/**************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2013 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. * Author: @author Thomas Gubler * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /** * @file mTecs.cpp * * @author Thomas Gubler */ #include "mTecs.h" #include #include namespace fwPosctrl { mTecs::mTecs() : SuperBlock(NULL, "MT"), /* Parameters */ _mTecsEnabled(this, "ENABLED"), _airspeedMin(this, "FW_AIRSPD_MIN", false), /* control blocks */ _controlTotalEnergy(this, "THR"), _controlEnergyDistribution(this, "PIT", true), _controlAltitude(this, "FPA", true), _controlAirSpeed(this, "ACC"), _airspeedDerivative(this, "AD"), _throttleSp(0.0f), _pitchSp(0.0f), _BlockOutputLimiterTakeoffThrottle(this, "TKF_THR"), _BlockOutputLimiterTakeoffPitch(this, "TKF_PIT", true), _BlockOutputLimiterUnderspeedThrottle(this, "USP_THR"), _BlockOutputLimiterUnderspeedPitch(this, "USP_PIT", true), timestampLastIteration(hrt_absolute_time()), _firstIterationAfterReset(true), _dtCalculated(false), _counter(0) { } mTecs::~mTecs() { } void mTecs::updateAltitudeSpeed(float flightPathAngle, float altitude, float altitudeSp, float airspeed, float airspeedSp, tecs_mode mode) { /* time measurement */ updateTimeMeasurement(); float flightPathAngleSp = _controlAltitude.update(altitudeSp - altitude); if (_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("***"); warnx("updateAltitudeSpeed: altitudeSp %.4f, altitude %.4f, flightPathAngleSp %.4f", (double)altitudeSp, (double)altitude, (double)flightPathAngleSp); } updateFlightPathAngleSpeed(flightPathAngle, flightPathAngleSp, airspeed, airspeedSp, mode); } void mTecs::updateFlightPathAngleSpeed(float flightPathAngle, float flightPathAngleSp, float airspeed, float airspeedSp, tecs_mode mode) { /* time measurement */ updateTimeMeasurement(); float accelerationLongitudinalSp = _controlAirSpeed.update(airspeedSp - airspeed); if (_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("updateFlightPathAngleSpeed airspeedSp %.4f, airspeed %.4f, accelerationLongitudinalSp%.4f", (double)airspeedSp, (double)airspeed, (double)accelerationLongitudinalSp); } updateFlightPathAngleAcceleration(flightPathAngle, flightPathAngleSp, airspeed, accelerationLongitudinalSp, mode); } void mTecs::updateFlightPathAngleAcceleration(float flightPathAngle, float flightPathAngleSp, float airspeed, float accelerationLongitudinalSp, tecs_mode mode) { /* time measurement */ updateTimeMeasurement(); /* update parameters first */ updateParams(); /* calculate values (energies) */ float flightPathAngleError = flightPathAngleSp - flightPathAngle; float airspeedDerivative = 0.0f; if(_airspeedDerivative.getDt() > 0.0f) { airspeedDerivative = _airspeedDerivative.update(airspeed); } float airspeedDerivativeNorm = airspeedDerivative / CONSTANTS_ONE_G; float airspeedSpDerivative = accelerationLongitudinalSp; float airspeedSpDerivativeNorm = airspeedSpDerivative / CONSTANTS_ONE_G; float airspeedSpDerivativeNormError = airspeedSpDerivativeNorm - airspeedDerivativeNorm; float totalEnergyRate = flightPathAngle + airspeedDerivativeNorm; float totalEnergyRateError = flightPathAngleError + airspeedSpDerivativeNormError; float totalEnergyRateSp = flightPathAngleSp + airspeedSpDerivativeNorm; float totalEnergyRateError2 = totalEnergyRateSp - totalEnergyRate; float energyDistributionRate = flightPathAngle - airspeedDerivativeNorm; float energyDistributionRateError = flightPathAngleError - airspeedSpDerivativeNormError; float energyDistributionRateSp = flightPathAngleSp - airspeedSpDerivativeNorm; float energyDistributionRateError2 = energyDistributionRateSp - energyDistributionRate; if (_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("totalEnergyRateSp %.2f, totalEnergyRate %.2f, totalEnergyRateError %.2f totalEnergyRateError2 %.2f airspeedDerivativeNorm %.4f", (double)totalEnergyRateSp, (double)totalEnergyRate, (double)totalEnergyRateError, (double)totalEnergyRateError2, (double)airspeedDerivativeNorm); warnx("energyDistributionRateSp %.2f, energyDistributionRate %.2f, energyDistributionRateError %.2f energyDistributionRateError2 %.2f", (double)energyDistributionRateSp, (double)energyDistributionRate, (double)energyDistributionRateError, (double)energyDistributionRateError2); } /* Check airspeed: if below safe value switch to underspeed mode */ if (airspeed < _airspeedMin.get()) { mode = TECS_MODE_UNDERSPEED; } /* Set special ouput limiters if we are not in TECS_MODE_NORMAL */ BlockOutputLimiter *outputLimiterThrottle = NULL; // NULL --> use standard inflight limits BlockOutputLimiter *outputLimiterPitch = NULL; // NULL --> use standard inflight limits if (mode == TECS_MODE_TAKEOFF) { outputLimiterThrottle = &_BlockOutputLimiterTakeoffThrottle; //XXX: accept prelaunch values from launchdetector outputLimiterPitch = &_BlockOutputLimiterTakeoffPitch; } else if (mode == TECS_MODE_UNDERSPEED) { outputLimiterThrottle = &_BlockOutputLimiterUnderspeedThrottle; outputLimiterPitch = &_BlockOutputLimiterUnderspeedPitch; } /** update control blocks **/ /* update total energy rate control block */ _throttleSp = _controlTotalEnergy.update(totalEnergyRateSp, totalEnergyRateError, outputLimiterThrottle); /* update energy distribution rate control block */ _pitchSp = _controlEnergyDistribution.update(energyDistributionRateSp, energyDistributionRateError, outputLimiterPitch); if (_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("_throttleSp %.1f, _pitchSp %.1f, flightPathAngleSp %.1f, flightPathAngle %.1f accelerationLongitudinalSp %.1f, airspeedDerivative %.1f", (double)_throttleSp, (double)_pitchSp, (double)flightPathAngleSp, (double)flightPathAngle, (double)accelerationLongitudinalSp, (double)airspeedDerivative); } /* clean up */ _firstIterationAfterReset = false; _dtCalculated = false; _counter++; } void mTecs::resetIntegrators() { _controlTotalEnergy.getIntegral().setY(0.0f); _controlEnergyDistribution.getIntegral().setY(0.0f); timestampLastIteration = hrt_absolute_time(); _firstIterationAfterReset = true; } void mTecs::updateTimeMeasurement() { if (!_dtCalculated) { float deltaTSeconds = 0.0f; if (!_firstIterationAfterReset) { hrt_abstime timestampNow = hrt_absolute_time(); deltaTSeconds = (float)(timestampNow - timestampLastIteration) * 1e-6f; timestampLastIteration = timestampNow; } setDt(deltaTSeconds); _dtCalculated = true; } } } /* namespace fwPosctrl */