# yamlesque Pure Scala YAML parsing. As the name suggests, "yam-el-esque" is a Scala implementation of the most frequently used YAML features. It takes inspiration from [Haoyi Li's ujson](http://www.lihaoyi.com/post/uJsonfastflexibleandintuitiveJSONforScala.html) and aims to provide an idiomatic API that is cross-platform and has no dependencies. ## Getting Started Include yamlesque into a project. - mill: ```scala def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"io.crashbox::yamlesque::") ``` - sbt: ```scala libraryDependencies += "io.crashbox" %%% "yamlesque" % "" ``` **Yamlesque is available for Scala 2.13, 2.12 and 2.11, including ScalaJS and Native.** It should also work with Scala 2.10 and 2.9, although no pre-compiled libraries are published for these versions. ### Read Some YAML ```scala val text = s"""|name: yamlesque |description: a YAML library for scala |authors: | - name: Jakob Odersky | id: jodersky | - name: Another |""".stripMargin val yaml: yamlesque.Node = yamlesque.read(text) val id = yaml.obj("authors").arr(0).obj("id").str println(id) // == "jodersky" ``` ### Write Some YAML ```scala import yamlesque.{Arr, Num, Obj, Str} val config = Obj( "auth" -> Obj( "username" -> Str("admin"), "password" -> Str("guest") ), "interfaces" -> Arr( Obj( "address" -> Str(""), "port" -> Num(80) ), Obj( "address" -> Str(""), "port" -> Num(443) ) ) ) val stringly = yamlesque.write(config) println(stringly) ``` will result in ```yaml auth: username: admin password: guest interfaces: - address: port: 80.0 - address: port: 443.0 ``` ## Official YAML Conformance Yamlesque does not strictly implement all features as defined in [YAML 1.2](http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html), however support should be sufficient for most regular documents. Available features: - plain strings (i.e. scalars), including specialization to numbers, booleans and null - lists and maps - quoted strings - comments - multiple documents (i.e. ---) Features which are currently not supported but for which support is planned: - verbatim blocks (i.e. | and >) (support is limited currently) - flow-styles (aka inline JSON) Unsupported features with no planned implementation: - anchors and references - tags Pull requests with additional feature implementations are always welcome!