package com.softwaremill.sttp.brave import brave.http.HttpTracing import brave.test.http.ITHttpClient import brave.internal.HexCodec import com.softwaremill.sttp._ import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockResponse import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec, Matchers} import zipkin2.Span class BraveBackendTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfter { // test proxy - contains the brave instrumentation tests private var t: ITHttpClient[SttpBackend[Id, Nothing]] = null // we need to extract these protected ITHttpClient members to use in the custom test private var _backend: SttpBackend[Id, Nothing] = null private var _httpTracing: HttpTracing = null private var _takeSpan: () => Span = null def newT(): Unit = { t = new ITHttpClient[SttpBackend[Id, Nothing]]() { override def post(client: SttpBackend[Id, Nothing], pathIncludingQuery: String, body: String): Unit = { client.send("${url(pathIncludingQuery)}").body(body)) } override def get(client: SttpBackend[Id, Nothing], pathIncludingQuery: String): Unit = { client.send(sttp.get(uri"${url(pathIncludingQuery)}")) } override def closeClient(client: SttpBackend[Id, Nothing]): Unit = client.close() override def newClient(port: Int): SttpBackend[Id, Nothing] = { _backend = BraveBackend[Id, Nothing](HttpURLConnectionBackend(), httpTracing) _httpTracing = httpTracing _takeSpan = () => takeSpan() _backend } } } before { newT() t.setup() } after { t.close() t.server.shutdown() } it should "propagatesSpan" in { t.propagatesSpan() } it should "makesChildOfCurrentSpan" in { t.makesChildOfCurrentSpan() } it should "propagatesExtra_newTrace" in { t.propagatesExtra_newTrace() } it should "propagatesExtra_unsampledTrace" in { t.propagatesExtra_unsampledTrace() } it should "propagates_sampledFalse" in { t.propagates_sampledFalse() } it should "customSampler" in { t.customSampler() } it should "reportsClientKindToZipkin" in { t.reportsClientKindToZipkin() } it should "reportsServerAddress" in { t.reportsServerAddress() } it should "defaultSpanNameIsMethodName" in { t.defaultSpanNameIsMethodName() } it should "supportsPortableCustomization" in { t.supportsPortableCustomization() } it should "addsStatusCodeWhenNotOk" in { t.addsStatusCodeWhenNotOk() } it should "redirect" in { t.redirect() } it should "post" in { } // these tests take a very long time to complete, but pass last time I checked // it should "reportsSpanOnTransportException" in { // t.reportsSpanOnTransportException() // } // it should "addsErrorTagOnTransportException" in { // t.addsErrorTagOnTransportException() // } it should "httpPathTagExcludesQueryParams" in { t.httpPathTagExcludesQueryParams() } it should "use the tracing context from tags if available" in { val tracer = _httpTracing.tracing.tracer t.server.enqueue(new MockResponse) val parent ="test").start try { import com.softwaremill.sttp.brave.BraveBackend._ _backend.send( sttp .get(uri"${t.server.getPort}/foo") .tagWithTraceContext(parent.context())) } finally parent.finish() val request = t.server.takeRequest request.getHeader("x-b3-traceId") should be(parent.context.traceIdString) request.getHeader("x-b3-parentspanid") should be(HexCodec.toLowerHex(parent.context.spanId)) Set(_takeSpan(), _takeSpan()).map(_.kind) should be(Set(null, Span.Kind.CLIENT)) } }