#stringmetric [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rockymadden/stringmetric.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/rockymadden/stringmetric) String metrics and phonetic algorithms for Scala. The library provides facilities to perform approximate string matching, measurement of string similarity/distance, indexing by word pronunciation, and sounds-like comparisons. In addition to the core library, each metric and algorithm has a command line interface. Heavy emphasis is placed on unit testing and performance (verified via microbenchmark suites). ## Metrics and Algorithms * __[Dice / Sorensen](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dice%27s_coefficient)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Hamming](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Jaro](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaro-Winkler_distance)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Jaro-Winkler](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaro-Winkler_distance)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Levenshtein](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Metaphone](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphone)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __[N-Gram](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-gram)__ (Similarity metric and algorithm) * __[NYSIIS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_State_Identification_and_Intelligence_System)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __[Ratcliff / Obershelp](http://xlinux.nist.gov/dads/HTML/ratcliffObershelp.html)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Refined NYSIIS](http://www.markcrocker.com/rexxtipsntricks/rxtt28.2.0482.html)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __[Refined Soundex](http://ntz-develop.blogspot.com/2011/03/phonetic-algorithms.html)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __[Soundex](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soundex)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __Weighted Levenshtein__ (Similarity metric) ## Installation Available on the [Maven Central Repository](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.rockymadden.stringmetric%22): * __groupId__: com.rockymadden.stringmetric * __artifactId__: stringmetric-core * __artifactId__: stringmetric-cli ## Similarity package Useful for approximate string matching and measurement of string distance. Most metrics calculate the similarity of two strings as a double with a value between 0 and 1. A value of 0 being completely different and a value of 1 being completely similar. __Dice / Sorensen Metric:__ ```scala println(DiceSorensenMetric.compare("night", "nacht")) println(DiceSorensenMetric.compare("context", "contact")) ``` Output: ``` 0.6 0.7142857142857143 ``` __Hamming Metric:__ ```scala println(HammingMetric.compare("toned", "roses")) println(HammingMetric.compare("1011101", "1001001")) ``` Output: _(Note the exception of integers, rather than doubles, being returned.)_ ``` 3 2 ``` __Jaro Metric:__ ```scala println(JaroMetric.compare("dwayne", "duane")) println(JaroMetric.compare("jones", "johnson")) println(JaroMetric.compare("fvie", "ten")) ``` Output: ``` 0.8222222222222223 0.7904761904761904 0 ``` __Jaro-Winkler Metric:__ ```scala println(JaroWinklerMetric.compare("dwayne", "duane")) println(JaroWinklerMetric.compare("jones", "johnson")) println(JaroWinklerMetric.compare("fvie", "ten")) ``` Output: ``` 0.8400000000000001 0.8323809523809523 0 ``` __Levenshtein Metric:__ ```scala println(LevenshteinMetric.compare("sitting", "kitten")) println(LevenshteinMetric.compare("cake", "drake")) ``` Output: _(Note the exception of integers, rather than doubles, being returned.)_ ``` 3 2 ``` __N-Gram Metric:__ _(Note you must specify the size of the n-gram you wish to use. This can be done implicitly.)_ ```scala println(NGramMetric.compare("night", "nacht")(1)) println(NGramMetric.compare("night", "nacht")(2)) println(NGramMetric.compare("context", "contact")(2)) ``` Output: ``` 0.6 0.25 0.5 ``` __N-Gram Algorithm:__ _(Note you must specify the size of the n-gram you wish to use. This can be done implicitly.)_ ```scala println(NGramAlgorithm.compute("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")(1)) println(NGramAlgorithm.compute("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")(2)) println(NGramAlgorithm.compute("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")(3)) ``` Output: ``` Array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z") Array("ab", "bc", "cd", "de", "ef", "fg", "gh", "hi", "ij", "jk", "kl", "lm", "mn", "no", "op", "pq", "qr", "rs", "st", "tu", "uv", "vw", "wx", "xy", "yz") Array("abc", "bcd", "cde", "def", "efg", "fgh", "ghi", "hij", "ijk", "jkl", "klm", "lmn", "mno", "nop", "opq", "pqr", "qrs", "rst", "stu", "tuv", "uvw", "vwx", "wxy", "xyz") ``` __Ratcliff/Obershelp Metric:__ ```scala println(RatcliffObershelpMetric.compare("aleksander", "alexandre")) println(RatcliffObershelpMetric.compare("pennsylvania", "pencilvaneya")) ``` Output: ``` 0.7368421052631579 0.6666666666666666 ``` __Weighted Levenshtein Metric:__ _(Note you must specify the weight of each operation. Delete, insert, and then substitute. This can be done implicitly.)_ ```scala println(WeightedLevenshteinMetric.compare("book", "back")(10, 0.1, 1)) println(WeightedLevenshteinMetric.compare("hosp", "hospital")(10, 0.1, 1)) println(WeightedLevenshteinMetric.compare("hospital", "hosp")(10, 0.1, 1)) ``` Output: _(Note that while a double is returned, it can be outside the range of 0 to 1, based upon the weights used.)_ ``` 2 0.4 40 ``` ## Phonetic package Useful for indexing by word pronunciation and performing sounds-like comparisons. All metrics return a boolean value indicating if the two strings sound the same, per the algorithm used. All metrics have a algorithm counterpart which provide the means to perform indexing by word pronunciation. __Metaphone Metric:__ ```scala println(MetaphoneMetric.compare("merci", "mercy")) println(MetaphoneMetric.compare("dumb", "gum")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __Metaphone Algorithm:__ ```scala println(MetaphoneAlgorithm.compute("dumb")) println(MetaphoneAlgorithm.compute("knuth")) ``` Output: ``` tm n0 ``` __NYSIIS Metric:__ ```scala println(NysiisMetric.compare("ham", "hum")) println(NysiisMetric.compare("dumb", "gum")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __NYSIIS Algorithm:__ ```scala println(NysiisAlgorithm.compute("macintosh")) println(NysiisAlgorithm.compute("knuth")) ``` Output: ``` mcant nnat ``` __Refined NYSIIS Metric:__ ```scala println(RefinedNysiisMetric.compare("ham", "hum")) println(RefinedNysiisMetric.compare("dumb", "gum")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __Refined NYSIIS Algorithm:__ ```scala println(RefinedNysiisAlgorithm.compute("macintosh")) println(RefinedNysiisAlgorithm.compute("westerlund")) ``` Output: ``` mcantas wastarlad ``` __Refined Soundex Metric:__ ```scala println(RefinedSoundexMetric.compare("robert", "rupert")) println(RefinedSoundexMetric.compare("robert", "rubin")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __Refined Soundex Algorithm:__ ```scala println(RefinedSoundexAlgorithm.compute("hairs")) println(RefinedSoundexAlgorithm.compute("lambert")) ``` Output: ``` h093 l7081096 ``` __Soundex Metric:__ ```scala println(SoundexMetric.compare("robert", "rupert")) println(SoundexMetric.compare("robert", "rubin")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __Soundex Algorithm:__ ```scala println(SoundexAlgorithm.compute("rupert")) println(SoundexAlgorithm.compute("lukasiewicz")) ``` Output: ``` r163 l222 ``` ## Filter package Useful for filtering strings prior to evaluation (e.g. ignore case, ignore non-alpha, ignore spaces). Filters can be used implicitly. Basic example with no filtering: ```scala JaroWinklerMetric.compare("string1", "string2") ``` Basic example with single filter: ```scala JaroWinklerMetric.compare("string1", "string2")(new StringFilterDelegate with AsciiLetterCaseStringFilter) ``` Basic example with stacked filter. Filters are applied in reverse order: ```scala JaroWinklerMetric.compare("string1", "string2")(new StringFilterDelegate with AsciiLetterCaseStringFilter with AsciiLetterOnlyStringFilter) ``` ## Convenience objects The StringMetric, StringAlgorithm, and StringFilter convenience objects are available to make interactions with the library easier: ```scala StringMetric.compareWithJaroWinkler("string1", "string2") StringMetric.compareWithJaroWinkler("string1", "string2")(StringFilter.asciiLetterCase) StringAlgorithm.computeWithMetaphone("string1", "string2") ``` ## Command line interfaces Every metric and algorithm has a command line interface. The help option prints command syntax and usage: ```shell $ metaphoneMetric --help Compares two strings to determine if they are phonetically similarly, per the Metaphone algorithm. Syntax: metaphoneMetric [Options] string1 string2... Options: -h, --help Outputs description, syntax, and options. ``` ```shell $ jaroWinklerMetric --help Compares two strings to calculate the Jaro-Winkler distance. Syntax: jaroWinklerMetric [Options] string1 string2... Options: -h, --help Outputs description, syntax, and options. ``` Compare "dog" to "dawg": ```shell $ metaphoneMetric dog dawg true ``` ```shell $ jaroWinklerMetric dog dawg 0.75 ``` Get the phonetic representation of "dog" using the Metaphone phonetic algorithm: ```shell $ metaphoneAlgorithm dog tk ``` ## Todo * SmithWaterman * MongeElkan * NeedlemanWunch * Jaccard * Double Metaphone * Memoization decorator ## Requirements * Scala 2.10.x * Gradle 1.x ## Versioning [Semantic Versioning v2.0](http://semver.org/) ## License [Apache License v2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) ## Documentation [Scaladoc](http://rockymadden.com/stringmetric/scaladoc/) is available on the project website. Further documentation may also be found via the [GitHub wiki](https://github.com/rockymadden/stringmetric/wiki). ## Bugs and Issues Please submit bugs and issues via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/rockymadden/stringmetric/issues). ## Questions, Comments, and Requests Please contact me directly. Find all my contact information on my [personal website](http://rockymadden.com/).