From a43a10a12fd5653e6050c652024764416b71ab54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jakob Odersky Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2018 14:07:25 -0800 Subject: Add support for ScalaJS and Scala Native Binary compatibility with previous versions is maintained. --- build.sbt | 168 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------- 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-) (limited to 'build.sbt') diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt index c6ecc15..6dba46e 100644 --- a/build.sbt +++ b/build.sbt @@ -1,94 +1,80 @@ +// shadow sbt-scalajs' crossProject and CrossType until Scala.js 1.0.0 is released +import sbtcrossproject.CrossPlugin.autoImport.{crossProject, CrossType} import{ProblemFilters, ReversedMissingMethodProblem} -name := "spray-json" - -version := "1.3.6-SNAPSHOT" - -organization := "io.spray" - -organizationHomepage := Some(new URL("")) - -description := "A Scala library for easy and idiomatic JSON (de)serialization" - -homepage := Some(new URL("")) - -startYear := Some(2011) - -licenses := Seq("Apache 2" -> new URL("")) - -scalacOptions ++= Seq("-feature", "-language:_", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-Xlint", "-encoding", "utf8") - -resolvers += Opts.resolver.sonatypeReleases - -libraryDependencies ++= (CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value) match { - case Some((2, 10)) => Seq( - "org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "3.10.0" % "test", - "org.specs2" %% "specs2-scalacheck" % "3.10.0" % "test", - "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % "1.14.0" % "test" - ) - case Some((2, n)) if n >= 11 => Seq( - "org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "4.5.1" % "test", - "org.specs2" %% "specs2-scalacheck" % "4.5.1" % "test", - "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % "1.14.0" % "test" +lazy val scala210 = "2.10.7" +lazy val scala211 = "2.11.12" +lazy val scala212 = "2.12.8" +lazy val scala213 = "2.13.0" + +lazy val sprayJson = + crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform, NativePlatform) + .crossType(CrossType.Full) + .in(file(".")) + .settings( + name := "spray-json", + version := "1.3.6-SNAPSHOT", + scalaVersion := crossScalaVersions.value.head, + scalacOptions ++= Seq("-feature", "-language:_", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-Xlint", "-encoding", "utf8"), + (scalacOptions in doc) ++= Seq("-doc-title", name.value + " " + version.value), + scalaBinaryVersion := { + val sV = scalaVersion.value + if (CrossVersion.isScalaApiCompatible(sV)) + CrossVersion.binaryScalaVersion(sV) + else + sV + }, + // Workaround for "Shared resource directory is ignored" + // + unmanagedResourceDirectories in Test += (baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value / "shared/src/test/resources" + ) + .enablePlugins(spray.boilerplate.BoilerplatePlugin) + .platformsSettings(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform)( + libraryDependencies ++= (CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value) match { + case Some((2, 10)) => Seq( + "org.specs2" %%% "specs2-core" % "3.8.9" % "test", + "org.specs2" %%% "specs2-scalacheck" % "3.8.9" % "test", + "org.scalacheck" %%% "scalacheck" % "1.13.4" % "test" + ) + case Some((2, n)) if n >= 11 => Seq( + "org.specs2" %%% "specs2-core" % "4.5.1" % "test", + "org.specs2" %%% "specs2-scalacheck" % "4.5.1" % "test", + "org.scalacheck" %%% "scalacheck" % "1.14.0" % "test" + ) + case _ => Nil + }) + ) + .configurePlatforms(JVMPlatform)(_.enablePlugins(SbtOsgi)) + .jvmSettings( + crossScalaVersions := Seq(scala213, scala212, scala211, scala210), + OsgiKeys.exportPackage := Seq("""spray.json.*;version="${Bundle-Version}""""), + OsgiKeys.importPackage := Seq("""scala.*;version="$"""".format(scalaVersion.value)), + OsgiKeys.importPackage ++= Seq("""spray.json;version="${Bundle-Version}"""", "*"), + OsgiKeys.additionalHeaders := Map("-removeheaders" -> "Include-Resource,Private-Package"), + mimaPreviousArtifacts := (CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value) match { + case Some((2, 13)) => Set.empty + case _ => Set("io.spray" %% "spray-json" % "1.3.5") + }), + mimaBinaryIssueFilters := Seq( + ProblemFilters.exclude[ReversedMissingMethodProblem]("spray.json.PrettyPrinter.organiseMembers") + ) + ) + .jsSettings( + crossScalaVersions := Seq(scala212, scala211) + ) + .nativeSettings( + crossScalaVersions := Seq(scala211), + // Disable tests in Scala Native until testing frameworks for it become available + unmanagedSourceDirectories in Test := Seq.empty + ) + +lazy val sprayJsonJVM = sprayJson.jvm +lazy val sprayJsonJS = sprayJson.js +lazy val sprayJsonNative = sprayJson.native + +lazy val root = (project in file(".")) + .aggregate(sprayJsonJVM, sprayJsonJS, sprayJsonNative) + .settings( + publish := {}, + publishLocal := {} ) - case _ => Nil -}) - -(scalacOptions in doc) ++= Seq("-doc-title", name.value + " " + version.value) - -// generate boilerplate -enablePlugins(BoilerplatePlugin) - -// OSGi settings -enablePlugins(SbtOsgi) - -OsgiKeys.exportPackage := Seq("""spray.json.*;version="${Bundle-Version}"""") - -OsgiKeys.importPackage := Seq("""scala.*;version="$"""".format(scalaVersion.value)) - -OsgiKeys.importPackage ++= Seq("""spray.json;version="${Bundle-Version}"""", "*") - -OsgiKeys.additionalHeaders := Map("-removeheaders" -> "Include-Resource,Private-Package") - -// Migration Manager -mimaPreviousArtifacts := (CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value) match { - case Some((2, 13)) => Set.empty - case _ => - Set("1.3.2", "1.3.3", "1.3.4").map { v => - "io.spray" %% "spray-json" % v - } -}) - -mimaBinaryIssueFilters := Seq( - ProblemFilters.exclude[ReversedMissingMethodProblem]("spray.json.PrettyPrinter.organiseMembers") -) - -/////////////// -// publishing -/////////////// - -crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.12.8", "2.10.7", "2.11.12", "2.13.0-RC3") - -publishMavenStyle := true - -useGpg := true - -publishTo := { - val nexus = "" - if (version.value.trim.endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) - Some("snapshots" at nexus + "content/repositories/snapshots") - else - Some("releases" at nexus + "service/local/staging/deploy/maven2") -} - -pomIncludeRepository := { _ => false } - -pomExtra := - - git:// - - - - sirthiasMathias Doenitz - jrudolphJohannes Rudolph - -- cgit v1.2.3