package com.softwaremill.sttp import{URI, URLEncoder} object UriInterpolator { def interpolate(sc: StringContext, args: Any*): URI = { val strings = val expressions = args.iterator var ub = UriBuilderStart.parseS( while (strings.hasNext) { ub = ub.parseE( ub = ub.parseS( } new URI( } sealed trait UriBuilder { def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder def build: String protected def parseE_asEncodedS_skipNone(e: Any): UriBuilder = e match { case s: String => parseS(encode(s)) case None => this case null => this case Some(x) => parseE(x) case x => parseS(encode(x.toString)) } } val UriBuilderStart = Scheme("") case class Scheme(v: String) extends UriBuilder { override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder = { val splitAtSchemeEnd = s.split("://", 2) splitAtSchemeEnd match { case Array(schemeFragment, rest) => Authority(append(schemeFragment)) .parseS(rest) case Array(x) => if (!x.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9+\\.\\-]*")) { // anything else than the allowed characters in scheme suggest that // there is no scheme assuming whatever we parsed so far is part of // authority, and parsing the rest; see // Authority(Scheme(""), v).parseS(x) } else append(x) } } override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = { def encodeIfNotInitialEndpoint(s: String) = { // special case: when this is the first expression, contains a complete // schema with :// and nothing is yet parsed not escaping the contents if (v.isEmpty && s.contains("://")) s else encode(s) } e match { case s: String => parseS(encodeIfNotInitialEndpoint(s)) case None => this case null => this case Some(x) => parseE(x) case x => parseS(encodeIfNotInitialEndpoint(x.toString)) } } private def append(x: String): Scheme = Scheme(v + x) override def build: String = if (v.isEmpty) "" else v + "://" } case class Authority(s: Scheme, v: String = "") extends UriBuilder { override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder = { // authority is terminated by /, ?, # or end of string (there might be // other /, ?, # later on e.g. in the query) // see s.split("[/\\?#]", 2) match { case Array(authorityFragment, rest) => val splitOn = charAfterPrefix(authorityFragment, s) append(authorityFragment).next(splitOn, rest) case Array(x) => append(x) } } private def next(splitOn: Char, rest: String): UriBuilder = splitOn match { case '/' => // prepending the leading slash as we want it preserved in the // output, if present Path(this).parseS("/" + rest) case '?' => Query(Path(this)).parseS(rest) case '#' => Fragment(Query(Path(this))).parseS(rest) } override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = e match { case s: Seq[_] => val newAuthority =".") copy(v = v + newAuthority) case x => parseE_asEncodedS_skipNone(x) } override def build: String = { var vv = v // remove dangling "." which might occur due to optional authority // fragments while (vv.startsWith(".")) vv = vv.substring(1) while (vv.endsWith(".")) vv = vv.substring(0, vv.length - 1) + vv } private def append(x: String): Authority = copy(v = v + x) } case class Path(a: Authority, fs: Vector[String] = Vector.empty) extends UriBuilder { override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder = { // path is terminated by ?, # or end of string (there might be other // ?, # later on e.g. in the query) // see s.split("[\\?#]", 2) match { case Array(pathFragments, rest) => val splitOn = charAfterPrefix(pathFragments, s) appendS(pathFragments).next(splitOn, rest) case Array(x) => appendS(x) } } private def next(splitOn: Char, rest: String): UriBuilder = splitOn match { case '?' => Query(this).parseS(rest) case '#' => Fragment(Query(this)).parseS(rest) } override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = e match { case s: Seq[_] => val newFragments = newFragments.foldLeft(this)(_.appendE(_)) case s: String => appendE(Some(encode(s))) case None => appendE(None) case null => appendE(None) case Some(x) => parseE(x) case x => appendE(Some(encode(x.toString))) } override def build: String = { // if there is a trailing /, the last path fragment will be empty val v = if (fs.isEmpty) "" else "/" + fs.mkString("/") + v } private def appendS(fragments: String): Path = { if (fragments.isEmpty) this else if (fragments.startsWith("/")) // avoiding an initial empty path fragment which would cause // initial // the build output copy(fs = fs ++ fragments.substring(1).split("/", -1)) else copy(fs = fs ++ fragments.split("/", -1)) } private def appendE(fragment: Option[String]): Path = fs.lastOption match { case Some("") => // if the currently last path fragment is empty, replacing with the // expression value: corresponds to an interpolation of [anything]/$v copy(fs = fs.init ++ fragment) case _ => copy(fs = fs ++ fragment) } } sealed trait QueryFragment object QueryFragment { case object Empty extends QueryFragment case class K_Eq_V(k: String, v: String) extends QueryFragment case class K_Eq(k: String) extends QueryFragment case class K(k: String) extends QueryFragment case object Eq extends QueryFragment case class Eq_V(v: String) extends QueryFragment } case class Query(p: Path, fs: Vector[QueryFragment] = Vector.empty) extends UriBuilder { import QueryFragment._ override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder = { s.split("#", 2) match { case Array(queryFragment, rest) => Fragment(appendS(queryFragment)).parseS(rest) case Array(x) => appendS(x) } } override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = e match { case m: Map[_, _] => parseSeq(m.toSeq) case s: Seq[_] => parseSeq(s) case s: String => appendE(Some(encodeQuery(s))) case None => appendE(None) case null => appendE(None) case Some(x) => parseE(x) case x => appendE(Some(encodeQuery(x.toString))) } private def parseSeq(s: Seq[_]): UriBuilder = { val flattenedS = s.flatMap { case (_, None) => None case (k, Some(v)) => Some((k, v)) case None => None case Some(k) => Some(k) case x => Some(x) } val newFragments = { case ("", "") => Eq case (k, "") => K_Eq(encodeQuery(k)) case ("", v) => Eq_V(encodeQuery(v)) case (k, v) => K_Eq_V(encodeQuery(k), encodeQuery(v)) case x => K(encodeQuery(x)) } copy(fs = fs ++ newFragments) } override def build: String = { val fragments = fs.flatMap { case Empty => None case K_Eq_V(k, v) => Some(s"$k=$v") case K_Eq(k) => Some(s"$k=") case K(k) => Some(s"$k") case Eq => Some("=") case Eq_V(v) => Some(s"=$v") } val query = if (fragments.isEmpty) "" else "?" + fragments.mkString("&") + query } private def appendS(queryFragment: String): Query = { val newVs = queryFragment.split("&").map { nv => if (nv.isEmpty) Empty else if (nv == "=") Eq else if (nv.startsWith("=")) Eq_V(nv.substring(1)) else nv.split("=", 2) match { case Array(n, "") => K_Eq(n) case Array(n, v) => K_Eq_V(n, v) case Array(n) => K(n) } } // it's possible that the current-last and new-first query fragments // are indeed two parts of a single fragment. Attempting to merge, // if possible val (currentInit, currentLastV) = fs.splitAt(fs.length - 1) val (newHeadV, newTail) = newVs.splitAt(1) val mergedOpt = for { currentLast <- currentLastV.headOption newHead <- newHeadV.headOption } yield { currentInit ++ merge(currentLast, newHead) ++ newTail } val combinedVs = mergedOpt match { case None => fs ++ newVs // either current or new fragments are empty case Some(merged) => merged } copy(fs = combinedVs) } private def merge(last: QueryFragment, first: QueryFragment): Vector[QueryFragment] = { /* Only some combinations of fragments are possible. Part of them are already handled in `appendE` (specifically, any expressions of the form k=$v). Here we have to handle: $k=$v and $k=v. */ (last, first) match { case (K(k), Eq) => Vector(K_Eq(k)) // k + = => k= case (K(k), Eq_V(v)) => Vector(K_Eq_V(k, v)) // k + =v => k=v case (x, y) => Vector(x, y) } } private def appendE(vo: Option[String]): Query = { fs.lastOption match { case Some(K_Eq(k)) => // k= + None -> remove parameter; k= + Some(v) -> k=v vo match { case None => copy(fs = fs.init) case Some("") => this case Some(v) => copy(fs = fs.init :+ K_Eq_V(k, v)) } case _ => copy(fs = fs :+ vo.fold[QueryFragment](Empty)(K)) } } } case class Fragment(q: Query, v: String = "") extends UriBuilder { override def parseS(s: String): UriBuilder = copy(v = v + s) override def parseE(e: Any): UriBuilder = parseE_asEncodedS_skipNone(e) override def build: String = + (if (v.isEmpty) "" else s"#$v") } private def encode(s: Any): String = { // space is encoded as a +, which is only valid in the query; // in other contexts, it must be percent-encoded; see // URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(s), "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20") } private def encodeQuery(s: Any): String = URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(s), "UTF-8") private def charAfterPrefix(prefix: String, whole: String): Char = { val pl = prefix.length whole.substring(pl, pl + 1).charAt(0) } }