package com.softwaremill.sttp import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} class UriInterpolatorTests extends FunSuite with Matchers { val v1 = "y" val v2 = "a c" val v2queryEncoded = "a+c" val v2encoded = "a%20c" val v3 = "a?=&c" val v3encoded = "a?%3D%26c" val v4 = "f/g" val v4encoded = "f%2Fg" val v5 = "a:b" val v5encoded = "a%3Ab" val secure = true val testData: List[(String, List[(Uri, String)])] = List( "basic" -> List( (uri"", ""), (uri"", ""), (uri"", ""), (uri"", ""), (uri"", ""), (uri"", "") ), "scheme" -> List( (uri"http${if (secure) "s" else ""}://", s""), (uri"${if (secure) "https" else "http"}://", s""), (uri"$v2", s"$v2queryEncoded") ), "user info" -> List( (uri"", s""), (uri"http://$", s"http://$"), (uri"http://$", s"http://$"), (uri"http://$v1:$", s"http://$v1:$") ), "authority" -> List( (uri"http://$", s"http://$"), (uri"http://$", s"http://$"), (uri"http://$v1.$", s"http://$v1.$"), (uri"http://$v1$", s"http://$v1$"), (uri"http://z$", s"http://z$"), (uri"http://$", s""), (uri"http://$None.$", s""), (uri"http://${Some("sub")}", s""), (uri"http://${Some("sub1.sub2")}", s""), (uri"http://${List("sub1", "sub2")}", s""), (uri"http://${List("sub", "example", "com")}", s"") ), "authority with parameters" -> List( (uri"http://$$v2", s"http://$$v2queryEncoded") ), "ports" -> List( (uri"", s""), (uri"${8080}", s""), (uri"${8080}/x", s""), (uri"${Some(8080)}/x", s""), (uri"$None/x", s""), (uri"http://${""}", s""), (uri"http://${""}:$None", s"") ), "path" -> List( (uri"$v1", s"$v1"), (uri"$v1/", s"$v1/"), (uri"$v2", s"$v2encoded"), (uri"$v2/$v1", s"$v2encoded/$v1"), (uri"$v1/p/$v4", s"$v1/p/$v4encoded"), (uri"${List(v2, "c", v4)}/b", s"$v2encoded/c/$v4encoded/b") ), "path with parameters" -> List( (uri"$v1?x=$v2", s"$v1?x=$v2queryEncoded"), (uri"$v1/$v2?x=$v2", s"$v1/$v2encoded?x=$v2queryEncoded") ), "query parameter values" -> List( (uri"$v1", s"$v1"), (uri"$v1", s"$v1"), (uri"$v2", s"$v2queryEncoded"), (uri"$v3", s"$v3encoded"), (uri"$v1$v1", s"$v1$v1"), (uri"$v1", s"$v1") ), "query parameter without value" -> List( (uri"$v1", s"$v1"), (uri"$v1&$v2", s"$v1&$v2queryEncoded") ), "optional query parameters" -> List( (uri"$None", s""), (uri"$None", s""), (uri"$None&e=f", s""), (uri"${Some(v1)}", s"$v1"), (uri"${Some(v1)}&c=d", s"$v1&c=d") ), "parameter collections" -> List( (uri"${Seq("a" -> "b", v2 -> v1, v1 -> v2)}", s"$v2queryEncoded=$v1&$v1=$v2queryEncoded"), (uri"${Seq("a" -> "b", "a" -> "c")}", s""), (uri"${Map("a" -> "b")}", s""), (uri"${Map("a" -> "b")}", s""), (uri"${Map("a" -> None)}", s""), (uri"${Map("a" -> Some("b"))}", s""), (uri"${Seq("a" -> None)}", s"") ), "fragments" -> List( (uri"$v1", s"$v1"), (uri"$None", s"") ), "everything" -> List( (uri"${"http"}://$v1.$$v1/$v2?$v1=$v2&$v3=$v4#$v1", s"http://$v1.$$v1/$v2encoded?$v1=$v2queryEncoded&$v3encoded=$v4#$v1") ), "embed whole url" -> List( (uri"${""}/b/c", ""), (uri"${uri"$v1?p=$v2"}", s"$v1?p=$v2queryEncoded") ) ) for { (groupName, testCases) <- testData ((interpolated, expected), i) <- testCases.zipWithIndex } { test(s"[$groupName] interpolate to $expected (${i + 1})") { interpolated.toString should be(expected) } } }