AIC Advanced Interrupt Controller (Atmel SAM) ADC Analog to Digital Conversion ARP Address Resolution Protocol (networking) BCH Block to Character CAN Controller Area Network DEVIF Device Interface (networking) DAC Digital to Analog Conversion DEV Device DRAM Dynamic RAM FAT File Allocation Table FTL FLASH Translation Layer I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit I2S Inter IC Sound ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol (networking) IOB I/O Buffer (networking) LIBC The "C" Library MM Memory Management/Manager MMC Multi-Media Card MMCSD See MMC and SD MTD Memory Technology Device NFS Network File System NETDEV Network Device (networking) NSH NuttShell NX NuttX, the NuttX Graphics server (graphics) NXFFS NuttX Flash File System NXWM The NuttX Window Manager (graphics) PID Peripheral ID (Atmel SAM) PWM Pulse Width Modulation PKT "Raw" Packet socket (networking) RAM Random Access Memory SAIC Secure Advanced Interrupt Controller (Atmel SAM) SD Secure Digital SPI Serial Periperhal Interface TCP Transmission Control Protocol (networking) TSC Touchscreen Controller TWI Two-Wire Interface UDP User Datagram Protocol (networking) UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus USART Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter WDT Watchdog Timer