/**************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. * Author: @author Petri Tanskanen * @author Lorenz Meier * @author Thomas Gubler * @author Julian Oes * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /** * @file waypoints.c * MAVLink waypoint protocol implementation (BSD-relicensed). */ #include #include #include #include #include "mavlink_bridge_header.h" #include "missionlib.h" #include "waypoints.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #ifndef FM_PI #define FM_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795f #endif bool debug = false; bool verbose = false; orb_advert_t mission_pub = -1; struct mission_s mission; #define NUM_MISSIONS_SUPPORTED 10 //#define MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF #define MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE 1 uint8_t mavlink_wpm_comp_id = MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER; void map_mavlink_mission_item_to_mission_item(const mavlink_mission_item_t *mavlink_mission_item, struct mission_item_s *mission_item) { mission_item->lat = (double)mavlink_mission_item->x; mission_item->lon = (double)mavlink_mission_item->y; mission_item->altitude = mavlink_mission_item->z; mission_item->yaw = mavlink_mission_item->param4*M_DEG_TO_RAD_F; mission_item->loiter_radius = fabsf(mavlink_mission_item->param3); mission_item->loiter_direction = (mavlink_mission_item->param3 > 0) ? 1 : -1; /* 1 if positive CW, -1 if negative CCW */ mission_item->nav_cmd = mavlink_mission_item->command; mission_item->radius = mavlink_mission_item->param1; mission_item->time_inside = mavlink_mission_item->param2 / 1e3f; /* from milliseconds to seconds */ mission_item->autocontinue = mavlink_mission_item->autocontinue; mission_item->index = mavlink_mission_item->seq; } void map_mission_item_to_mavlink_mission_item(const struct mission_item_s *mission_item, mavlink_mission_item_t *mavlink_mission_item) { mavlink_mission_item->x = (float)mission_item->lat; mavlink_mission_item->y = (float)mission_item->lon; mavlink_mission_item->z = mission_item->altitude; mavlink_mission_item->param4 = mission_item->yaw*M_RAD_TO_DEG_F; mavlink_mission_item->param3 = mission_item->loiter_radius*(float)mission_item->loiter_direction; mavlink_mission_item->command = mission_item->nav_cmd; mavlink_mission_item->param1 = mission_item->radius; mavlink_mission_item->param2 = mission_item->time_inside * 1e3f; /* from seconds to milliseconds */ mavlink_mission_item->autocontinue = mission_item->autocontinue; mavlink_mission_item->seq = mission_item->index; } void mavlink_wpm_init(mavlink_wpm_storage *state) { // Set all waypoints to zero // Set count to zero state->size = 0; state->max_size = MAVLINK_WPM_MAX_WP_COUNT; state->current_state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE; state->current_partner_sysid = 0; state->current_partner_compid = 0; state->timestamp_lastaction = 0; // state->timestamp_last_send_setpoint = 0; state->timeout = MAVLINK_WPM_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; // state->delay_setpoint = MAVLINK_WPM_SETPOINT_DELAY_DEFAULT; // state->idle = false; ///< indicates if the system is following the waypoints or is waiting // state->current_active_wp_id = -1; ///< id of current waypoint // state->yaw_reached = false; ///< boolean for yaw attitude reached // state->pos_reached = false; ///< boolean for position reached // state->timestamp_lastoutside_orbit = 0;///< timestamp when the MAV was last outside the orbit or had the wrong yaw value // state->timestamp_firstinside_orbit = 0;///< timestamp when the MAV was the first time after a waypoint change inside the orbit and had the correct yaw value mission.count = 0; mission.items = (struct mission_item_s*)malloc(sizeof(struct mission_item_s) * NUM_MISSIONS_SUPPORTED); if (!mission.items) { mission.count = 0; /* XXX reject waypoints if this fails */ warnx("no free RAM to allocate mission, rejecting any waypoints"); } } /* * @brief Sends an waypoint ack message */ void mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_ack(uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid, uint8_t type) { mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_mission_ack_t wpa; wpa.target_system = wpm->current_partner_sysid; wpa.target_component = wpm->current_partner_compid; wpa.type = type; mavlink_msg_mission_ack_encode(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_wpm_comp_id, &msg, &wpa); mavlink_missionlib_send_message(&msg); // FIXME TIMING usleep(paramClient->getParamValue("PROTOCOLDELAY")); if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("Sent waypoint ACK"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Sent waypoint ack (%u) to ID %u\n", wpa.type, wpa.target_system); #endif } } /* * @brief Broadcasts the new target waypoint and directs the MAV to fly there * * This function broadcasts its new active waypoint sequence number and * sends a message to the controller, advising it to fly to the coordinates * of the waypoint with a given orientation * * @param seq The waypoint sequence number the MAV should fly to. */ void mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_current(uint16_t seq) { if (seq < wpm->size) { mavlink_mission_item_t *cur = &(wpm->waypoints[seq]); mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_mission_current_t wpc; wpc.seq = cur->seq; mavlink_msg_mission_current_encode(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_wpm_comp_id, &msg, &wpc); mavlink_missionlib_send_message(&msg); // FIXME TIMING usleep(paramClient->getParamValue("PROTOCOLDELAY")); if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("Set current waypoint\n"); //// printf("Broadcasted new current waypoint %u\n", wpc.seq); } else { if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("ERROR: wp index out of bounds\n"); } } /* * @brief Directs the MAV to fly to a position * * Sends a message to the controller, advising it to fly to the coordinates * of the waypoint with a given orientation * * @param seq The waypoint sequence number the MAV should fly to. */ void mavlink_wpm_send_setpoint(uint16_t seq) { if (seq < wpm->size) { mavlink_mission_item_t *cur = &(wpm->waypoints[seq]); mavlink_missionlib_current_waypoint_changed(cur->seq, cur->param1, cur->param2, cur->param3, cur->param4, cur->x, cur->y, cur->z, cur->frame, cur->command); // wpm->timestamp_last_send_setpoint = mavlink_missionlib_get_system_timestamp(); } else { if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("ERROR: Waypoint index out of bounds\n"); //// if (verbose) // printf("ERROR: index out of bounds\n"); } } void mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_count(uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid, uint16_t count) { mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_mission_count_t wpc; wpc.target_system = wpm->current_partner_sysid; wpc.target_component = wpm->current_partner_compid; wpc.count = mission.count; mavlink_msg_mission_count_encode(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_wpm_comp_id, &msg, &wpc); mavlink_missionlib_send_message(&msg); if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("Sent waypoint count"); //// if (verbose) // printf("Sent waypoint count (%u) to ID %u\n", wpc.count, wpc.target_system); // FIXME TIMING usleep(paramClient->getParamValue("PROTOCOLDELAY")); } void mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint(uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid, mavlink_mission_item_t *wp) { // if (seq < wpm->size) { mavlink_message_t msg; // mavlink_mission_item_t *wp = &(wpm->waypoints[seq]); wp->target_system = wpm->current_partner_sysid; wp->target_component = wpm->current_partner_compid; mavlink_msg_mission_item_encode(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_wpm_comp_id, &msg, wp); mavlink_missionlib_send_message(&msg); if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("Sent waypoint"); //// if (verbose) // printf("Sent waypoint %u to ID %u\n", wp->seq, wp->target_system); // FIXME TIMING usleep(paramClient->getParamValue("PROTOCOLDELAY")); // } else { // if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("ERROR: Waypoint index out of bounds\n"); // } } void mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_request(uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid, uint16_t seq) { if (seq < wpm->max_size) { mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_mission_request_t wpr; wpr.target_system = wpm->current_partner_sysid; wpr.target_component = wpm->current_partner_compid; wpr.seq = seq; mavlink_msg_mission_request_encode(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_wpm_comp_id, &msg, &wpr); mavlink_missionlib_send_message(&msg); if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("Sent waypoint request"); //// if (verbose) // printf("Sent waypoint request %u to ID %u\n", wpr.seq, wpr.target_system); // FIXME TIMING usleep(paramClient->getParamValue("PROTOCOLDELAY")); } else { if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("ERROR: Waypoint index exceeds list capacity\n"); } } /* * @brief emits a message that a waypoint reached * * This function broadcasts a message that a waypoint is reached. * * @param seq The waypoint sequence number the MAV has reached. */ void mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_reached(uint16_t seq) { mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_mission_item_reached_t wp_reached; wp_reached.seq = seq; mavlink_msg_mission_item_reached_encode(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_wpm_comp_id, &msg, &wp_reached); mavlink_missionlib_send_message(&msg); if (MAVLINK_WPM_TEXT_FEEDBACK) mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("Sent waypoint reached message"); //// if (verbose) // printf("Sent waypoint %u reached message\n", wp_reached.seq); // FIXME TIMING usleep(paramClient->getParamValue("PROTOCOLDELAY")); } // void check_waypoints_reached(uint64_t now, const struct vehicle_global_position_s *global_pos, struct vehicle_local_position_s *local_pos, float turn_distance) // { // static uint16_t counter; // if ((!global_pos->valid && !local_pos->xy_valid) || // /* no waypoint */ // wpm->size == 0) { // /* nothing to check here, return */ // return; // } // if (wpm->current_active_wp_id < wpm->size) { // float orbit; // if (wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT) { // orbit = wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].param2; // } else if (wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS || // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME || // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM) { // orbit = wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].param3; // } else { // // XXX set default orbit via param // orbit = 15.0f; // } // /* keep vertical orbit */ // float vertical_switch_distance = orbit; // /* Take the larger turn distance - orbit or turn_distance */ // if (orbit < turn_distance) // orbit = turn_distance; // int coordinate_frame = wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].frame; // float dist = -1.0f; // float dist_xy = -1.0f; // float dist_z = -1.0f; // if (coordinate_frame == (int)MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL) { // dist = mavlink_wpm_distance_to_point_global_wgs84(wpm->current_active_wp_id, (float)global_pos->lat * 1e-7f, (float)global_pos->lon * 1e-7f, global_pos->alt, &dist_xy, &dist_z); // } else if (coordinate_frame == (int)MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT) { // dist = mavlink_wpm_distance_to_point_global_wgs84(wpm->current_active_wp_id, (float)global_pos->lat * 1e-7f, (float)global_pos->lon * 1e-7f, global_pos->relative_alt, &dist_xy, &dist_z); // } else if (coordinate_frame == (int)MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_ENU || coordinate_frame == (int)MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED) { // dist = mavlink_wpm_distance_to_point_local(wpm->current_active_wp_id, local_pos->x, local_pos->y, local_pos->z, &dist_xy, &dist_z); // } else if (coordinate_frame == (int)MAV_FRAME_MISSION) { // /* Check if conditions of mission item are satisfied */ // // XXX TODO // } // if (dist >= 0.f && dist_xy <= orbit && dist_z >= 0.0f && dist_z <= vertical_switch_distance) { // wpm->pos_reached = true; // } // // check if required yaw reached // float yaw_sp = _wrap_pi(wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].param4 / 180.0f * FM_PI); // float yaw_err = _wrap_pi(yaw_sp - local_pos->yaw); // if (fabsf(yaw_err) < 0.05f) { // wpm->yaw_reached = true; // } // } // //check if the current waypoint was reached // if (wpm->pos_reached && /*wpm->yaw_reached &&*/ !wpm->idle) { // if (wpm->current_active_wp_id < wpm->size) { // mavlink_mission_item_t *cur_wp = &(wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id]); // if (wpm->timestamp_firstinside_orbit == 0) { // // Announce that last waypoint was reached // mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_reached(cur_wp->seq); // wpm->timestamp_firstinside_orbit = now; // } // // check if the MAV was long enough inside the waypoint orbit // //if (now-timestamp_lastoutside_orbit > (cur_wp->hold_time*1000)) // bool time_elapsed = false; // if (now - wpm->timestamp_firstinside_orbit >= cur_wp->param1 * 1000 * 1000) { // time_elapsed = true; // } else if (cur_wp->command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF) { // time_elapsed = true; // } // if (time_elapsed) { // /* safeguard against invalid missions with last wp autocontinue on */ // if (wpm->current_active_wp_id == wpm->size - 1) { // /* stop handling missions here */ // cur_wp->autocontinue = false; // } // if (cur_wp->autocontinue) { // cur_wp->current = 0; // float navigation_lat = -1.0f; // float navigation_lon = -1.0f; // float navigation_alt = -1.0f; // int navigation_frame = -1; // /* initialize to current position in case we don't find a suitable navigation waypoint */ // if (global_pos->valid) { // navigation_lat = global_pos->lat/1e7; // navigation_lon = global_pos->lon/1e7; // navigation_alt = global_pos->alt; // navigation_frame = MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL; // } else if (local_pos->xy_valid && local_pos->z_valid) { // navigation_lat = local_pos->x; // navigation_lon = local_pos->y; // navigation_alt = local_pos->z; // navigation_frame = MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED; // } // /* guard against missions without final land waypoint */ // /* only accept supported navigation waypoints, skip unknown ones */ // do { // /* pick up the last valid navigation waypoint, this will be one we hold on to after the mission */ // if (wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT || // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS || // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME || // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM || // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF) { // /* this is a navigation waypoint */ // navigation_frame = cur_wp->frame; // navigation_lat = cur_wp->x; // navigation_lon = cur_wp->y; // navigation_alt = cur_wp->z; // } // if (wpm->current_active_wp_id == wpm->size - 1) { // /* if we're not landing at the last nav waypoint, we're falling back to loiter */ // if (wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command != (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND) { // /* the last waypoint was reached, if auto continue is // * activated AND it is NOT a land waypoint, keep the system loitering there. // */ // cur_wp->command = MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM; // cur_wp->param3 = 20.0f; // XXX magic number 20 m loiter radius // cur_wp->frame = navigation_frame; // cur_wp->x = navigation_lat; // cur_wp->y = navigation_lon; // cur_wp->z = navigation_alt; // } // /* we risk an endless loop for missions without navigation waypoints, abort. */ // break; // } else { // if ((uint16_t)(wpm->current_active_wp_id + 1) < wpm->size) // wpm->current_active_wp_id++; // } // } while (!(wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT || // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS || // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME || // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].command == (int)MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM)); // // Fly to next waypoint // wpm->timestamp_firstinside_orbit = 0; // mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_current(wpm->current_active_wp_id); // mavlink_wpm_send_setpoint(wpm->current_active_wp_id); // wpm->waypoints[wpm->current_active_wp_id].current = true; // wpm->pos_reached = false; // wpm->yaw_reached = false; // printf("Set new waypoint (%u)\n", wpm->current_active_wp_id); // } // } // } // } else { // wpm->timestamp_lastoutside_orbit = now; // } // counter++; // } int mavlink_waypoint_eventloop(uint64_t now, const struct vehicle_global_position_s *global_position, struct vehicle_local_position_s *local_position, struct navigation_capabilities_s *nav_cap) { /* check for timed-out operations */ if (now - wpm->timestamp_lastaction > wpm->timeout && wpm->current_state != MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("Operation timeout switching -> IDLE"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Last operation (state=%u) timed out, changing state to MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE\n", wpm->current_state); #endif wpm->current_state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE; // wpm->current_count = 0; wpm->current_partner_sysid = 0; wpm->current_partner_compid = 0; // wpm->current_wp_id = -1; // if (wpm->size == 0) { // wpm->current_active_wp_id = -1; // } } // check_waypoints_reached(now, global_position, local_position, nav_cap->turn_distance); return OK; } void mavlink_wpm_message_handler(const mavlink_message_t *msg, const struct vehicle_global_position_s *global_pos , struct vehicle_local_position_s *local_pos) { uint64_t now = mavlink_missionlib_get_system_timestamp(); switch (msg->msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ACK: { mavlink_mission_ack_t wpa; mavlink_msg_mission_ack_decode(msg, &wpa); if ((msg->sysid == wpm->current_partner_sysid && msg->compid == wpm->current_partner_compid) && (wpa.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /*&& wpa.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id*/)) { wpm->timestamp_lastaction = now; if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST || wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS) { if (wpm->current_wp_id == wpm->size - 1) { // mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("Got last WP ACK state -> IDLE"); wpm->current_state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE; wpm->current_wp_id = 0; } } } else { mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: curr partner id mismatch"); } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_SET_CURRENT: { mavlink_mission_set_current_t wpc; mavlink_msg_mission_set_current_decode(msg, &wpc); if (wpc.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /*&& wpc.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id*/) { wpm->timestamp_lastaction = now; if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE) { if (wpc.seq < wpm->size) { // if (verbose) // printf("Received MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_SET_CURRENT\n"); // wpm->current_active_wp_id = wpc.seq; // uint32_t i; // for (i = 0; i < wpm->size; i++) { // if (i == wpm->current_active_wp_id) { // wpm->waypoints[i].current = true; // } else { // wpm->waypoints[i].current = false; // } // } // mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("NEW WP SET"); // wpm->yaw_reached = false; // wpm->pos_reached = false; mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_current(wpc.seq); // mavlink_wpm_send_setpoint(wpm->current_active_wp_id); // wpm->timestamp_firstinside_orbit = 0; } else { mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("IGN WP CURR CMD: Not in list"); } } else { mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("IGN WP CURR CMD: Busy"); } } else { mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: target id mismatch"); } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_REQUEST_LIST: { mavlink_mission_request_list_t wprl; mavlink_msg_mission_request_list_decode(msg, &wprl); if (wprl.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /*&& wprl.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id*/) { wpm->timestamp_lastaction = now; if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE || wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST) { if (wpm->size > 0) { //if (verbose && wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE) // printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST_LIST from %u changing state to MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST\n", msg->sysid); // if (verbose && wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST) // printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST_LIST again from %u staying in state MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST\n", msg->sysid); wpm->current_state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST; wpm->current_wp_id = 0; wpm->current_partner_sysid = msg->sysid; wpm->current_partner_compid = msg->compid; } else { // if (verbose) // printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST_LIST from %u but have no waypoints, staying in \n", msg->sysid); } wpm->current_count = wpm->size; mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_count(msg->sysid, msg->compid, wpm->current_count); } else { // if (verbose) // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST_LIST because i'm doing something else already (state=%i).\n", wpm->current_state); } } else { // if (verbose) // printf("IGNORED WAYPOINT COMMAND BECAUSE TARGET SYSTEM AND COMPONENT MISMATCH\n"); } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_REQUEST: { mavlink_mission_request_t wpr; mavlink_msg_mission_request_decode(msg, &wpr); if (msg->sysid == wpm->current_partner_sysid && msg->compid == wpm->current_partner_compid && wpr.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /*&& wpr.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id*/) { wpm->timestamp_lastaction = now; //ensure that we are in the correct state and that the first request has id 0 and the following requests have either the last id (re-send last waypoint) or last_id+1 (next waypoint) if ((wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST && wpr.seq == 0) || (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS && (wpr.seq == wpm->current_wp_id || wpr.seq == wpm->current_wp_id + 1) && wpr.seq < wpm->size)) { if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("GOT WP REQ, state -> SEND"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST of waypoint %u from %u changing state to MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS\n", wpr.seq, msg->sysid); #endif } if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS && wpr.seq == wpm->current_wp_id + 1) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("GOT 2nd WP REQ"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST of waypoint %u from %u staying in state MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS\n", wpr.seq, msg->sysid); #endif } if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS && wpr.seq == wpm->current_wp_id) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("GOT 2nd WP REQ"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST of waypoint %u (again) from %u staying in state MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS\n", wpr.seq, msg->sysid); #endif } wpm->current_state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS; wpm->current_wp_id = wpr.seq; mavlink_mission_item_t wp; map_mission_item_to_mavlink_mission_item(&mission.items[wpr.seq], &wp); mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint(wpm->current_partner_sysid, wpm->current_partner_compid, &wp); } else { // if (verbose) { if (!(wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST || wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS)) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: Busy"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST because i'm doing something else already (state=%i).\n", wpm->current_state); #endif break; } else if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST) { if (wpr.seq != 0) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: First id != 0"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST because the first requested waypoint ID (%u) was not 0.\n", wpr.seq); #endif } } else if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST_SENDWPS) { if (wpr.seq != wpm->current_wp_id && wpr.seq != wpm->current_wp_id + 1) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: Req. WP was unexpected"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST because the requested waypoint ID (%u) was not the expected (%u or %u).\n", wpr.seq, wpm->current_wp_id, wpm->current_wp_id + 1); #endif } else if (wpr.seq >= wpm->size) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: Req. WP not in list"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST because the requested waypoint ID (%u) was out of bounds.\n", wpr.seq); #endif } } else { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: ?"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST - FIXME: missed error description\n"); #endif } } } } else { //we we're target but already communicating with someone else if ((wpr.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /*&& wpr.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id*/) && !(msg->sysid == wpm->current_partner_sysid && msg->compid == wpm->current_partner_compid)) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: Busy"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REQUEST from ID %u because i'm already talking to ID %u.\n", msg->sysid, wpm->current_partner_sysid); #endif } else { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: target id mismatch"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("IGNORED WAYPOINT COMMAND BECAUSE TARGET SYSTEM AND COMPONENT OR COMM PARTNER ID MISMATCH\n"); #endif } } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_COUNT: { mavlink_mission_count_t wpc; mavlink_msg_mission_count_decode(msg, &wpc); if (wpc.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid/* && wpc.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id*/) { wpm->timestamp_lastaction = now; if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE || (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST && wpm->current_wp_id == 0)) { // printf("wpc count in: %d\n",wpc.count); // printf("Comp id: %d\n",msg->compid); // printf("Current partner sysid: %d\n",wpm->current_partner_sysid); if (wpc.count > 0) { if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("WP CMD OK: state -> GETLIST"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_COUNT (%u) from %u changing state to MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST\n", wpc.count, msg->sysid); #endif } if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("WP CMD OK AGAIN"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_COUNT (%u) again from %u\n", wpc.count, msg->sysid); #endif } wpm->current_state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST; wpm->current_wp_id = 0; wpm->current_partner_sysid = msg->sysid; wpm->current_partner_compid = msg->compid; wpm->current_count = wpc.count; if (wpc.count > NUM_MISSIONS_SUPPORTED) { warnx("Too many waypoints: %d, supported: %d", wpc.count, NUM_MISSIONS_SUPPORTED); } else { /* prepare mission topic */ mission.count = wpc.count; } #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("CLR RCV BUF: READY"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("clearing receive buffer and readying for receiving waypoints\n"); #endif wpm->rcv_size = 0; //while(waypoints_receive_buffer->size() > 0) // { // delete waypoints_receive_buffer->back(); // waypoints_receive_buffer->pop_back(); // } mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_request(wpm->current_partner_sysid, wpm->current_partner_compid, wpm->current_wp_id); } else if (wpc.count == 0) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("COUNT 0"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("got waypoint count of 0, clearing waypoint list and staying in state MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE\n"); #endif wpm->rcv_size = 0; //while(waypoints_receive_buffer->size() > 0) // { // delete waypoints->back(); // waypoints->pop_back(); // } // wpm->current_active_wp_id = -1; // wpm->yaw_reached = false; // wpm->pos_reached = false; break; } else { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("IGN WP CMD"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignoring MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_COUNT from %u with count of %u\n", msg->sysid, wpc.count); #endif } } else { if (!(wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE || wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST)) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: Busy"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_COUNT because i'm doing something else already (state=%i).\n", wpm->current_state); #endif } else if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST && wpm->current_wp_id != 0) { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: Busy"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_COUNT because i'm already receiving waypoint %u.\n", wpm->current_wp_id); #endif } else { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: ?"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_COUNT - FIXME: missed error description\n"); #endif } } } else { #ifdef MAVLINK_WPM_NO_PRINTF mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("REJ. WP CMD: target id mismatch"); #else if (MAVLINK_WPM_VERBOSE) printf("IGNORED WAYPOINT COMMAND BECAUSE TARGET SYSTEM AND COMPONENT OR COMM PARTNER ID MISMATCH\n"); #endif } } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM: { mavlink_mission_item_t wp; mavlink_msg_mission_item_decode(msg, &wp); // mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("GOT WP"); // printf("sysid=%d, current_partner_sysid=%d\n", msg->sysid, wpm->current_partner_sysid); // printf("compid=%d, current_partner_compid=%d\n", msg->compid, wpm->current_partner_compid); // if((msg->sysid == wpm->current_partner_sysid && msg->compid == wpm->current_partner_compid) && (wp.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /*&& wp.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id*/)) if (wp.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid && wp.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id) { wpm->timestamp_lastaction = now; // printf("wpm->current_state=%u, wp.seq = %d, wpm->current_wp_id=%d\n", wpm->current_state, wp.seq, wpm->current_wp_id); // wpm->current_state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST;//removeme debug XXX TODO //ensure that we are in the correct state and that the first waypoint has id 0 and the following waypoints have the correct ids if ((wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST && wp.seq == 0) || (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST_GETWPS && wp.seq == wpm->current_wp_id && wp.seq < wpm->current_count)) { //mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("DEBUG 2"); // if (verbose && wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST) // printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM %u from %u changing state to MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST_GETWPS\n", wp.seq, msg->sysid); // if (verbose && wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST_GETWPS && wp.seq == wpm->current_wp_id) // printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM %u from %u\n", wp.seq, msg->sysid); // if (verbose && wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST_GETWPS && wp.seq-1 == wpm->current_wp_id) // printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM %u (again) from %u\n", wp.seq, msg->sysid); // wpm->current_state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST_GETWPS; mavlink_mission_item_t *newwp = &(wpm->rcv_waypoints[wp.seq]); memcpy(newwp, &wp, sizeof(mavlink_mission_item_t)); // printf("WP seq: %d\n",wp.seq); wpm->current_wp_id = wp.seq + 1; // if (verbose) // printf ("Added new waypoint to list. X= %f\t Y= %f\t Z= %f\t Yaw= %f\n", newwp->x, newwp->y, newwp->z, newwp->param4); // printf ("Added new waypoint to list. X= %f\t Y= %f\t Z= %f\t Yaw= %f\n", newwp->x, newwp->y, newwp->z, newwp->param4); // printf ("wpm->current_wp_id =%d, wpm->current_count=%d\n\n", wpm->current_wp_id, wpm->current_count); if (wpm->current_wp_id == wpm->current_count && wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST_GETWPS) { // mavlink_missionlib_send_gcs_string("GOT ALL WPS"); // if (verbose) // printf("Got all %u waypoints, changing state to MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE\n", wpm->current_count); mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_ack(wpm->current_partner_sysid, wpm->current_partner_compid, 0); // if (wpm->current_active_wp_id > wpm->rcv_size - 1) { // wpm->current_active_wp_id = wpm->rcv_size - 1; // } // switch the waypoints list // FIXME CHECK!!! uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < wpm->current_count; ++i) { wpm->waypoints[i] = wpm->rcv_waypoints[i]; map_mavlink_mission_item_to_mission_item(&wpm->rcv_waypoints[i], &mission.items[i]); } // TODO: update count? /* Initialize mission publication if necessary */ if (mission_pub < 0) { mission_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(mission), &mission); } else { orb_publish(ORB_ID(mission), mission_pub, &mission); } wpm->size = wpm->current_count; //get the new current waypoint // for (i = 0; i < wpm->size; i++) { // if (wpm->waypoints[i].current == 1) { // wpm->current_active_wp_id = i; // //// if (verbose) // printf("New current waypoint %u\n", current_active_wp_id); // // wpm->yaw_reached = false; // // wpm->pos_reached = false; // mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_current(wpm->current_active_wp_id); // // mavlink_wpm_send_setpoint(wpm->current_active_wp_id); // // wpm->timestamp_firstinside_orbit = 0; // break; // } // } // if (i == wpm->size) { // wpm->current_active_wp_id = -1; // wpm->yaw_reached = false; // wpm->pos_reached = false; // wpm->timestamp_firstinside_orbit = 0; // } wpm->current_state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE; } else { mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_request(wpm->current_partner_sysid, wpm->current_partner_compid, wpm->current_wp_id); } } else { if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE) { //we're done receiving waypoints, answer with ack. mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_ack(wpm->current_partner_sysid, wpm->current_partner_compid, 0); printf("Received MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM while state=MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE, answered with WAYPOINT_ACK.\n"); } // if (verbose) { if (!(wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST || wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST_GETWPS)) { // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM %u because i'm doing something else already (state=%i).\n", wp.seq, wpm->current_state); break; } else if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST) { if (!(wp.seq == 0)) { // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM because the first waypoint ID (%u) was not 0.\n", wp.seq); } else { // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM %u - FIXME: missed error description\n", wp.seq); } } else if (wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST_GETWPS) { if (!(wp.seq == wpm->current_wp_id)) { // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM because the waypoint ID (%u) was not the expected %u.\n", wp.seq, wpm->current_wp_id); mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_request(wpm->current_partner_sysid, wpm->current_partner_compid, wpm->current_wp_id); } else if (!(wp.seq < wpm->current_count)) { // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM because the waypoint ID (%u) was out of bounds.\n", wp.seq); } else { // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM %u - FIXME: missed error description\n", wp.seq); } } else { // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM %u - FIXME: missed error description\n", wp.seq); } } } } else { //we we're target but already communicating with someone else if ((wp.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /*&& wp.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id*/) && !(msg->sysid == wpm->current_partner_sysid && msg->compid == wpm->current_partner_compid) && wpm->current_state != MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE) { // if (verbose) // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM %u from ID %u because i'm already talking to ID %u.\n", wp.seq, msg->sysid, wpm->current_partner_sysid); } else if (wp.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /* && wp.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id*/) { // if (verbose) // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM %u from ID %u because i have no idea what to do with it\n", wp.seq, msg->sysid); } } break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_CLEAR_ALL: { mavlink_mission_clear_all_t wpca; mavlink_msg_mission_clear_all_decode(msg, &wpca); if (wpca.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /*&& wpca.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id */ && wpm->current_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE) { wpm->timestamp_lastaction = now; // if (verbose) // printf("Got MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_CLEAR_LIST from %u deleting all waypoints\n", msg->sysid); // Delete all waypoints wpm->size = 0; // wpm->current_active_wp_id = -1; // wpm->yaw_reached = false; // wpm->pos_reached = false; /* prepare mission topic */ mission.count = 0; memset(mission.items, 0, sizeof(struct mission_item_s)*NUM_MISSIONS_SUPPORTED); /* Initialize mission publication if necessary */ if (mission_pub < 0) { mission_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(mission), &mission); } else { orb_publish(ORB_ID(mission), mission_pub, &mission); } warnx("Mission cleared"); mavlink_wpm_send_waypoint_ack(wpm->current_partner_sysid, wpm->current_partner_compid, MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED); } else if (wpca.target_system == mavlink_system.sysid /*&& wpca.target_component == mavlink_wpm_comp_id */ && wpm->current_state != MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE) { // if (verbose) // printf("Ignored MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_CLEAR_LIST from %u because i'm doing something else already (state=%i).\n", msg->sysid, wpm->current_state); warnx("not cleared"); } break; } default: { // if (debug) // printf("Waypoint: received message of unknown type"); break; } } // check_waypoints_reached(now, global_pos, local_pos); }