/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Mathias Doenitz * Inspired by a similar implementation by Nathan Hamblen * (https://github.com/n8han/Databinder-Dispatch) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cc.spray.json import collection.mutable.ListBuffer /** * The general type of a JSON AST node. */ sealed trait JsValue { override def toString = compactPrint def toString(printer: (JsValue => String)) = printer(this) def compactPrint = CompactPrinter(this) def prettyPrint = PrettyPrinter(this) def convertTo[T :JsonReader]: T = jsonReader[T].read(this) @deprecated("Superceded by 'convertTo'", "1.1.0") def fromJson[T :JsonReader]: T = convertTo } /** * A JSON object. */ case class JsObject(fields: List[JsField]) extends JsValue { lazy val asMap: Map[String, JsValue] = { val b = Map.newBuilder[String, JsValue] for (JsField(name, value) <- fields) b += ((name, value)) b.result() } } object JsObject { def apply(members: JsField*) = new JsObject(members.toList) } /** * The members/fields of a JSON object. */ case class JsField(name: String, value: JsValue) extends JsValue /** * A JSON array. */ case class JsArray(elements: List[JsValue]) extends JsValue object JsArray { def apply(elements: JsValue*) = new JsArray(elements.toList) } /** * A JSON string. */ case class JsString(value: String) extends JsValue object JsString { def apply(value: Symbol) = new JsString(value.name) } /** * A JSON number. */ case class JsNumber(value: BigDecimal) extends JsValue object JsNumber { def apply(n: Int) = new JsNumber(BigDecimal(n)) def apply(n: Long) = new JsNumber(BigDecimal(n)) def apply(n: Double) = n match { case n if n.isNaN => JsNull case n if n.isInfinity => JsNull case _ => new JsNumber(BigDecimal(n)) } def apply(n: BigInt) = new JsNumber(BigDecimal(n)) def apply(n: String) = new JsNumber(BigDecimal(n)) } /** * JSON Booleans. */ sealed trait JsBoolean extends JsValue { def value: Boolean } object JsBoolean { def apply(x: Boolean): JsBoolean = if (x) JsTrue else JsFalse def unapply(x: JsBoolean): Option[Boolean] = Some(x.value) } case object JsTrue extends JsBoolean { def value = true } case object JsFalse extends JsBoolean { def value = false } /** * The representation for JSON null. */ case object JsNull extends JsValue