package com.lihaoyi.workbench import{ActorRef, Actor, ActorSystem} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import sbt.IO import spray.routing.SimpleRoutingApp import import upickle.{Reader, Writer, Js} import spray.http.{AllOrigins, HttpResponse} import spray.http.HttpHeaders.`Access-Control-Allow-Origin` import concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Future class Server(url: String, port: Int, bootSnippet: String) extends SimpleRoutingApp{ implicit val system = ActorSystem( "Workbench-System", config = ConfigFactory.load(ActorSystem.getClass.getClassLoader), classLoader = ActorSystem.getClass.getClassLoader ) /** * The connection from workbench server to the client */ object Wire extends autowire.Client[Js.Value, upickle.Reader, upickle.Writer] with ReadWrite{ def doCall(req: Request): Future[Js.Value] = { longPoll ! Js.Arr(upickle.writeJs(req.path), Js.Obj(req.args.toSeq:_*)) Future.successful(Js.Null) } } /** * Actor meant to handle long polling, buffering messages or waiting actors */ private val longPoll = actor(new Actor{ var waitingActor: Option[ActorRef] = None var queuedMessages = List[Js.Value]() /** * Flushes returns nothing to any waiting actor every so often, * to prevent the connection from living too long. */ case object Clear import system.dispatcher system.scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 10 seconds, self, Clear) def respond(a: ActorRef, s: String) = { a ! HttpResponse( entity = s, headers = List(`Access-Control-Allow-Origin`(AllOrigins)) ) } def receive = (x: Any) => (x, waitingActor, queuedMessages) match { case (a: ActorRef, _, Nil) => // Even if there's someone already waiting, // a new actor waiting replaces the old one waitingActor = Some(a) case (a: ActorRef, None, msgs) => respond(a, upickle.json.write(Js.Arr(msgs:_*))) queuedMessages = Nil case (msg: Js.Arr, None, msgs) => queuedMessages = msg :: msgs case (msg: Js.Arr, Some(a), Nil) => respond(a, upickle.json.write(Js.Arr(msg))) waitingActor = None case (Clear, waiting, Nil) => waiting.foreach(respond(_, upickle.json.write(Js.Arr()))) waitingActor = None } }) /** * Simple spray server: * * - /workbench.js is hardcoded to be the workbench javascript client * - Any other GET request just pulls from the local filesystem * - POSTs to /notifications get routed to the longPoll actor */ startServer(url, port) { get { path("workbench.js") { complete { val body = IO.readStream( getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("client-opt.js") ) s""" (function(){ $body WorkbenchClient().main(${upickle.write(bootSnippet)}, ${upickle.write(url)}, ${upickle.write(port)}) }).call(this) """ } } ~ getFromDirectory(".") } ~ post { path("notifications") { ctx => longPoll ! ctx.responder } } } def kill() = system.shutdown() }