1 Uninitialized system, state is unknown. System is booting up. System is calibrating and not flight-ready. System is grounded and on standby. It can be launched any time. System is active and might be already airborne. Motors are engaged. System is in a non-normal flight mode. It can however still navigate. System is in a non-normal flight mode. It lost control over parts or over the whole airframe. It is in mayday and going down. System just initialized its power-down sequence, will shut down now. The heartbeat message shows that a system is present and responding. Global state of system. Information about the main power source. Voltage of the source (mV) The IMU readings in a NED body frame X acceleration (mm/s^2) Y acceleration (mm/s^2) Z acceleration (mm/s^2) Angular speed around X axis (mrad / sec) Angular speed around Y axis (mrad / sec) Angular speed around Z axis (mrad / sec) X Magnetic field (uT) Y Magnetic field (uT) Z Magnetic field (uT) Altitude to mean sea level (mm) Ambient temperature (mK) Information on distance sensors Relative altitude to ground (mm) Ping a target system, usually used to determine latency. System ID Component ID Acknowledgement packet System ID Component ID Status of motors m0 m1 m2 m3 The attitude in the aeronautical frame (right-handed, Z-down, X-front, Y-right). Roll angle Pitch angle Yaw angle The RAW values of the RC channels sent to the MAV to override info received from the RC radio. A value of UINT16_MAX means no change to that channel. A value of 0 means control of that channel should be released back to the RC radio. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification. System ID Component ID RC channel 1 value, in microseconds. A value of UINT16_MAX means to ignore this field. RC channel 2 value, in microseconds. A value of UINT16_MAX means to ignore this field. RC channel 3 value, in microseconds. A value of UINT16_MAX means to ignore this field. RC channel 4 value, in microseconds. A value of UINT16_MAX means to ignore this field. RC channel 5 value, in microseconds. A value of UINT16_MAX means to ignore this field. RC channel 6 value, in microseconds. A value of UINT16_MAX means to ignore this field. RC channel 7 value, in microseconds. A value of UINT16_MAX means to ignore this field. RC channel 8 value, in microseconds. A value of UINT16_MAX means to ignore this field. Status generated by radio local signal strength remote signal strength how full the tx buffer is as a percentage background noise level remote background noise level receive errors count of error corrected packets