function [xa_apo,Pa_apo,Rot_matrix,eulerAngles,debugOutput]... = AttitudeEKF(approx_prediction,use_inertia_matrix,zFlag,dt,z,q_rotSpeed,q_rotAcc,q_acc,q_mag,r_gyro,r_accel,r_mag,J) %LQG Postion Estimator and Controller % Observer: % x[n|n] = x[n|n-1] + M(y[n] - Cx[n|n-1] - Du[n]) % x[n+1|n] = Ax[n|n] + Bu[n] % % $Author: Tobias Naegeli $ $Date: 2014 $ $Revision: 3 $ % % % Arguments: % approx_prediction: if 1 then the exponential map is approximated with a % first order taylor approximation. has at the moment not a big influence % (just 1st or 2nd order approximation) we should change it to rodriquez % approximation. % use_inertia_matrix: set to true if you have the inertia matrix J for your % quadrotor % xa_apo_k: old state vectotr % zFlag: if sensor measurement is available [gyro, acc, mag] % dt: dt in s % z: measurements [gyro, acc, mag] % q_rotSpeed: process noise gyro % q_rotAcc: process noise gyro acceleration % q_acc: process noise acceleration % q_mag: process noise magnetometer % r_gyro: measurement noise gyro % r_accel: measurement noise accel % r_mag: measurement noise mag % J: moment of inertia matrix % Output: % xa_apo: updated state vectotr % Pa_apo: updated state covariance matrix % Rot_matrix: rotation matrix % eulerAngles: euler angles % debugOutput: not used %% model specific parameters % compute once the inverse of the Inertia persistent Ji; if isempty(Ji) Ji=single(inv(J)); end %% init persistent x_apo if(isempty(x_apo)) gyro_init=single([0;0;0]); gyro_acc_init=single([0;0;0]); acc_init=single([0;0;-9.81]); mag_init=single([1;0;0]); x_apo=single([gyro_init;gyro_acc_init;acc_init;mag_init]); end persistent P_apo if(isempty(P_apo)) % P_apo = single(eye(NSTATES) * 1000); P_apo = single(200*ones(12)); end debugOutput = single(zeros(4,1)); %% copy the states wx= x_apo(1); % x body angular rate wy= x_apo(2); % y body angular rate wz= x_apo(3); % z body angular rate wax= x_apo(4); % x body angular acceleration way= x_apo(5); % y body angular acceleration waz= x_apo(6); % z body angular acceleration zex= x_apo(7); % x component gravity vector zey= x_apo(8); % y component gravity vector zez= x_apo(9); % z component gravity vector mux= x_apo(10); % x component magnetic field vector muy= x_apo(11); % y component magnetic field vector muz= x_apo(12); % z component magnetic field vector %% prediction section % compute the apriori state estimate from the previous aposteriori estimate %body angular accelerations if (use_inertia_matrix==1) wak =[wax;way;waz]+Ji*(-cross([wax;way;waz],J*[wax;way;waz]))*dt; else wak =[wax;way;waz]; end %body angular rates wk =[wx; wy; wz] + dt*wak; %derivative of the prediction rotation matrix O=[0,-wz,wy;wz,0,-wx;-wy,wx,0]'; %prediction of the earth z vector if (approx_prediction==1) %e^(Odt)=I+dt*O+dt^2/2!O^2 % so we do a first order approximation of the exponential map zek =(O*dt+single(eye(3)))*[zex;zey;zez]; else zek =(single(eye(3))+O*dt+dt^2/2*O^2)*[zex;zey;zez]; %zek =expm2(O*dt)*[zex;zey;zez]; not working because use double %precision end %prediction of the magnetic vector if (approx_prediction==1) %e^(Odt)=I+dt*O+dt^2/2!O^2 % so we do a first order approximation of the exponential map muk =(O*dt+single(eye(3)))*[mux;muy;muz]; else muk =(single(eye(3))+O*dt+dt^2/2*O^2)*[mux;muy;muz]; %muk =expm2(O*dt)*[mux;muy;muz]; not working because use double %precision end x_apr=[wk;wak;zek;muk]; % compute the apriori error covariance estimate from the previous %aposteriori estimate EZ=[0,zez,-zey; -zez,0,zex; zey,-zex,0]'; MA=[0,muz,-muy; -muz,0,mux; muy,-mux,0]'; E=single(eye(3)); Z=single(zeros(3)); A_lin=[ Z, E, Z, Z Z, Z, Z, Z EZ, Z, O, Z MA, Z, Z, O]; A_lin=eye(12)+A_lin*dt; %process covariance matrix persistent Q if (isempty(Q)) Q=diag([ q_rotSpeed,q_rotSpeed,q_rotSpeed,... q_rotAcc,q_rotAcc,q_rotAcc,... q_acc,q_acc,q_acc,... q_mag,q_mag,q_mag]); end P_apr=A_lin*P_apo*A_lin'+Q; %% update if zFlag(1)==1&&zFlag(2)==1&&zFlag(3)==1 R=[r_gyro,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; 0,r_gyro,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; 0,0,r_gyro,0,0,0,0,0,0; 0,0,0,r_accel,0,0,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0,r_accel,0,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,r_accel,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,r_mag,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,r_mag,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,r_mag]; %observation matrix %[zw;ze;zmk]; H_k=[ E, Z, Z, Z; Z, Z, E, Z; Z, Z, Z, E]; y_k=z(1:9)-H_k*x_apr; S_k=H_k*P_apr*H_k'+R; K_k=(P_apr*H_k'/(S_k)); x_apo=x_apr+K_k*y_k; P_apo=(eye(12)-K_k*H_k)*P_apr; else if zFlag(1)==1&&zFlag(2)==0&&zFlag(3)==0 R=[r_gyro,0,0; 0,r_gyro,0; 0,0,r_gyro]; %observation matrix H_k=[ E, Z, Z, Z]; y_k=z(1:3)-H_k(1:3,1:12)*x_apr; S_k=H_k(1:3,1:12)*P_apr*H_k(1:3,1:12)'+R(1:3,1:3); K_k=(P_apr*H_k(1:3,1:12)'/(S_k)); x_apo=x_apr+K_k*y_k; P_apo=(eye(12)-K_k*H_k(1:3,1:12))*P_apr; else if zFlag(1)==1&&zFlag(2)==1&&zFlag(3)==0 R=[r_gyro,0,0,0,0,0; 0,r_gyro,0,0,0,0; 0,0,r_gyro,0,0,0; 0,0,0,r_accel,0,0; 0,0,0,0,r_accel,0; 0,0,0,0,0,r_accel]; %observation matrix H_k=[ E, Z, Z, Z; Z, Z, E, Z]; y_k=z(1:6)-H_k(1:6,1:12)*x_apr; S_k=H_k(1:6,1:12)*P_apr*H_k(1:6,1:12)'+R(1:6,1:6); K_k=(P_apr*H_k(1:6,1:12)'/(S_k)); x_apo=x_apr+K_k*y_k; P_apo=(eye(12)-K_k*H_k(1:6,1:12))*P_apr; else if zFlag(1)==1&&zFlag(2)==0&&zFlag(3)==1 R=[r_gyro,0,0,0,0,0; 0,r_gyro,0,0,0,0; 0,0,r_gyro,0,0,0; 0,0,0,r_mag,0,0; 0,0,0,0,r_mag,0; 0,0,0,0,0,r_mag]; %observation matrix H_k=[ E, Z, Z, Z; Z, Z, Z, E]; y_k=[z(1:3);z(7:9)]-H_k(1:6,1:12)*x_apr; S_k=H_k(1:6,1:12)*P_apr*H_k(1:6,1:12)'+R(1:6,1:6); K_k=(P_apr*H_k(1:6,1:12)'/(S_k)); x_apo=x_apr+K_k*y_k; P_apo=(eye(12)-K_k*H_k(1:6,1:12))*P_apr; else x_apo=x_apr; P_apo=P_apr; end end end end %% euler anglels extraction z_n_b = -x_apo(7:9)./norm(x_apo(7:9)); m_n_b = x_apo(10:12)./norm(x_apo(10:12)); y_n_b=cross(z_n_b,m_n_b); y_n_b=y_n_b./norm(y_n_b); x_n_b=(cross(y_n_b,z_n_b)); x_n_b=x_n_b./norm(x_n_b); xa_apo=x_apo; Pa_apo=P_apo; % rotation matrix from earth to body system Rot_matrix=[x_n_b,y_n_b,z_n_b]; phi=atan2(Rot_matrix(2,3),Rot_matrix(3,3)); theta=-asin(Rot_matrix(1,3)); psi=atan2(Rot_matrix(1,2),Rot_matrix(1,1)); eulerAngles=[phi;theta;psi];