package vfd.dashboard.ui.instruments import org.scalajs.dom import org.scalajs.dom.html import scalatags.JsDom.all._ import vfd.dashboard.Environment /** An instrument backed by an SVG image. */ trait SvgInstrument[A] extends Instrument[A] { /** SVG object element that contains the rendered instrument */ val element: html.Object /** Retrieves an element of the underlying SVG document by ID. */ protected def part(id: String) = element.contentDocument.getElementById(id).asInstanceOf[html.Element] /** Movable parts of the instrument */ protected def moveable: Seq[html.Element] /** Called when element has been loaded. */ protected def load(event: dom.Event): Unit = { for (part <- moveable) { = "transform 50ms ease-out" } ready() } element.addEventListener("load", (e: dom.Event) => load(e)) } /** Contains helpers for SVG instruments. */ object SvgInstrument { /** Retrieves an SVG object element by its instrument's name. */ def svgObject(name: String)(implicit app: Environment): html.Object = { val path = app.asset("images/instruments/" + name + ".svg") `object`(`type` := "image/svg+xml", "data".attr := path, width := 100.pct)( "Error loading instrument " + name).render } /** Applies translation styling to an element. */ def translate(elem: html.Element, x: Int, y: Int): Unit = { = "translate(" + x + "px, " + y + "px)"; } /** Applies rotation styling to an element. */ def rotate(elem: html.Element, rad: Double): Unit = { = "rotateZ(" + rad + "rad)"; } }