package mavigator import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.Project.projectToRef object MavigatorBuild extends Build { // settings common to all projects val defaultSettings = Seq( scalaVersion := "2.11.7", scalacOptions ++= Seq("-feature", "-deprecation") ) // root super-project lazy val root = Project( id = "root", base = file("."), aggregate = Seq(bindings, uav) ) // empty project that uses SbtMavlink to generate protocol bindings lazy val bindings = Project( id = "mavigator-bindings", base = file("mavigator-bindings") ) // main akka http server project lazy val server = Project( id = "mavigator-server", base = file("mavigator-server"), dependencies = Seq(bindings, uav) ) // communication backend lazy val uav = Project( id = "mavigator-uav", base = file("mavigator-uav"), dependencies = Seq(bindings) ) // main cockpit front-end lazy val dashboard = Project( id = "mavigator-dashboard", base = file("mavigator-dashboard"), dependencies = Seq(bindings) ) /* // landing page providing selection of drone lazy val index = Project( id = "mavigator-index", base = file("mavigator-index"), dependencies = Seq(bindings) ) */ }