# # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2017 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os import os.path import fcntl import time import json import datetime import base64 import paramiko from paramiko import SSHClient, SSHException from pprint import pprint from socket import * from toree_profile import * from config import * class ToreeManager: """ A Helper class that enables connecting to a remote machine via SSH and properly start/stop Toree instances """ configManager = None def __init__(self): self.configManager = ConfigManager() def _getSSHClient(self): """ Configure and initialize a SSH client :return: a configured SSH client """ client = SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect( \ self.configManager.get('toree.ip'), \ username=self.configManager.get('toree.username'), \ password=self.configManager.get('toree.password')) return client def _getSSHChannel(self, client): """ Configure and initialize a new SSH session on the client :param client: The client to initialize the session :return: the new SSH session """ channel = client.invoke_shell() channel.settimeout(20) channel.set_combine_stderr(True) return channel def start_toree(self, profile): """ Connect to a remote system via SSH and start an instance of Toree :param profile: The Toree slot to read profile.json configuration file :return: None """ try: client = self._getSSHClient() channel = self._getSSHChannel(client) channel = client.invoke_shell() channel.settimeout(30) channel.set_combine_stderr(True) stdin = channel.makefile('w') stdout = channel.makefile('r') stderr = channel.makefile_stderr('r') config = profile.config() command = ''' cd {} && . startrun.sh --ip {} --stdin-port {} --control-port {} --shell-port {} --iopub-port {} --heartbeat-port {} && exit '''.format( \ self.configManager.get('toree.home') + "/bin", \ config['ip'], \ config['stdin_port'], \ config['control_port'], \ config['shell_port'], \ config['iopub_port'], \ config['hb_port']) stdin.write(command) pid = None for line in stdout: pid = line.strip() print('Toree pid: ' + pid) profile.updatePid(pid) except SSHException as e: pprint(e) except timeout: print('caught a timeout') finally: print('closing connection') if stderr: stderr.close() if stdout: stdout.close() if stdin: stdin.close() if channel: channel.close() if client: client.close() print('all closed') def stop_toree(self, profile): """ Connect to a remote system via SSH and stop the associated Toree instance based on the process id information stored in toree.pid :param profile: The Toree slot to read toree.pid configuration file :return: None """ try: client = self._getSSHClient() channel = self._getSSHChannel(client) stdin = channel.makefile('w') stdout = channel.makefile('r') stderr = channel.makefile_stderr('r') command = ''' kill -9 {} && exit '''.format(profile.pid()) print(command) stdin.write(command) print(stdout.read()) except timeout: print('caught a timeout') finally: print('closing connection') if stdout: stdout.close() if channel: channel.close() if client: client.close() print('all closed') """ p = Profile('/Users/lresende/opensource/jupyter/toree-gateway/src/main/resources/profiles/kernel-1') t = ToreeManager() t.start_toree(p) t.stop_toree(p) """