#stringmetric [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rockymadden/stringmetric.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/rockymadden/stringmetric) String metrics and phonetic algorithms for Scala. The library provides facilities to perform approximate string matching, measurement of string similarity/distance, indexing by word pronunciation, and sounds-like comparisons. In addition to the core library, each metric and algorithm has a command line interface. Heavy emphasis is placed on unit testing and performance (verified via microbenchmark suites). ## Metrics and Algorithms * __[Dice / Sorensen](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dice%27s_coefficient)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Hamming](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Jaro](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaro-Winkler_distance)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Jaro-Winkler](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaro-Winkler_distance)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Levenshtein](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Metaphone](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphone)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __[N-Gram](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-gram)__ (Similarity metric and algorithm) * __[NYSIIS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_State_Identification_and_Intelligence_System)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __[Ratcliff / Obershelp](http://xlinux.nist.gov/dads/HTML/ratcliffObershelp.html)__ (Similarity metric) * __[Refined NYSIIS](http://www.markcrocker.com/rexxtipsntricks/rxtt28.2.0482.html)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __[Refined Soundex](http://ntz-develop.blogspot.com/2011/03/phonetic-algorithms.html)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __[Soundex](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soundex)__ (Phonetic metric and algorithm) * __Weighted Levenshtein__ (Similarity metric) ## Installation Available on the [Maven Central Repository](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.rockymadden.stringmetric%22). Depending on the core sub-project shown below (add others, like the CLI, as needed): ### SBT ```scala libraryDependencies += "com.rockymadden.stringmetric" % "stringmetric-core" % "0.22.4" ``` ### Gradle ```groovy compile 'com.rockymadden.stringmetric:stringmetric-core:0.22.4' ``` ### Maven ```xml com.rockymadden.stringmetric stringmetric-core 0.22.4 ``` ## Scaladocs [Scaladocs](http://rockymadden.com/stringmetric/scaladoc/) are available on the project website. ## Similarity package Useful for approximate string matching and measurement of string distance. Most metrics calculate the similarity of two strings as a double with a value between 0 and 1. A value of 0 being completely different and a value of 1 being completely similar. __Dice / Sorensen Metric:__ ```scala println(DiceSorensenMetric().compare("night", "nacht")) println(DiceSorensenMetric().compare("context", "contact")) ``` Output: ``` 0.6 0.7142857142857143 ``` __Hamming Metric:__ ```scala println(HammingMetric().compare("toned", "roses")) println(HammingMetric().compare("1011101", "1001001")) ``` Output: _(Note the exception of integers, rather than doubles, being returned.)_ ``` 3 2 ``` __Jaro Metric:__ ```scala println(JaroMetric().compare("dwayne", "duane")) println(JaroMetric().compare("jones", "johnson")) println(JaroMetric().compare("fvie", "ten")) ``` Output: ``` 0.8222222222222223 0.7904761904761904 0 ``` __Jaro-Winkler Metric:__ ```scala println(JaroWinklerMetric().compare("dwayne", "duane")) println(JaroWinklerMetric().compare("jones", "johnson")) println(JaroWinklerMetric().compare("fvie", "ten")) ``` Output: ``` 0.8400000000000001 0.8323809523809523 0 ``` __Levenshtein Metric:__ ```scala println(LevenshteinMetric().compare("sitting", "kitten")) println(LevenshteinMetric().compare("cake", "drake")) ``` Output: _(Note the exception of integers, rather than doubles, being returned.)_ ``` 3 2 ``` __N-Gram Metric:__ _(Note you must specify the size of the n-gram you wish to use. This can be done implicitly.)_ ```scala println(NGramMetric().compare("night", "nacht")(1)) println(NGramMetric().compare("night", "nacht")(2)) println(NGramMetric().compare("context", "contact")(2)) ``` Output: ``` 0.6 0.25 0.5 ``` __N-Gram Algorithm:__ _(Note you must specify the size of the n-gram you wish to use. This can be done implicitly.)_ ```scala println(NGramAlgorithm().compute("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")(1)) println(NGramAlgorithm().compute("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")(2)) println(NGramAlgorithm().compute("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")(3)) ``` Output: ``` Array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z") Array("ab", "bc", "cd", "de", "ef", "fg", "gh", "hi", "ij", "jk", "kl", "lm", "mn", "no", "op", "pq", "qr", "rs", "st", "tu", "uv", "vw", "wx", "xy", "yz") Array("abc", "bcd", "cde", "def", "efg", "fgh", "ghi", "hij", "ijk", "jkl", "klm", "lmn", "mno", "nop", "opq", "pqr", "qrs", "rst", "stu", "tuv", "uvw", "vwx", "wxy", "xyz") ``` __Ratcliff/Obershelp Metric:__ ```scala println(RatcliffObershelpMetric().compare("aleksander", "alexandre")) println(RatcliffObershelpMetric().compare("pennsylvania", "pencilvaneya")) ``` Output: ``` 0.7368421052631579 0.6666666666666666 ``` __Weighted Levenshtein Metric:__ _(Note you must specify the weight of each operation. Delete, insert, and then substitute. This can be done implicitly.)_ ```scala println(WeightedLevenshteinMetric().compare("book", "back")(10, 0.1, 1)) println(WeightedLevenshteinMetric().compare("hosp", "hospital")(10, 0.1, 1)) println(WeightedLevenshteinMetric().compare("hospital", "hosp")(10, 0.1, 1)) ``` Output: _(Note that while a double is returned, it can be outside the range of 0 to 1, based upon the weights used.)_ ``` 2 0.4 40 ``` ## Phonetic package Useful for indexing by word pronunciation and performing sounds-like comparisons. All metrics return a boolean value indicating if the two strings sound the same, per the algorithm used. All metrics have an algorithm counterpart which provide the means to perform indexing by word pronunciation. __Metaphone Metric:__ ```scala println(MetaphoneMetric().compare("merci", "mercy")) println(MetaphoneMetric().compare("dumb", "gum")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __Metaphone Algorithm:__ ```scala println(MetaphoneAlgorithm().compute("dumb")) println(MetaphoneAlgorithm().compute("knuth")) ``` Output: ``` tm n0 ``` __NYSIIS Metric:__ ```scala println(NysiisMetric().compare("ham", "hum")) println(NysiisMetric().compare("dumb", "gum")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __NYSIIS Algorithm:__ ```scala println(NysiisAlgorithm().compute("macintosh")) println(NysiisAlgorithm().compute("knuth")) ``` Output: ``` mcant nnat ``` __Refined NYSIIS Metric:__ ```scala println(RefinedNysiisMetric().compare("ham", "hum")) println(RefinedNysiisMetric().compare("dumb", "gum")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __Refined NYSIIS Algorithm:__ ```scala println(RefinedNysiisAlgorithm().compute("macintosh")) println(RefinedNysiisAlgorithm().compute("westerlund")) ``` Output: ``` mcantas wastarlad ``` __Refined Soundex Metric:__ ```scala println(RefinedSoundexMetric().compare("robert", "rupert")) println(RefinedSoundexMetric().compare("robert", "rubin")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __Refined Soundex Algorithm:__ ```scala println(RefinedSoundexAlgorithm().compute("hairs")) println(RefinedSoundexAlgorithm().compute("lambert")) ``` Output: ``` h093 l7081096 ``` __Soundex Metric:__ ```scala println(SoundexMetric().compare("robert", "rupert")) println(SoundexMetric().compare("robert", "rubin")) ``` Output: ``` true false ``` __Soundex Algorithm:__ ```scala println(SoundexAlgorithm().compute("rupert")) println(SoundexAlgorithm().compute("lukasiewicz")) ``` Output: ``` r163 l222 ``` ## Decorating It is possible to decorate algorithms and metrics with additional functionality. The most common decorations are filters, which are useful for filtering strings prior to evaluation (e.g. ignore case, ignore non-alpha, ignore spaces). Basic example with no filtering: ```scala JaroWinklerMetric().compare("string1", "string2") ``` Basic example with single filter: ```scala (new JaroWinklerMetric with AsciiLetterCaseStringFilter).compare("string1", "string2") ``` Basic example with stacked filter. Filters are applied in reverse order: ```scala (new JaroWinklerMetric with AsciiLetterCaseStringFilter with AsciiLetterOnlyStringFilter).compare("string1", "string2") ``` ## Convenience objects The StringMetric, StringAlgorithm, StringFilter, ConfigurableStringAlgorithm, and ConfigurableStringMetric standalone convenience objects are available to make interactions with the library easier: ```scala StringMetric.compareWithJaroWinkler("string1", "string2") StringAlgorithm.computeWithMetaphone("string1", "string2") ``` ## Command line interfaces Every metric and algorithm has a command line interface. The help option prints command syntax and usage: ```shell $ metaphoneMetric --help Compares two strings to determine if they are phonetically similarly, per the Metaphone algorithm. Syntax: metaphoneMetric [Options] string1 string2... Options: -h, --help Outputs description, syntax, and options. ``` ```shell $ jaroWinklerMetric --help Compares two strings to calculate the Jaro-Winkler distance. Syntax: jaroWinklerMetric [Options] string1 string2... Options: -h, --help Outputs description, syntax, and options. ``` Compare "dog" to "dawg": ```shell $ metaphoneMetric dog dawg true ``` ```shell $ jaroWinklerMetric dog dawg 0.75 ``` Get the phonetic representation of "dog" using the Metaphone phonetic algorithm: ```shell $ metaphoneAlgorithm dog tk ``` ## Todo * SmithWaterman * MongeElkan * NeedlemanWunch * Jaccard * Double Metaphone * Memoization decorator ## Requirements * Scala 2.10.x * Gradle 1.x ## Versioning [Semantic Versioning v2.0](http://semver.org/) ## License [Apache License v2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) ## Bugs and Issues Please submit bugs and issues via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/rockymadden/stringmetric/issues). ## Questions, Comments, and Requests Please contact me directly. Find all my contact information on my [personal website](http://rockymadden.com/).