# # Generic Makefile for PX4 firmware images. # # Requires: # # BOARD # Must be set to a board name known to the PX4 distribution (as # we need a corresponding NuttX export archive to link with). # # Optional: # # APPS # Contains a list of application paths or path fragments used # to find applications. The names listed here are searched in # the following directories: # # $(APP_SEARCH_DIRS) # WORK_DIR # APP_SRC # PX4_APP_SRC # # Application directories are expected to contain an 'app.mk' # file which provides build configuration for the app. See # application.mk for more details. # # LIBS # Contains a list of library paths or path fragments used # to find libraries. The names listed here are searched in the # following directories: # # $(LIB_SEARCH_DIRS) # WORK_DIR # LIB_SRC # PX4_LIB_SRC # # Library directories are expected to contain a 'lib.mk' # file which provides build configuration for the library. See # library.mk for more details. # # BUILTIN_COMMANDS # Contains a list of built-in commands not explicitly provided # by applications / libraries. Each entry in this list is formatted # as ... # # PX4_BASE: # Points to a PX4 distribution. Normally determined based on the # path to this file. # # CONFIG: # Used to set the output filename; defaults to 'firmware'. # # WORK_DIR: # Sets the directory in which the firmware will be built. Defaults # to the directory 'build' under the directory containing the # parent Makefile. # # ROMFS_ROOT: # If set to the path to a directory, a ROMFS image will be generated # containing the files under the directory and linked into the final # image. # # APP_SEARCH_DIRS: # Extra directories to search first for APPS before looking in the # usual places. # # LIB_SEARCH_DIRS: # Extra directories to search first for LIBS before looking in the # usual places. # ################################################################################ # Paths and configuration ################################################################################ # # Work out where this file is, so we can find other makefiles in the # same directory. # # If PX4_BASE wasn't set previously, work out what it should be # and set it here now. # MK_DIR ?= $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ifeq ($(PX4_BASE),) export PX4_BASE := $(abspath $(MK_DIR)/..) $(info %% set PX4_BASE to $(PX4_BASE)) endif # # Set a default target so that included makefiles or errors here don't # cause confusion. # # XXX We could do something cute here with $(DEFAULT_GOAL) if it's not one # of the maintenance targets and set CONFIG based on it. # all: firmware # # Get path and tool config # include $(MK_DIR)/setup.mk # # Locate the configuration file # ifeq ($(CONFIG),) $(error Missing configuration name or file (specify with CONFIG=)) endif CONFIG_FILE := $(firstword $(wildcard $(CONFIG)) $(wildcard $(PX4_MK_DIR)/config_$(CONFIG).mk)) ifeq ($(CONFIG_FILE),) $(error Can't find a config file called $(CONFIG) or $(PX4_MK_DIR)/config_$(CONFIG).mk) endif export CONFIG include $(CONFIG_FILE) $(info %% CONFIG $(CONFIG)) # # Sanity-check the BOARD variable and then get the board config. # If BOARD was not set by the configuration, extract it automatically. # # The board config in turn will fetch the toolchain configuration. # ifeq ($(BOARD),) BOARD := $(firstword $(subst _, ,$(CONFIG))) endif BOARD_FILE := $(wildcard $(PX4_MK_DIR)/board_$(BOARD).mk) ifeq ($(BOARD_FILE),) $(error Config $(CONFIG) references board $(BOARD), but no board definition file found) endif export BOARD include $(BOARD_FILE) $(info %% BOARD $(BOARD)) # # If WORK_DIR is not set, create a 'build' directory next to the # parent Makefile. # PARENT_MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(filter-out $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ifeq ($(WORK_DIR),) export WORK_DIR := $(dir $(PARENT_MAKEFILE))/build endif $(info %% WORK_DIR $(WORK_DIR)) # # Things that, if they change, might affect everything # GLOBAL_DEPS += $(MAKEFILE_LIST) ################################################################################ # Applications ################################################################################ # where to look for applications APP_SEARCH_DIRS += $(WORK_DIR) $(APP_SRC) $(PX4_APP_SRC) # sort and unique the apps list APPS := $(sort $(APPS)) # locate the first instance of an app by full path or by looking on the # application search path define APP_SEARCH $(firstword $(wildcard $(1)/app.mk) \ $(foreach search_dir,$(APP_SEARCH_DIRS),$(wildcard $(search_dir)/$(1)/app.mk)) \ MISSING_$1) endef APP_MKFILES := $(foreach app,$(APPS),$(call APP_SEARCH,$(app))) MISSING_APPS := $(subst MISSING_,,$(filter MISSING_%,$(APP_MKFILES))) ifneq ($(MISSING_APPS),) $(error Can't find application(s): $(MISSING_APPS)) endif APP_OBJS := $(foreach path,$(dir $(APP_MKFILES)),$(WORK_DIR)/$(path)/app.pre.o) $(APP_OBJS): relpath = $(patsubst $(WORK_DIR)/%,%,$@) $(APP_OBJS): mkfile = $(patsubst %/app.pre.o,%/app.mk,$(relpath)) $(APP_OBJS): $(GLOBAL_DEPS) $(NUTTX_CONFIG_HEADER) @echo %% @echo %% Building app in $(relpath) using $(mkfile) @echo %% $(Q) make -f $(PX4_MK_DIR)/application.mk \ APP_WORK_DIR=$(dir $@) \ APP_OBJ=$@ \ APP_MK=$(mkfile) \ app APP_CLEANS := $(foreach path,$(dir $(APP_MKFILES)),$(WORK_DIR)/$(path)/clean) .PHONY: $(APP_CLEANS) $(APP_CLEANS): relpath = $(patsubst $(WORK_DIR)/%,%,$@) $(APP_CLEANS): mkfile = $(patsubst %/clean,%/app.mk,$(relpath)) $(APP_CLEANS): @echo %% cleaning using $(mkfile) $(Q) make -f $(PX4_MK_DIR)/application.mk \ APP_WORK_DIR=$(dir $@) \ APP_MK=$(mkfile) \ clean ################################################################################ # NuttX libraries and paths ################################################################################ include $(PX4_MK_DIR)/nuttx.mk ################################################################################ # ROMFS generation ################################################################################ # # Note that we can't just put romfs.c in SRCS, as it's depended on by the # NuttX export library. Instead, we have to treat it like a library. # ifneq ($(ROMFS_ROOT),) ROMFS_DEPS += $(wildcard \ (ROMFS_ROOT)/* \ (ROMFS_ROOT)/*/* \ (ROMFS_ROOT)/*/*/* \ (ROMFS_ROOT)/*/*/*/* \ (ROMFS_ROOT)/*/*/*/*/* \ (ROMFS_ROOT)/*/*/*/*/*/*) ROMFS_IMG = $(WORK_DIR)/romfs.img ROMFS_CSRC = $(ROMFS_IMG:.img=.c) ROMFS_OBJ = $(ROMFS_CSRC:.c=.o) LIBS += $(ROMFS_OBJ) LINK_DEPS += $(ROMFS_OBJ) $(ROMFS_OBJ): $(ROMFS_CSRC) $(Q) $(call COMPILE,$<,$@) $(ROMFS_CSRC): $(ROMFS_IMG) @echo %% generating $@ $(Q) (cd $(dir $<) && xxd -i $(notdir $<)) > $@ $(ROMFS_IMG): $(ROMFS_DEPS) $(GLOBAL_DEPS) @echo %% generating $@ $(Q) $(GENROMFS) -f $@ -d $(ROMFS_ROOT) -V "NSHInitVol" endif ################################################################################ # Builtin command list generation ################################################################################ # # Note that we can't just put builtin_commands.c in SRCS, as it's depended on by the # NuttX export library. Instead, we have to treat it like a library. # # Builtin commands can be generated by the configuration, in which case they # must refer to commands that already exist, or indirectly generated by applications # when they are built. # # The configuration supplies builtin command information in the BUILTIN_COMMANDS # variable. Applications make empty files in $(WORK_DIR)/builtin_commands whose # filename contains the same information. # # In each case, the command information consists of four fields separated with a # period. These fields are the command's name, its thread priority, its stack size # and the name of the function to call when starting the thread. # # BUILTIN_CSRC = $(WORK_DIR)/builtin_commands.c # add command definitions from apps BUILTIN_COMMANDS += $(subst COMMAND.,,$(notdir $(wildcard $(WORK_DIR)/builtin_commands/COMMAND.*))) # (BUILTIN_PROTO,,) define BUILTIN_PROTO echo 'extern int $(word 4,$1)(int argc, char *argv[]);' >> $2; endef # (BUILTIN_DEF,,) define BUILTIN_DEF echo ' {"$(word 1,$1)", $(word 2,$1), $(word 3,$1), $(word 4,$1)},' >> $2; endef $(BUILTIN_CSRC): $(GLOBAL_DEPS) @echo %% generating $@ $(Q) echo '/* builtin command list - automatically generated, do not edit */' > $@ $(Q) echo '#include ' >> $@ $(Q) echo '#include ' >> $@ $(Q) $(foreach spec,$(BUILTIN_COMMANDS),$(call BUILTIN_PROTO,$(subst ., ,$(spec)),$@)) $(Q) echo 'const struct builtin_s g_builtins[] = {' >> $@ $(Q) $(foreach spec,$(BUILTIN_COMMANDS),$(call BUILTIN_DEF,$(subst ., ,$(spec)),$@)) $(Q) echo ' {NULL, 0, 0, NULL}' >> $@ $(Q) echo '};' >> $@ $(Q) echo 'const int g_builtin_count = $(words $(BUILTIN_COMMANDS));' >> $@ BUILTIN_OBJ = $(BUILTIN_CSRC:.c=.o) LIBS += $(BUILTIN_OBJ) LINK_DEPS += $(BUILTIN_OBJ) $(BUILTIN_OBJ): $(BUILTIN_CSRC) $(Q) $(call COMPILE,$<,$@) ################################################################################ # Default SRCS generation ################################################################################ # # If there are no SRCS, the build will fail; in that case, generate an empty # source file. # ifeq ($(SRCS),) EMPTY_SRC = $(WORK_DIR)/empty.c $(EMPTY_SRC): $(Q) echo '/* this is an empty file */' > $@ SRCS += $(EMPTY_SRC) endif ################################################################################ # Build rules ################################################################################ # # What we're going to build. # PRODUCT_BUNDLE = $(WORK_DIR)/firmware.px4 PRODUCT_BIN = $(WORK_DIR)/firmware.bin PRODUCT_SYM = $(WORK_DIR)/firmware.sym .PHONY: firmware firmware: $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE) # # Object files we will generate from sources # OBJS := $(foreach src,$(SRCS),$(WORK_DIR)/$(src).o) # # SRCS -> OBJS rules # $(OBJS): $(GLOBAL_DEPS) $(filter %.c.o,$(OBJS)): $(WORK_DIR)/%.c.o: %.c $(call COMPILE,$<,$@) $(filter %.cpp.o,$(OBJS)): $(WORK_DIR)/%.cpp.o: %.cpp $(GLOBAL_DEPS) $(call COMPILEXX,$<,$@) $(filter %.S.o,$(OBJS)): $(WORK_DIR)/%.S.o: %.S $(GLOBAL_DEPS) $(call ASSEMBLE,$<,$@) # # Built product rules # $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE): $(PRODUCT_BIN) @echo %% Generating $@ $(Q) $(MKFW) --prototype $(IMAGE_DIR)/$(BOARD).prototype \ --git_identity $(PX4_BASE) \ --image $< > $@ $(PRODUCT_BIN): $(PRODUCT_SYM) $(call SYM_TO_BIN,$<,$@) $(PRODUCT_SYM): $(OBJS) $(APP_OBJS) $(GLOBAL_DEPS) $(LINK_DEPS) $(APP_MKFILES) $(call LINK,$@,$(OBJS) $(APP_OBJS)) # # Utility rules # .PHONY: upload upload: $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE) $(PRODUCT_BIN) $(Q) make -f $(PX4_MK_DIR)/upload.mk \ METHOD=serial \ PRODUCT=$(PRODUCT) \ BUNDLE=$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE) \ BIN=$(PRODUCT_BIN) .PHONY: clean clean: $(APP_CLEANS) @echo %% cleaning $(Q) $(REMOVE) $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE) $(PRODUCT_BIN) $(PRODUCT_SYM) $(Q) $(REMOVE) $(OBJS) $(DEP_INCLUDES) $(Q) $(RMDIR) $(NUTTX_EXPORT_DIR) # # DEP_INCLUDES is defined by the toolchain include in terms of $(OBJS) # -include $(DEP_INCLUDES)