/* Copyright (C) 2007 Garrett A. Kajmowicz This file is part of the uClibc++ Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __STD_HEADER_ASSOCIATIVE_BASE #define __STD_HEADER_ASSOCIATIVE_BASE #pragma GCC visibility push(default) namespace std{ /* * The basic premise here is that most of the code used by map, multimap, set and * multiset is really common. There are a number of interface additions, and * considerations about how to address multiple entries with the same key. * The goal is that the tree/storage code should be here, and managing * single or multiple counts will be left to subclasses. * Yes, inheritence for the purpose of code sharing is usually a bad idea. * However, since our goal is to reduce the total amount of code written * and the overall binary size, this seems to be the best approach possible. */ template, class Allocator = allocator > class __base_associative; template class _associative_iter; template class _associative_citer; template, class Allocator = allocator > class __single_associative; template, class Allocator = allocator > class __multi_associative; template class _UCXXEXPORT __base_associative{ protected: public: typedef Key key_type; typedef ValueType value_type; typedef Compare key_compare; typedef Allocator allocator_type; typedef typename Allocator::reference reference; typedef typename Allocator::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename Allocator::size_type size_type; typedef typename Allocator::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename Allocator::pointer pointer; typedef typename Allocator::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef __base_associative associative_type; typedef _associative_iter iterator; typedef _associative_citer const_iterator; typedef typename std::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; typedef typename std::reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; explicit __base_associative(const Compare& comp, const Allocator& A, const key_type (*v_to_k)(const value_type)) : c(comp), value_to_key(v_to_k) { } protected: __base_associative(const associative_type& x) : c(x.c), backing(x.backing), value_to_key(x.value_to_key) { } public: ~__base_associative(){ } bool empty() const{ return backing.empty(); } size_type size() const{ return backing.size(); } size_type max_size() const{ return backing.max_size(); } iterator begin(){ return iterator(backing.begin()); } const_iterator begin() const{ return const_iterator(backing.begin()); } iterator end() { return iterator(backing.end()); } const_iterator end() const{ return const_iterator(backing.end()); } reverse_iterator rbegin(){ return reverse_iterator(end()); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const{ return const_reverse_iterator(end()); } reverse_iterator rend(){ return reverse_iterator(begin()); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const{ return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); } iterator lower_bound(const key_type &x); const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type &x) const; iterator upper_bound(const key_type &x); const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type &x) const; pair equal_range(const key_type& x){ pair retval; retval.first = lower_bound(x); retval.second = retval.first; while(retval.second != end() && !c(x, value_to_key(*retval.second))){ ++retval.second; } return retval; } pair equal_range(const key_type& x) const{ pair retval; retval.first = lower_bound(x); retval.second = retval.first; while(retval.second != end() && !c(x, value_to_key(*retval.second))){ ++retval.second; } return retval; } iterator find(const key_type& x){ iterator retval = lower_bound(x); if(retval == end()){ return retval; } if(c(x, value_to_key(*retval))){ return end(); } return retval; } const_iterator find(const key_type& x) const{ const_iterator retval = lower_bound(x); if(retval == end()){ return retval; } if(c(x, value_to_key(*retval))){ return end(); } return retval; } size_type count(const key_type& x) const{ size_type retval(0); const_iterator first = lower_bound(x); while(first != end() && !c(x, value_to_key(*first))){ ++retval; ++first; } return retval; } void clear(){ backing.clear(); } void erase(iterator pos){ backing.erase(pos.base_iterator()); } size_type erase(const key_type& x){ size_type count(0); iterator start = lower_bound(x); iterator end = upper_bound(x); while(start != end){ start = backing.erase(start.base_iterator()); ++count; } return count; } void erase(iterator first, iterator last){ while(first != last){ backing.erase(first.base_iterator()); ++first; } } key_compare key_comp() const{ return c; } __base_associative &operator=(const __base_associative & x){ c = x.c; backing = x.backing; value_to_key = x.value_to_key; return *this; } bool operator==(const __base_associative & x){ return x.backing == backing; } bool operator!=(const __base_associative & x){ return !(x.backing == backing); } protected: void swap(__base_associative & x); Compare c; std::list backing; const key_type (*value_to_key)(const value_type); }; /* * Tree iterators for the base associative class */ template class _associative_citer : public std::iterator< bidirectional_iterator_tag, ValueType, typename Allocator::difference_type, ValueType*, ValueType& > { protected: typedef std::list listtype; typename listtype::const_iterator base_iter; friend class _associative_iter; public: _associative_citer() { } _associative_citer(const _associative_citer & m) : base_iter(m.base_iter) { } _associative_citer(const typename listtype::const_iterator & m) : base_iter(m) { } ~_associative_citer() { } ValueType operator*() const{ return *base_iter; } const ValueType * operator->() const{ return &(*base_iter); } _associative_citer & operator=(const _associative_citer & m){ base_iter = m.base_iter; return *this; } bool operator==(const _associative_citer & m) const{ return m.base_iter == base_iter; } bool operator!=(const _associative_citer & m) const{ return m.base_iter != base_iter; } _associative_citer & operator++(){ ++base_iter; return *this; } _associative_citer operator++(int){ //The following approach ensures that we only need to //provide code for ++ in one place (above) _associative_citer temp(base_iter); ++base_iter; return temp; } _associative_citer & operator--(){ --base_iter; return *this; } _associative_citer operator--(int){ //The following approach ensures that we only need to //provide code for -- in one place (above) _associative_citer temp(base_iter); --base_iter; return temp; } //This is an implementation-defined function designed to make internals work correctly typename listtype::const_iterator base_iterator(){ return base_iter; } }; template class _associative_iter : public std::iterator< bidirectional_iterator_tag, ValueType, typename Allocator::difference_type, ValueType*, ValueType& > { protected: typedef std::list listtype; typename listtype::iterator base_iter; typedef _associative_citer __associative_citer; public: _associative_iter() { } _associative_iter(const _associative_iter & m) : base_iter(m.base_iter) { } _associative_iter(const typename listtype::iterator & m) : base_iter(m) { } ~_associative_iter() { } const ValueType & operator*() const{ return *base_iter; } ValueType & operator*(){ return *base_iter; } ValueType * operator->(){ return &(*base_iter); } const ValueType * operator->() const{ return &(*base_iter); } _associative_iter & operator=(const _associative_iter & m){ base_iter = m.base_iter; return *this; } bool operator==(const _associative_iter & m) const{ return m.base_iter == base_iter; } bool operator==(const __associative_citer & m) const{ return m.base_iter == base_iter; } bool operator!=(const _associative_iter & m) const{ return m.base_iter != base_iter; } bool operator!=(const __associative_citer & m) const{ return m.base_iter != base_iter; } _associative_iter & operator++(){ ++base_iter; return *this; } _associative_iter operator++(int){ //The following approach ensures that we only need to //provide code for ++ in one place (above) _associative_iter temp(base_iter); ++base_iter; return temp; } _associative_iter & operator--(){ --base_iter; return *this; } _associative_iter operator--(int){ //The following approach ensures that we only need to //provide code for -- in one place (above) _associative_iter temp(base_iter); --base_iter; return temp; } operator __associative_citer() const{ return __associative_citer(base_iter); } typename listtype::iterator base_iterator(){ return base_iter; } const typename listtype::iterator base_iterator() const{ return base_iter; } }; // The lower_bound code is really crappy linear search. However, it is a dead // simple implementation (easy to audit). It can also be easily replaced. template typename __base_associative::iterator __base_associative::lower_bound(const key_type &x) { iterator retval = begin(); while(retval != end() && c(value_to_key(*retval), x)){ ++retval; } return retval; } template typename __base_associative::const_iterator __base_associative::lower_bound(const key_type &x) const { const_iterator retval = begin(); while(retval != end() && c(value_to_key(*retval), x)){ ++retval; } return retval; } // Upper bound search is linear from the point of lower_bound. This is likely the best solution // in all but the most pathological of cases. template typename __base_associative::iterator __base_associative::upper_bound(const key_type &x) { iterator retval = lower_bound(x); while(retval != end() && !c(x, value_to_key(*retval))){ ++retval; } return retval; } template typename __base_associative::const_iterator __base_associative::upper_bound(const key_type &x) const { const_iterator retval = begin(); while(retval != end() && !c(x, value_to_key(*retval))){ ++retval; } return retval; } template void __base_associative::swap(__base_associative& m) { Compare n = c; c = m.c; m.c = n; m.backing.swap(backing); } template class _UCXXEXPORT __single_associative : public __base_associative { protected: typedef __base_associative base; using base::backing; using base::c; public: typedef typename base::key_type key_type; typedef typename base::value_type value_type; typedef typename base::key_compare key_compare; typedef typename base::allocator_type allocator_type; typedef typename base::reference reference; typedef typename base::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename base::iterator iterator; typedef typename base::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename base::size_type size_type; typedef typename base::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename base::pointer pointer; typedef typename base::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef typename base::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; typedef typename base::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; using base::begin; using base::end; using base::rbegin; using base::rend; using base::empty; using base::size; using base::max_size; using base::find; using base::count; using base::lower_bound; using base::upper_bound; using base::equal_range; using base::operator=; using base::operator==; using base::operator!=; explicit __single_associative(const Compare& comp, const Allocator& A, const key_type (*v_to_k)(const value_type)) : base(comp, A, v_to_k) { } template __single_associative( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Compare& comp, const Allocator& A, const key_type (*v_to_k)(const value_type) ) : base(comp, A, v_to_k) { insert(first, last); } pair insert(const value_type& x){ pair retval; iterator location = lower_bound(this->value_to_key(x)); retval.second = true; //Empty list or need to insert at end if(end() == location){ backing.push_back(x); retval.first = --(end()); return retval; } //Something in the list if(c(this->value_to_key(x), this->value_to_key(*location))){ location = backing.insert(location.base_iterator(), x); retval.first = location; }else{ retval.second = false; retval.first = location; } return retval; } iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x){ // FIXME - this is cheating and probably should be more efficient since we are // now log(n) to find for inserts return insert(x).first; } template void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last){ while(first != last){ insert(*first); ++first; } } }; template class _UCXXEXPORT __multi_associative : public __base_associative { protected: typedef __base_associative base; using base::backing; using base::c; public: typedef typename base::key_type key_type; typedef typename base::value_type value_type; typedef typename base::key_compare key_compare; typedef typename base::allocator_type allocator_type; typedef typename base::reference reference; typedef typename base::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename base::iterator iterator; typedef typename base::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename base::size_type size_type; typedef typename base::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename base::pointer pointer; typedef typename base::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef typename base::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; typedef typename base::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; using base::begin; using base::end; using base::rbegin; using base::rend; using base::empty; using base::size; using base::max_size; using base::find; using base::count; using base::lower_bound; using base::upper_bound; using base::equal_range; using base::operator=; using base::operator==; explicit __multi_associative(const Compare& comp, const Allocator& A, const key_type (*v_to_k)(const value_type)) : base(comp, A, v_to_k) { } template __multi_associative( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Compare& comp, const Allocator& A, const key_type (*v_to_k)(const value_type) ) : base(comp, A, v_to_k) { insert(first, last); } iterator insert(const value_type& x){ iterator location = lower_bound(this->value_to_key(x)); if(location == begin()){ backing.push_front(x); location = begin(); }else{ location = backing.insert(location.base_iterator(), x); } return location; } iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x){ // FIXME - this is cheating and probably should be more efficient since we are // now log(n) to find for inserts return insert(x); } template void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last){ while(first != last){ insert(*first); ++first; } } }; } #pragma GCC visibility pop #endif //__STD_HEADER_ASSOCIATIVE_BASE