/* * FODO.cc * * Created on: Mar 29, 2011 * Author: jakob */ #include "FODO.h" #include "CompositeElement.h" #include "StraightElement.h" #include "Quadrupole.h" #include "Vector3D.h" #include "exception.h" namespace vhc { FODO::FODO(const Vector3D& entry, const Vector3D& exit, double sectionRadius, double straightLength, double focalisingCoefficient, Element* next): CompositeElement(entry, exit, sectionRadius, next), focalisingQuadrupole(NULL), defocalisingQuadrupole(NULL), straightElement1(NULL), straightElement2(NULL) { double L = straightLength; double l = getDiagonal().norm() / 2 - L; if (l < 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Length of straight elements must be less than half of FODO length."); Vector3D d = getDiagonal().unit(); focalisingQuadrupole = new Quadrupole(entry, entry + d * l, sectionRadius, focalisingCoefficient); elements.push_back(focalisingQuadrupole); straightElement1 = new StraightElement(focalisingQuadrupole->getExitPosition(), focalisingQuadrupole->getExitPosition() + d * L, sectionRadius); elements.push_back(straightElement1); defocalisingQuadrupole = new Quadrupole(straightElement1->getExitPosition(), straightElement1->getExitPosition() + d * l, sectionRadius, -focalisingCoefficient); elements.push_back(defocalisingQuadrupole); straightElement2 = new StraightElement(defocalisingQuadrupole->getExitPosition(), defocalisingQuadrupole->getExitPosition() + d * L, sectionRadius); elements.push_back(straightElement2); //connection des elements for (int i(0); i < elements.size() - 1; i++) { elements[i]->setNext(elements[i+1]); } } FODO::~FODO() { for (int i(0); i < elements.size(); i++) { delete elements[i]; elements[i] = NULL; } } }