.. _prometheus_backend: Prometheus backend ============= To use, add the following dependency to your project:: "com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "prometheus-backend" % "1.1.6" This backend depends on `Prometheus JVM Client `_. Keep in mind this backend registers histograms and gathers request times, but you have to expose those metrics to `Prometheus `_ e.g. using `prometheus-akka-http `_. The Prometheus backend wraps any other backend, for example:: implicit val sttpBackend = PrometheusBackend(AkkaHttpBackend()) It uses by default ``sttp_request_latency`` histogram name, defined in ``PrometheusBackend.DefaultHistogramName``. It is possible to define custom histograms name by passing function mapping request to histogram name:: implicit val sttpBackend = PrometheusBackend(AkkaHttpBackend(), Some(request => request.uri.toString))