package com.softwaremill.sttp.akkahttp import{File, IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException} import import akka.event.LoggingAdapter import akka.http.scaladsl.{ClientTransport, Http, HttpsConnectionContext} import akka.http.scaladsl.coding.{Deflate, Gzip, NoCoding} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ContentTypes.`application/octet-stream` import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpHeader.ParsingResult import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{ HttpEncodings, `Content-Length`, `Content-Type` } import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{Multipart => AkkaMultipart, _} import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.ClientConnectionSettings import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.ConnectionPoolSettings import import{FileIO, Source, StreamConverters} import akka.util.ByteString import com.softwaremill.sttp._ import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} class AkkaHttpBackend private ( actorSystem: ActorSystem, ec: ExecutionContext, terminateActorSystemOnClose: Boolean, opts: SttpBackendOptions, customHttpsContext: Option[HttpsConnectionContext], customConnectionPoolSettings: Option[ConnectionPoolSettings], customLog: Option[LoggingAdapter]) extends SttpBackend[Future, Source[ByteString, Any]] { // the supported stream type private type S = Source[ByteString, Any] private implicit val as: ActorSystem = actorSystem private implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer() private val http = Http() private val connectionSettings = ClientConnectionSettings(actorSystem) .withConnectingTimeout(opts.connectionTimeout) private val connectionPoolSettings = { val base = customConnectionPoolSettings.getOrElse( ConnectionPoolSettings(actorSystem)) opts.proxy match { case None => base case Some(p) => base.withTransport(ClientTransport.httpsProxy(p.inetSocketAddress)) } } override def send[T](r: Request[T, S]): Future[Response[T]] = { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = val settings = connectionPoolSettings .withConnectionSettings( connectionSettings.withIdleTimeout(r.options.readTimeout)) requestToAkka(r) .flatMap(setBodyOnAkka(r, r.body, _)) .toFuture .flatMap( req => http.singleRequest(req, settings = settings, connectionContext = customHttpsContext.getOrElse( http.defaultClientHttpsContext), log = customLog.getOrElse(actorSystem.log))) .flatMap { hr => val code = hr.status.intValue() val body = if (codeIsSuccess(code)) { bodyFromAkka(r.response, decodeAkkaResponse(hr)).map(Right(_)) } else { bodyFromAkka(asString, decodeAkkaResponse(hr)).map(Left(_)) }, code, headersFromAkka(hr), Nil)) } } override def responseMonad: MonadError[Future] = new FutureMonad()(ec) private def methodToAkka(m: Method): HttpMethod = m match { case Method.GET => HttpMethods.GET case Method.HEAD => HttpMethods.HEAD case Method.POST => HttpMethods.POST case Method.PUT => HttpMethods.PUT case Method.DELETE => HttpMethods.DELETE case Method.OPTIONS => HttpMethods.OPTIONS case Method.PATCH => HttpMethods.PATCH case Method.CONNECT => HttpMethods.CONNECT case Method.TRACE => HttpMethods.TRACE case _ => HttpMethod.custom(m.m) } private def bodyFromAkka[T](rr: ResponseAs[T, S], hr: HttpResponse): Future[T] = { implicit val ec = def asByteArray = hr.entity.dataBytes .runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _) .map(_.toArray[Byte]) def saved(file: File, overwrite: Boolean) = { if (!file.exists()) { file.getParentFile.mkdirs() file.createNewFile() } else if (!overwrite) { throw new IOException( s"File ${file.getAbsolutePath} exists - overwriting prohibited") } hr.entity.dataBytes.runWith(FileIO.toPath(file.toPath)) } rr match { case MappedResponseAs(raw, g) => bodyFromAkka(raw, hr).map(g) case IgnoreResponse => hr.discardEntityBytes() Future.successful(()) case ResponseAsString(enc) => String(_, enc)) case ResponseAsByteArray => asByteArray case r @ ResponseAsStream() => Future.successful(r.responseIsStream(hr.entity.dataBytes)) case ResponseAsFile(file, overwrite) => saved(file, overwrite).map(_ => file) } } private def headersFromAkka(hr: HttpResponse): Seq[(String, String)] = { val ch = ContentTypeHeader -> hr.entity.contentType.toString() val cl = -> _.toString) val other = => (, h.value)) ch :: (cl.toList ++ other) } private def requestToAkka(r: Request[_, S]): Try[HttpRequest] = { val ar = HttpRequest(uri = r.uri.toString, method = methodToAkka(r.method)) headersToAkka(r.headers).map(ar.withHeaders) } private def headersToAkka( headers: Seq[(String, String)]): Try[Seq[HttpHeader]] = { // content-type and content-length headers have to be set via the body // entity, not as headers val parsed = headers .filterNot(isContentType) .filterNot(isContentLength) .map(h => HttpHeader.parse(h._1, h._2)) val errors = parsed.collect { case ParsingResult.Error(e) => e } if (errors.isEmpty) { val headers = parsed.collect { case ParsingResult.Ok(h, _) => h } Success(headers.toList) } else { Failure(new RuntimeException(s"Cannot parse headers: $errors")) } } private def traverseTry[T](l: Seq[Try[T]]): Try[Seq[T]] = { // val (ss: Seq[Success[T]] @unchecked, fs: Seq[Failure[T]] @unchecked) = l.partition(_.isSuccess) if (fs.isEmpty) Success( else Failure[Seq[T]](fs.head.exception) } private def setBodyOnAkka(r: Request[_, S], body: RequestBody[S], ar: HttpRequest): Try[HttpRequest] = { def ctWithEncoding(ct: ContentType, encoding: String) = HttpCharsets .getForKey(encoding) .map(hc => ContentType.apply(ct.mediaType, () => hc)) .getOrElse(ct) def toBodyPart(mp: Multipart): Try[AkkaMultipart.FormData.BodyPart] = { def entity(ct: ContentType) = mp.body match { case StringBody(b, encoding, _) => HttpEntity(ctWithEncoding(ct, encoding), b.getBytes(encoding)) case ByteArrayBody(b, _) => HttpEntity(ct, b) case ByteBufferBody(b, _) => HttpEntity(ct, ByteString(b)) case isb: InputStreamBody => HttpEntity .IndefiniteLength(ct, StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => isb.b)) case PathBody(b, _) => HttpEntity.fromPath(ct, b) } for { ct <- parseContentTypeOrOctetStream(mp.contentType) headers <- headersToAkka(mp.additionalHeaders.toList) } yield { val dispositionParams = mp.fileName.fold(Map.empty[String, String])(fn => Map("filename" -> fn)) AkkaMultipart.FormData.BodyPart(, entity(ct), dispositionParams, headers) } } parseContentTypeOrOctetStream(r).flatMap { ct => body match { case NoBody => Success(ar) case StringBody(b, encoding, _) => Success( ar.withEntity(ctWithEncoding(ct, encoding), b.getBytes(encoding))) case ByteArrayBody(b, _) => Success(ar.withEntity(HttpEntity(ct, b))) case ByteBufferBody(b, _) => Success(ar.withEntity(HttpEntity(ct, ByteString(b)))) case InputStreamBody(b, _) => Success( ar.withEntity( HttpEntity(ct, StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => b)))) case PathBody(b, _) => Success(ar.withEntity(ct, b)) case StreamBody(s) => Success(ar.withEntity(HttpEntity(ct, s))) case MultipartBody(ps) => traverseTry( .map(bodyParts => ar.withEntity(AkkaMultipart.FormData(bodyParts: _*).toEntity())) } } } private def parseContentTypeOrOctetStream( r: Request[_, S]): Try[ContentType] = { parseContentTypeOrOctetStream( r.headers .find(isContentType) .map(_._2)) } private def parseContentTypeOrOctetStream( ctHeader: Option[String]): Try[ContentType] = { ctHeader .map { ct => ContentType .parse(ct) .fold( errors => Failure( new RuntimeException(s"Cannot parse content type: $errors")), Success(_)) } .getOrElse(Success(`application/octet-stream`)) } private def isContentType(header: (String, String)) = header._1.toLowerCase.contains(`Content-Type`.lowercaseName) private def isContentLength(header: (String, String)) = header._1.toLowerCase.contains(`Content-Length`.lowercaseName) // private def decodeAkkaResponse(response: HttpResponse): HttpResponse = { val decoder = response.encoding match { case HttpEncodings.gzip => Gzip case HttpEncodings.deflate => Deflate case HttpEncodings.identity => NoCoding case ce => throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(s"Unsupported encoding: $ce") } decoder.decodeMessage(response) } override def close(): Unit = { if (terminateActorSystemOnClose) actorSystem.terminate() } private implicit class RichTry[T](t: Try[T]) { def toFuture: Future[T] = t match { case Success(v) => Future.successful(v) case Failure(v) => Future.failed(v) } } } object AkkaHttpBackend { private def apply( actorSystem: ActorSystem, ec: ExecutionContext, terminateActorSystemOnClose: Boolean, options: SttpBackendOptions, customHttpsContext: Option[HttpsConnectionContext], customConnectionPoolSettings: Option[ConnectionPoolSettings], customLog: Option[LoggingAdapter]) : SttpBackend[Future, Source[ByteString, Any]] = new FollowRedirectsBackend( new AkkaHttpBackend(actorSystem, ec, terminateActorSystemOnClose, options, customHttpsContext, customConnectionPoolSettings, customLog)) /** * @param ec The execution context for running non-network related operations, * e.g. mapping responses. Defaults to the global execution * context. */ def apply(options: SttpBackendOptions = SttpBackendOptions.Default, customHttpsContext: Option[HttpsConnectionContext] = None, customConnectionPoolSettings: Option[ConnectionPoolSettings] = None, customLog: Option[LoggingAdapter] = None)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext = : SttpBackend[Future, Source[ByteString, Any]] = AkkaHttpBackend(ActorSystem("sttp"), ec, terminateActorSystemOnClose = true, options, customHttpsContext, customConnectionPoolSettings, customLog) /** * @param actorSystem The actor system which will be used for the http-client * actors. * @param ec The execution context for running non-network related operations, * e.g. mapping responses. Defaults to the global execution * context. */ def usingActorSystem( actorSystem: ActorSystem, options: SttpBackendOptions = SttpBackendOptions.Default, customHttpsContext: Option[HttpsConnectionContext] = None, customConnectionPoolSettings: Option[ConnectionPoolSettings] = None, customLog: Option[LoggingAdapter] = None)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext = : SttpBackend[Future, Source[ByteString, Any]] = AkkaHttpBackend(actorSystem, ec, terminateActorSystemOnClose = false, options, customHttpsContext, customConnectionPoolSettings, customLog) }