Starting with this release _spray-json_ artifacts live on and will have group id `cc.spray` rather than `cc.spray.json` as before. Changes since the last release (1.0.1): - Added automatic case class field name extraction via new `jsonFormatX` overloads - Added `asJson` extension method to Strings - Added `RootJsonFormat` (`JsonFormat` for types corresponding to JSON document roots) - Fixed problem of JSON object deserialization not being member-order independent (removed `JsField`, turned `JsObject(List[JsField])` into `JsObject(Map[String, JsValue])`) - Fixed issue #8 (Allow (de)serialization of `NaN` (Double)), thx to @stefritz - Fixed #6 (rename `JsValue:fromJson` to `convertTo`, add `.prettyPrint` and `.compactPrint`) - Improved deserialization error messages - Upgraded to SBT 0.11.2