package mavigator package uav import akka.NotUsed import{ActorLogging, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props} import import{ActorPublisher, ActorPublisherMessage} import{Flow, Sink, Source} import akka.util.ByteString import org.reactivestreams.{Publisher, Subscriber} /** A core enables dynamic creation and removal of clients and backend connections. * It is essentially a dynamic stream multiplexer. */ class Core(implicit val system: ActorSystem, val materializer: Materializer) { import Core._ /** The actor responsible for forwarding messages from the backend * to this core. */ private lazy val backendPublisherActor: ActorRef = system.actorOf(BackendPublisher()) /** Publisher that forwards messages received from the backend. */ private lazy val backendPublisher: Publisher[ByteString] = ActorPublisher(backendPublisherActor) private lazy val backend = Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat( Sink.ignore, //FIXME: this will need to be changed for controlling the uav from the browser Source.fromPublisher(backendPublisher) )((toBackend, fromBackend) => (toBackend, fromBackend)) private lazy val clients = Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat( Sink.asPublisher[ByteString](true), Source.asSubscriber[ByteString] )((toClient, fromClient) => (toClient, fromClient)) private lazy val runnable = clients.joinMat(backend){ case ((toClient, fromClient), (toBackend, fromBackend)) => toClient } private lazy val clientPublisher: Publisher[ByteString] = {"Core started.") } def setBackend(): Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] = { val sink = Sink.actorRef(backendPublisherActor, BackendPublisher.BackendComplete) val source = Source.empty[ByteString] //FIXME: this will need to be changed for controlling the uav from the browser Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sink, source) } def connect(): Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] = { Flow.fromSinkAndSource( Sink.ignore, Source.fromPublisher(clientPublisher) ) } } object Core { private class BackendPublisher extends ActorPublisher[ByteString] with ActorLogging { import override def preStart() = {"Starting backend publisher actor...") } private var fromBackend: ByteString = null def receive = { case msg: ByteString => fromBackend = msg deliver() case BackendPublisher.BackendComplete => sys.error("Backend completed normally, this should not happen.") // subscriber requests more case ActorPublisherMessage.Request(_) => deliver() //subscriber cancels case ActorPublisherMessage.Cancel => sys.error("Subscriber cancelled backend stream, this should not happen.") } def deliver() = if (fromBackend != null && totalDemand > 0 && isActive) { onNext(fromBackend) fromBackend = null } } private object BackendPublisher { case object BackendComplete def apply(): Props = Props(classOf[BackendPublisher]) } }