema struct<> -- !query 15 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException Table or view 'showcolumn3' not found in database 'showdb'; -- !query 16 SHOW COLUMNS IN showcolumn4 -- !query 16 schema struct<> -- !query 16 output org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException Table or view 'showcolumn4' not found in database 'showdb'; -- !query 17 SHOW COLUMNS IN global_temp.showcolumn4 -- !query 17 schema struct -- !query 17 output col 5 col1 -- !query 18 SHOW COLUMNS IN showcolumn4 FROM global_temp -- !query 18 schema struct -- !query 18 output col 5 col1 -- !query 19 DROP TABLE showcolumn1 -- !query 19 schema struct<> -- !query 19 output -- !query 20 DROP TABLE showColumn2 -- !query 20 schema struct<> -- !query 20 output -- !query 21 DROP VIEW showcolumn3 -- !query 21 schema struct<> -- !query 21 output -- !query 22 DROP VIEW global_temp.showcolumn4 -- !query 22 schema struct<> -- !query 22 output -- !query 23 use default -- !query 23 schema struct<> -- !query 23 output -- !query 24 DROP DATABASE showdb -- !query 24 schema struct<> -- !query 24 output