package mavigator package cockpit import org.scalajs.dom import org.scalajs.dom.html import scalatags.JsDom.all._ import util.Page trait Instruments { page: Page => trait Instrument[A] { def element: html.Element def update(newValue: A): Unit } /** Common behaviour for svg-based instruments. */ abstract class SvgInstrument[A]( path: String ) extends Instrument[A] { override def element: html.Element = objectElement /** SVG object element that contains the rendered instrument */ lazy val objectElement: html.Object = SvgInstrument.svgObject(path) /** Retrieves an element of the underlying SVG document by ID. */ protected def part(id: String): html.Element = objectElement.contentDocument.getElementById(id).asInstanceOf[html.Element] /** Movable parts of the instrument */ protected def moveable: Seq[html.Element] /** Called when element has been loaded. */ private def load(event: dom.Event): Unit = { for (part <- moveable) { // = "transform 300ms ease" } } element.addEventListener("load", (e: dom.Event) => load(e)) } /** Contains helpers for SVG instruments. */ object SvgInstrument { /** Retrieves an SVG object element by its instrument's name. */ def svgObject(path: String): html.Object = { val fullPath = page.asset("images/" + path) `object`(`type` := "image/svg+xml", "data".attr := fullPath, width := 100.pct)( "Error loading instrument " + fullPath).render } /** Applies translation styling to an element. */ def translate(elem: html.Element, x: Int, y: Int): Unit = { = "translate(" + x + "px, " + y + "px)"; } /** Applies rotation styling to an element. */ def rotate(elem: html.Element, rad: Double): Unit = { = "rotate(" + rad + "rad)"; } } lazy val attitudeOverlay = new SvgInstrument[(Float, Float)]("hud/attitude.svg") { override def element = div(`class`:="hud-overlay")(objectElement).render private lazy val pitchPart = part("pitch") private lazy val rollPart = part("roll") override lazy val moveable = Seq(pitchPart, rollPart) override def update(pitchRoll: (Float, Float)) = { import SvgInstrument._ val (pitch, roll) = pitchRoll translate(pitchPart, 0, (pitch * 180 / math.Pi * 10).toInt) // 1deg === 10px rotate(rollPart, -roll) } } lazy val horizonOverlay = new SvgInstrument[(Float, Float)]("hud/horizon.svg") { import SvgInstrument._ override def element = div(`class`:="hud-overlay")(objectElement).render lazy val rollPart = part("roll") lazy val pitchPart = part("pitch") lazy override val moveable = Seq(rollPart, pitchPart) override def update(pitchRoll: (Float, Float)) = { val (pitch, roll) = pitchRoll val t = (pitch * 180 / math.Pi * 10).toInt // 1deg === 10px SvgInstrument.rotate(rollPart, -roll) SvgInstrument.translate(pitchPart, 0, t) } } val overlayStyle = """ |.hud-overlay { | position: absolute; | left: 0; | right: 0; | top: 0; | bottom: 0; | | display: flex; | flex-direction: row; | justify-content: center; | align-items: center; |} |.hud-overlay > * { | flex: 1 1 0; | width: 100%; | height: 100%; | max-width: 100%; | max-height: 100%; |}""".stripMargin def mode(name: String, kind: String, on: Boolean = false) = { div(`class` := s"mode $kind ${if (!on) "off"}")(name) } //TODO make these into real instruments and lazy vals def modes = div(style := "float: right;")( mode("LINK", "danger", true), mode("BAT", "warning", true), mode("GPS", "warning", true), mode("STABILIZED", "info", true) ) val modeStyle = """ .mode { display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; text-decoration: normal; margin-right: 5px; padding: 5px; } .mode.danger { color: #d9534f; text-shadow: 0 0 5px #d9534f; animation: danger-blink 0.5s linear infinite; -webkit-animation: danger-blink 0.5s linear infinite; } .mode.warning { color: #f0ad4e; text-shadow: 0 0 5px #f0ad4e; } { color: #5bc0de; text-shadow: 0 0 5px #5bc0de; } .mode.success { color: #5cb85c; text-shadow: 0 0 5px #5cb85c; } { color: #e6e6e6; text-shadow: none; animation: none; -webkit-animation: none; } """ def instrumentStyles: Seq[String] = Seq(overlayStyle, modeStyle) }