buildscript { dependencies { classpath 'net.saliman:gradle-cobertura-plugin:2.0.0' classpath 'org.kt3k.gradle.plugin:coveralls-gradle-plugin:0.2.1' } repositories { mavenCentral() } } evaluationDependsOn(':stringmetric-core') apply from: '../deploy.gradle' apply plugin: 'cobertura' apply plugin: 'coveralls' apply plugin: 'scala' cobertura.coverageFormats = ['html', 'xml'] cobertura.coverageSourceDirs = sourceSets.main.scala.srcDirs compileScala { compileScala.scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters = ['-target:jvm-1.6', '–Xdisable-assertions'] } compileTestScala { compileTestScala.scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters = ['-target:jvm-1.6'] } dependencies { compile project(':stringmetric-core') compile'org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:2.10.2' compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.10.2' testCompile project(':stringmetric-core').sourceSets.test.output testCompile '' testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11' testCompile 'org.scalatest:scalatest_2.10:2.0.M5b' } sourceSets { main { output.resourcesDir "${project.buildDir}/classes/main" java { srcDir 'source/core/java' } resources { srcDir 'source/core/resource' } scala { srcDir 'source/core/scala' } } test { output.resourcesDir "${project.buildDir}/classes/test" java { srcDir 'source/test/java' } resources { srcDir 'source/test/resource' } scala { srcDir 'source/test/scala' } } } task tar(description: 'Assembles a compressed tar archive of source files.', dependsOn: [':stringmetric-cli:jar', ':stringmetric-core:jar']) { ext.sourcePath = "${project.projectDir}/source/core/scala" ext.outputPath = "${project.buildDir}" ext.workingPath = "${project.buildDir}/${}" inputs.dir new File(sourcePath) outputs.dir new File(outputPath, 'generated') outputs.upToDateWhen { new File(workingPath).isDirectory() } doLast { // Clean up working directory and tar from last execution, should they exist. ant.delete(dir: workingPath, failOnError: false) ant.delete(file: "${project.buildDir}/${}.tar.gz", failOnError: false) // Create project working directory. ant.mkdir(dir: workingPath) // Create header file. ant.echo(file: "${workingPath}/", message: '#!/bin/bash\ndir="`dirname \\"$0\\"`"\ndir="`( cd \\"$dir\\" && pwd )`"\ncp=`echo $dir/*.jar|sed \'s/ /:/g\'`\nexec scala -classpath "$cp" -savecompiled "$0" "$@"\n!#\n//') // Copy source files to working directory. ant.copy(toDir: workingPath, force: true, overwrite: true) { fileset(dir: sourcePath) { exclude(name: '**/cli/*.scala') exclude(name: '**/package.scala') } filterchain { concatfilter(prepend: "${workingPath}/") } } // Delete header file. ant.delete(file: "${workingPath}/") // Flatten and remove file extension. ant.move(toDir: workingPath) { fileset(dir: workingPath) chainedmapper { mapper(type: 'flatten') mapper(from: '*.scala', to: '*', type: 'glob') } } // Clean up empty folder(s) from flatten. ant.delete(dir: "${workingPath}/org", includeEmptyDirs: true) // Copy project jars into place. ant.copy(toDir: workingPath, force: true, overwrite: true) { fileset(dir: "${project.buildDir}/libs") } ant.copy(toDir: workingPath, force: true, overwrite: true) { fileset(dir: "${project(':stringmetric-core').buildDir}/libs") } // Assemble compressed tar. ant.tar(compression: 'gzip', destFile: "${project.buildDir}/${}.tar.gz") { tarfileset(dir: workingPath, fileMode: 755, prefix: } } }